DayZ, Arma2, Arma3


Lord Nagafen Raider
Yeah so after playing the mod for ages I just got this and am looking for peeps to hang 'round with. Got a RL friend to play the game but hes a noob and I keep having to baby him up to get geared and he usually manages to die when I look away 2 mins. Usually from falling. Ugh.


FoH nuclear response team
HEY! *I'M* the one that made his butt bleed...

I axed pissflaps to put him out of his misery when he was getting raped by a zombie, and I axed this corpse and made his bumbum leak human juice

but sure.. give all the credit to Jendryk
LOL I wasn't giving him credit, I was saying he's an ass pirate!

Post your steamid Trollocaust and we'll get you some invites.


Bronze Knight of the Realm

Will trade it for anything with 8 slots (this has 6). Figured it's perfect for Wrath since he's streaming and journaling.


Silver Knight of the Realm
Traveling with such a large group was kind of a pain. Communication and friend or foe identification was rough. I could see a group of 6 that can split into small squads of 3 being a lot better. We need to decide on a piece of gear that everyone wears for easy IFF.


Silver Knight of the Realm
Or, if we do play with like 10-12 people, split em up and use separate TS channels or something. Could we set up some way that group leaders can be in two channels, one with the other leaders and one with their own team?


FoH nuclear response team
I like the idea of splitting into other channels with smaller groups, each group wear a certain item for identification, either a mask or a raincoat. Something easier to identify anyways.


FoH nuclear response team
Hell, we could even pick a spot on the map and everyone's squad go toe 2 toe.



masks for Friendly ID (fuck raincoats, I don't want to lose inv space!)

split mass party into groups of 3-4, each in their own channel

group leaders overlap into group leader channel for coordination purposes

the smaller group thing worked surprisingly well when we hit balota and split into 3 groups, considering that we were all still in the same chat channel... we were still able to coordinate, communicate, and group ID relatively well despite voice communication being a bit confusing, as groups werent always self-ID'ing, or being descriptive when they said things like "the tower".

we need to have group ID handles so we can figure out who is saying "taking fire", and be descriptively accurate so that we can all understand what someone else is talking about even when we can't see it... when someone on balota airfield says "the tower" and is referring to the highrise instead of the control tower, it's a big WTF


To be fair, I'd say we did exceptionally well considering the amount of really new people to the game. Several were people who'd just bought the game a day or two before, so directions were a bit difficult at the best of times.

For people that have been playing forever as a team, like Maple and myself, there's an understanding that develops as to what you're referring to and where, rather than having to point it out- that's why it was so hard for me to describe to everyone the tower the sniper was in.

I agree though that we need a better system for working in such a big group- three or four people is normally my limit, and usually we stay within very close proximity to each other to avoid friendly fire. If anyone else had been inside the tents it would have been havoc with most dying to friendlies.

I'm not sure what the solution is, however. The TS doesn't actually belong to me and I don't have much experience running large operations (such as raids) through voice chat. I'm not sure just how much I can do with QPRO's teamspeak, so if anyone else has ideas I'm open to suggestions. Eventually we're going to crash the thing, especially if their Planetside 2 division is running an ops- it just can't support more than 30 or so people. Right now RR makes up more than QPRO people active on their TS. All their people have been cool about it so far (a few of them have or will be registering to RR), but there may need to be a backup plan better than Planetside Universe as the fallback TS. I'm going to see if they're interested in forming a DayZ division, but can't really promise anything.

DayZ is all about communication, maneuver, and cover so it's imperative everyone understands where each other are and where they're heading. I figured anyone with a decent amount of MMO raiding or FPS team voice comms experience might be able to help me out here.


<Silver Donator>
Spent hours today roaming the map. Got completely decked out in gear and was just looking for an ACOG at the NE airport, at night, on (what I thought was) an empty server...walking out on the balcony of the control tower and someone bumrushed and knocked me out. Flush.


FoH nuclear response team
Spent hours today roaming the map. Got completely decked out in gear and was just looking for an ACOG at the NE airport, at night, on (what I thought was) an empty server...walking out on the balcony of the control tower and someone bumrushed and knocked me out. Flush.
Can't remember if you're new, but "p" shows all players online. Good idea to keep an eye on that when at an airfield.


Please allow me to tell you all a story... Perhaps the greatest I've ever experienced in DayZ. If you're on the fence about this one... This story and 3 minutes of video may help you decide.

Freedom Panties 2.0: A Goddamned American Hero

It starts off rather lame with my greatest foe, a ladder, murdering my character above Balota. Maple grabbed my M4 and we made a plan to meet up in between Cherno and Elektro to make the exchange. While Maple made his way over, I enjoyed my time as a fresh spawn. I was immediately fired upon by bandits, who managed not to land a single hit on me with automatic scoped rifles as I pulled the time honored tradition of serpentine fist-running. I didn't like my Berezino spawn, so I axed the next m4 bandit I saw and had his friends kill me.

Several bandit-related deaths later, I get a spawn close to Elektro where I meet four or five other new spawns, who all promptly get lost except for one very special survivor. He (she in-game) expressed a desire to go to Elektro to "punch the first asshole I see." I was happy to oblige, as long as that asshole wasn't me. We make it there after much fist-running, notice a pile of dead bodies in the fire station and grab what loot we can- I go for the m4 I see before he can, he grabs a pistol, military clothing, and a fire-axe. An uneasy silence descends upon us, which is finally broken by him asking whether I've got ammo. I tell him I don't, hear him reload his clip, and brace for death. It doesn't come.

He decides to run with me to my Maple-rendezvous and this happens:

I'll Never Forget You, Freedom Panties

I really can't put into words how awesome this series of events concluded. I never saw freedom panties 2.0 again, save for his/her cold, dead body lying ignominiously on the floor. I wept.

I'll never forget you, whoever you are. This is why I play DayZ.


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
It makes me sad that he had no friends

Did he die from distracting the bandits? Did he sacrifice himself like Kaneda in Sunshine?

Kaneda. What do you see?


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
I think this sums up gear level vs fear of dying pretty nicely


I wish there was a new MMORPG that had a DayZ system where your "level" is determined by your loot. Massive open world. Permadeth. You get killed, you're the killers "loot chest". Fear of death.


Panties indeed took a bullet for me. If you check out when I'm in the barn, you can see the first bandit fires his M4 at something out of view...

It was Panties. He bought me the split second I needed to take the bandits by surprise. I went down to look and saw him laying next to a haybail. I tried to revive but he was already dead.


Golden Knight of the Realm
I think this sums up gear level vs fear of dying pretty nicely


I wish there was a new MMORPG that had a DayZ system where your "level" is determined by your loot. Massive open world. Permadeth. You get killed, you're the killers "loot chest". Fear of death.
So you want an updated version of Ultima? Those are all the things people loved about UO.