DayZ, Arma2, Arma3


Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
There are rumblings that a patch is going to be coming out today and will introduce the long barrel and sawed off double barrel shotguns. The sawed off version can be used as a secondary weapon, taking the place of a pistol.


And also they will be addressing combat logging.


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
Can you loot someone's bag while they're alive? Like basically walk up to them and steal from them?


I suck at this game, maybe it is because I have never played a FPS, even if this is not really a true example. I still have not found a gun and the one time I got an ax I decided to go zombie hunting and got injured so bad I eventually went unconscious. I get geared up again, the best I have been so far (full backpack, but still no gun) and decided to climb some construction project to take a look at what direction I want to go to next and proceed to accidentally walk off the side and die. I want to get to the point where I can meet up with you guys but I have some work to do :emoji_nose: though I am have a bunch of fun. Oh and I guess this should be obvious but don't eat rotten fruit, I died from this as well.


Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
I suck at this game, maybe it is because I have never played a FPS, even if this is not really a true example. I still have not found a gun and the one time I got an ax I decided to go zombie hunting and got injured so bad I eventually went unconscious. I get geared up again, the best I have been so far (full backpack, but still no gun) and decided to climb some construction project to take a look at what direction I want to go to next and proceed to accidentally walk off the side and die. I want to get to the point where I can meet up with you guys but I have some work to do :emoji_nose: though I am have a bunch of fun. Oh and I guess this should be obvious but don't eat rotten fruit, I died from this as well.
If you are gonna melee zombies, do not try to tank them. Circle kite them as much as possible while you bash their brains in. You will get the hang of avoiding their strikes and whacking in no time.

Every weapon that you pick up will require multiple hits to kill a zombie, aside from a fireman's axe which only requires 1 hit. Some of the multiple hit weapons will only knock the zombie down. You will know that you have only stunned the zombie when the zombie lands on it's back instead of it's face. You can keep on beating on it while it is down, and hopefully kill it before it stands up again.

Hope that helps.


Everyone who wants in on the event should do their best to make their way over to Kamenka, far west of Balota airfield. It'll be a good start, and if anyone isn't geared yet we'll have a decent chance of picking off another player and getting someone kitted out quickly. As of now, we have Muurleon, Helldiver, brekk, edaw, Adebisi, Nemesis (I think), and myself parked in the general vicinity of Balota. I'd encourage anyone who wants to meet up to make their way west and try to gear along the way.

If enough people die or relocate before now and Friday night, we can move the meet up to the eastern side. There's also the option of setting up another team composed of people out east, meeting us at Elektro or Cherno. I'm open to suggestions, only done this a few times with an actual squad (and no vehicles).


Get a goddamn ax before you think of getting a gun. Zombies riding your dick all the way through town while your trying to get something to eat and drink is a massive pain the ass.
truth, but as long as you've got a kitchen knife or somethin you can still 1-2 shot em if you hit em in the head. hell, I've circle strafed and punched/baseball batted many a zombie to death too... as long as you hit em in the head you're good!


I want to get to the point where I can meet up with you guys but I have some work to do
Dolaan, have you listed your steam name? Friend me and I'd be happy to help you gear up and show you the ropes. The trick is just minimizing combat with zombies unless necessary, and doing as much of your gear up as you can on a low-pop server until you're ready for the big leagues.

It'll be 10000x easier if you have a mic and can get on TeamSpeak as well.


I would love to join you guys, posted my Steam name further up, going to be on in 30 mins, would not mind an invite to the rr group also, got mic and can get on ts. Get dull after a while alone.


Actually, scratch my earlier edit. We should meet near Berezino. This way we'll be able to gear RR people with our extra rifles/pistols, as well as abduct new spawns to use them as bait to lure out snipers and other bandit squads from cover. Additionally, if any one of us gets picked off early on, we'll be able to get a close spawn on the eastern coast so we can preserve the corpses.

Anyone who wants to join in should eventually make their way east to the treelines near Berezino. If we can't make that happen, we can use a western team to scout the approaches from Balota and Cherno, locating enemy squads hanging out around Balota and outlying areas.

I'm thinking endgame is clearing out the west then taking up sniper positions in the town just northeast of Balota. With the long range scope, you can literally see from the airstrip all the way to the eastern side of Cherno and all the approaches to/from the highrise apartment town. Seriously. The only thing limiting the view up there is render distance. They're the tallest buildings with better view than anything else in the game other than Green Mountain, and you'd have to be a madman to scale that thing in the Standalone.


Actually, scratch my earlier edit. We should meet near Berezino. This way we'll be able to gear RR people with our extra rifles/pistols, as well as abduct new spawns to use them as bait to lure out snipers and other bandit squads from cover. Additionally, if any one of us gets picked off early on, we'll be able to get a close spawn on the eastern coast so we can preserve the corpses.

Anyone who wants to join in should eventually make their way east to the treelines near Berezino. If we can't make that happen, we can use a western team to scout the approaches from Balota and Cherno, locating enemy squads hanging out around Balota and outlying areas.

