DayZ, Arma2, Arma3


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
So basically they're gaming cam whores?

I need to find out who the actual pros are


Is this mod really as good as everyone says it is?
I played Arma II, hated it and uninstalled it. Haven't touched it since but everyone seems to love this mod.


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
Is this mod really as good as everyone says it is?
I played Arma II, hated it and uninstalled it. Haven't touched it since but everyone seems to love this mod.
I played it for like three months straight awhile back. There was a lot of exploiting asshole issues back then, so I just stopped playing in anticipation of the standalone version. Many people have come back since they've made mods of the mod to make it even more interesting. Personally I've only played vanilla DayZ.

It's fun if you don't mind a bit of punishment:
Having no idea where you are on the massive map
Difficult inventory system
Guns and ammo hard to come by
Zombie aggro from gun shots
Everything is trying to kill you (thirst, PvP, zombies, sickness, broken bones)


Is this mod really as good as everyone says it is?
I played Arma II, hated it and uninstalled it. Haven't touched it since but everyone seems to love this mod.
The player interaction and PVP in Dayz is the most exciting feeling you will experience in any game. It's basically exactly how you would expect in the zombie apocalypse; some people will shoot you on sight for your gear or just to shoot you, and some will be friendly and team up. With the friendly people you never know if you can really trust them, or if they'll shoot you once they see an opening to take your gear. The maps are massive, which is a lot of what makes it fun. You might not run into someone for hours, but is it worth taking the risk running into a city for gear when zombies or bandits may see you?

The UI and controls are clunky, but you get used to them.


So basically they're gaming cam whores?

I need to find out who the actual pros are
Never watched a live stream but I periodically watch people's gameplay videos on games I currently play. Usually games that change as you play better or differently. I did it for Chivalry recently and not only learned how much I sucked and how to get better but actually saw the experience you get when you are good at a game.

I played hundreds of hours on DayZ and never had a good squad. This guy had some footage I therefore truly enjoyed:



Been playing a lot of Overwatch. If anyone else plays we should team up. I messed around with Origins for a bit but I always seem to go back to vanilla DayZ which it feels like Overwatch is an improvement of


You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Azziane again. Cool video. I love the moment leading up to the engage. Must have been intense.


Molten Core Raider
How are the hackers/cheaters nowadays? When I quit playing it was quite the epidemic, wondering if I should re-download and check the game out again. Had a great time playing it in the past.


I played it for like three months straight awhile back. There was a lot of exploiting asshole issues back then, so I just stopped playing in anticipation of the standalone version. Many people have come back since they've made mods of the mod to make it even more interesting. Personally I've only played vanilla DayZ.

It's fun if you don't mind a bit of punishment:
Having no idea where you are on the massive map
Difficult inventory system
Guns and ammo hard to come by
Zombie aggro from gun shots
Everything is trying to kill you (thirst, PvP, zombies, sickness, broken bones)
Forgot the best part...If you think you're in a good area, you're not, because all someone has to do is join another server, go to the spot, rejoin the server, magically appear near you, and kill you.


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
Forgot the best part...If you think you're in a good area, you're not, because all someone has to do is join another server, go to the spot, rejoin the server, magically appear near you, and kill you.
I'm hoping standalone doesn't allow this.

I'm also hoping standalone doesn't have the same godaweful load times. Is it just me or does it take forever to join a game?


I'm hoping standalone doesn't allow this.

I'm also hoping standalone doesn't have the same godaweful load times. Is it just me or does it take forever to join a game?
I love how Origins servers take a full minute (exactly 60 seconds, every single time to "connect and sync with the hive"). You know ... since Origins does not use any hive.

As for hackers I never had a problem with them. I see fishy stuff sometimes but never obvious hacking. I always play on servers with active admins. The battle logging is mostly fixed on Origins and Epoch which is all I've played recently. As for people getting to your "safe area" I'm not sure I feel bad. Unless you're camping, in which case I can't muster the compassion to feel bad for you. And that also is fixed in Origins and Epoch.


What server you playing on Wrath?
Slampocalypse Epoch. Admins are awesome, no hacks to speak of, and Epoch's got a nice balance between gameplay styles. Although I generally prefer the absolutely brutal difficulty of Vanilla high pop PvP, it just gets old after a while. Epoch doesn't suffer from Vanilla's pub (and most private) servers staggering scarcity of vehicles. On my home pub server, 3480, I've nearly never come across a vehicle, and it seems to be the issue spread across the public hives. Assholes just hoard them so you're stuck hoofing it unless you want to spend hours scouring the bounds of the map and desolate forests looking for anything to drive, only to have it stolen by the one group on the server to have a chopper.

Epoch's got base building and economy system so the whole game doesn't have to revolve around looting and killing other players, but there's still a fair amount of PvP to be had, and some awesome opportunities for vehicle PvP. I've got a group of around 7 people who play 6-7 hours on most nights, largely base building and vehicle hunting, but occasionally doing really cool vehicle raids. I mostly just let them do the base building and hang out in high trafficked areas to snipe off people and take their cash and items and to spot out targets of opportunity for the others.

I've taken a break for a bit, though, now that Rome 2 and Space Hulk are out, but I'll hop back in from time to time. If you decide to jump on the server and work with a squad and see Decreped, Daranhiss, Maple, or TianRunty, tell them alcoholic Jendryk sent you. They've got a very nice base with a staggering amount of armed vehicles set up as well as their own TS. If you decide to give it a try, let me know and I'll hop on for a bit. Or just PM me and I'll give you the TS info and let the guys know who you are so there's not an unfortunate issue of being shot in the face by them.


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
If any lurkers are interested in DayZ the Arma II collection is on sale for 8 bucks on steam.


And now my Watch has ended...
Booooo, thought this would be the announcement saying they are close to their stand alone release.
Im playing epoch on BMRF #1, which has no protection on traders. Harsher but more exciting. Checked out dayz a year ago or something and forgot about it. Game is fucking sweet now. 1.0.3 epoch is around the corner with upgradeable vehicles, chainsaws and lots of stuff you can build, cant wait. Left my current MMO to play this.



Molten Core Raider
any more solid news on when this early access dayz standalone is coming to steam?

was gonna grab dayz during the winter sale but if this is close might just grab the standalone, all i see is june wich sucks.