DayZ, Arma2, Arma3


Molten Core Raider
damn sounds like I missed some good fun, should be able to play tonight been watching streams since im not able to play, and someone mentioned on liriks stream that if you turn your field of view all the way down, you can see farther/ more detail? haven't tried it.


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
My favorite part of last night was hiding in the back room in the grocery store during the firefight. I may have been covering the back entrances, but I was also being a coward.


Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
I am surprised the dude that had the m4 didnt sweep around and come through the back entrances, while positioning the guy with the mosin out front to keep Wrath and myself at bay. I'm sure you will get backdoor action next time.


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
There's three doors even! It was like a goddamn Monty Hall problem for me. No goat, no car, just death.


Molten Core Raider
ive seen this guy stalking lirik on his stream, I always wanted to set up some kinda voice thing like that to fuck with people, hes literally stalking lirik keeps popping up near him and dcing its the guy in the yellow raincoat.

hes teleporting right to lirik.... some bullshit scripting? yep hes hacking or scripting whatever lmao he just popped up capped the people that helped lirik and he disappeared.


FoH nuclear response team
Just logged on in the middle of nowhere, was about to head towards Pusta and got blasted almost immediately. All those 60 round clips gone... I call shenanigans.


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
I'll prolly be on tonight for a few hours if anyone else is down for goodtimes


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>



Molten Core Raider
Sir I need to cross the border, we just moved here this is my family im bringing back KFC, we don't have passports. lmao

some random says ANYTHING FOR YOU DADDY "awkward silence" on second thought GET THE FUCK OUT


Still don't get this game. I know it's only in alpha, but based on the livestreams I watched it looks extremely buggy and boring. Like people running for miles then trying to melee zombies that don't react then dying for no reason.


Molten Core Raider
like I posted earlier, it seems the guy in the yellow raincoat in bisi' video is using the teleport script, he was following lirik for a few hours today totally popping up randomly then logging off, but other than this guy? haven't seen anything fishy when ive played.

evasiege, it definitely needs to be fleshed out, like adding cars more guns etc etc it is in alpha but very playable its also a lot more fun with a buddy or group.


Hate I couldn't get back on tonight but last night was fairly awesome. Had a stream up of a fairly wicked firefight with Adebisi and Muurloen at the incredible distance of something like 5m, but unfortunately something with standalone is causing massive frame drops with the software I use for twitch (OBS). Going to have to change up my settings quite a bit to get this right, I hadn't been streaming until the game got a few patches but I've noticed it is unbearably choppy. Not a problem with my connection or PC, or even OBS or twitch itself, as I tested my DayZ mod streaming and a few other games for a bit and didn't experience the issue. Don't know exactly what's going on with standalone, but if anyone's got experience with twitch streaming, or more specifically, DayZ standalone twitch streaming, I'd appreciate input. Was a damn shame for that footage to get all chopped up.

We ran into two guys in the town/village above cherno with all the highrise apartments while we were looting one of the markets there. Managed to spot them a split second before one of them opened up full auto with his M4, saved by a cash register for cover. Muurloen dodged a mosin headshot by centimeters. From the choppy ass stream, it looked like the bullet hit him in the ear. Luckily, we ran into tards that didn't understand the concept of cover.

And of course, Adebisi gets the combat MVP for immediately fleeing to the darkness of the storage room.

I'd highly recommend anyone who plays to start up a twitch account and snag OBS for free and set up a stream. Not necessarily so you can get viewers, but just so you can go back and look at some of the crazier moments that DayZ can provide. Even setting the channel to private and never sharing it with another soul, it's really cool to be able to rewind and see how the session played out, and it's a relatively straightforward install/setup and doesn't consume HDD space like a fraps or dxtory recording inevitably will.


Still don't get this game. I know it's only in alpha, but based on the livestreams I watched it looks extremely buggy and boring. Like people running for miles then trying to melee zombies that don't react then dying for no reason.
Read some of posts about DayZ experiences and stories. People obviously aren't playing because they enjoy experiencing bugs and long runs.