I'm thinking endgame is clearing out the west then taking up sniper positions in the town just northeast of Balota. With the long range scope, you can literally see from the airstrip all the way to the eastern side of Cherno and all the approaches to/from the highrise apartment town. Seriously. The only thing limiting the view up there is render distance. They're the tallest buildings with better view than anything else in the game other than Green Mountain, and you'd have to be a madman to scale that thing in the Standalone.
I support this motion, since im countersniping NE airfield. Invite me to steam group:
Steam Community :: Remit


Bronze Knight of the Realm
In order of priority (feel free to edit):

1) Fire axe, or Hatchet: With the fire axe being a priority over the hatchet. Back away from the zombie until it does its swing animation and then smack it with the axe.
2) Can Opener: Combat Knife as well, both do not lose you food. But the Combat Knife seems to be pretty rare. If you use anything else, you'll lose about 40% of the food from a can. A kitchen knife is not a combat knife.
3) Bandages: Made by ripping up a shirt only. You can also find bandages in medical kits.
4) Compass: Third priority until you memorize the map. Not that important if you're rolling with a group.
5) Canned Food: Beans first, followed by tuna, sardines, spaghetti and so on. Stay away from rice, cereal, and powdered milk. Rotten food is a no go.

6) Any Jacket: Hoodies, Raincoats, TTKso clothing. Helps with the condensation blowing out of your mouth plus give you extra space.
7) Backpack: The bigger the better, preferably green. The mountain backpack having the most storage (35 slots). Although I'm going with the Hunting backpack (30 slots) do to the OD green drab color.
8) Water Bottles or Canteens.
9) Rifle/Gun. Really a mater of preference. Which ever rifle you get, you want a scope to go with it, Pristine or Worn. On the M4, the hand guards should be pristine to help with accuracy.

Everything else
10) PASGT Helmet.
11) Pistol or Magnum Revolver.
12) Extra ammo.

Note I didn't say canteens or water bottles as critical. These are important, but not critical enough compared to the above items. If you work from well to well, or pond to pond and drink until your guy can't drink anymore, water won't be an issue. Water will become an issue when they add infections in. Supposedly drinking from a pond carries a risk of infection. However the infrastructure (Tin can, fire places) aren't in the game yet, so for now you can drink from a pond just fine.

Medical Supplies
Aside from Painkillers and the Morphine Auto-injector, I really wouldn't worry about these until you get in with a group of players. Most of them (like epi-pens, saline bags and blood transfusions) are really designed for another player to apply them to you. The Morphine Auto-injector heals broken bones. If you've lost a lot of blood and are greyed, simply eat and drink until your character can't anymore (do not eat beyond the warning as you will throw up and make maters worse). Simply log off for a few hours, or keep playing and gradually your blood levels will go back to normal. You do not need the "healthy" status to regen blood. Having the healthy status makes the process faster however.

Blood test kit: If you don't know your blood type, use this kit as soon as you find it and jot your blood type down. Then consult theBlood Compatibility Chartto determine what blood can be donated to you. To be honest, as long as you eat and drink plenty (while greyed) the blood will return. So that whole process is currently a bit trivial. It will definitely become more important when the game matures a bit more. Part of the problem is that someone else has to give you the blood transfusion. So it's really designed for squad and group play. O- can donate to anyone. One of the things I'm wondering is if we'll be able to label blood bags...


Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
Couple of things to add on here.

2) Can Opener: Combat Knife as well, both do not lose you food. But the Combat Knife seems to be pretty rare. If you use anything else, you'll lose about 40% of the food from a can. A kitchen knife is not a combat knife.

Any sharp object can open up a can. But as Helldiver said, you will lose a portion of whatever can you open using a tool other than a can opener.

3) Bandages: Made by ripping up a shirt only. You can also find bandages in medical kits.

Rags made by ripping up your shirt to run the risk of infection if you do not have a disinfection bottle to spray them down. Bandages found in med-kits are always sterile.

5) Canned Food: Beans first, followed by tuna, sardines, spaghetti and so on. Stay away from rice and cereal. Rotten food is a no go.

Rice is absolutely amazing if you are near a well or stream to drink from. Yes they do dry you out, but it has a major impact in getting your blood back to full, thus allow you to regen health an elevated rate. If you have a water source near, or a ton of water from canteens, and have the bag space, rice is great source of food.

Furthermore, soft drinks should be consumed almost as soon as you find them. They do not dehydrate you, in fact they hydrate you, albeit just a small amount. They also have some calories tied to them, but they are also minor.

8) Water Bottles or Canteens.

If you are choosing between the two of these for bag space, go with canteens. They whole a lot more water and take up the same amount of bag space.


Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
So I played a little bit during my lunch break. I made a run from Zelengorosk to the Balota military tents to link up withe Edaw and Oneshot. By the time I arrive it was almost time for me to go and I needed to head out to find a safe place to log. Out of nowhere, the thundering sound of death rang out less than 25m away behind me. Edaw had been shot and killed by a bandit armed with a mosin right around the area between the most central/northern pill box and the eastern latrine. I guess the bandit didn't spot Oneshot or myself. I was able to take up an excellent firing position on this bandit, exacted revenge swiftly and ruined his day. Good times.

p.s. I need to get this streaming thing situated so that this story could have been captured.


Remit, join the RR group, and then join our TeamSpeak. we are server hopping to get everyone max geared up in preparation for our mass group activities


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
My priorities when fresh spawning is:

1. Take off my shirt and tear into rags (for use when a zombie hits me in my first few minutes of playing)
2. Get something to drink (water pump is a quick fix)
3. Find an ax
4. Pick up pants and hoodies for more storage
5. Gather food and drink
..get a backpack
..get guns

NOTE: Eat and drink everything you can find until you're stuffed. Don't hoard food in your storage until then.