DayZ, Arma2, Arma3


Finally reached my limit and switched back to the mod and Epoch. It's ridiculous how wide the divide between the two games is. I gave the Standalone time enough from release til ~2 weeks ago, but there's really no contest.

The most revealing aspect of the difference between the two came from my attempts to record footage and put together youtube videos for each. The Standalone is simply horrible at producing view-worthy moments and excitement compared to the relatively incredibly advanced state of the mod at this point. The lack of vehicles, paucity of zombies, startlingly low variety of weapons, and absence of respawning loot as well as a competent server browser really makes it impossible to go back to standaloone since I've been playing Epoch again. In the three days I've been back and active playing Epoch I've collected an amazing amount of really cool encounters. Hunting players and camping a single location doesn't even factor in anymore.

I know Standalone is alpha, but going back after playing the mod is unconscionable at this point. Standalone needs a year, at least, to be truly playable past the first two months of purchase if the current development pace remains consistent. I'll still highly recommend DayZ to anyone, even the Standalone to new players, but the mod is still where it's at as far as the game itself is concerned.

If anyone's interested in playing Epoch, we've got a very capable squad and a really cool base in the works, and we always love more people to roll with us, even if it's solely to PvP and gather gear.
I've been playing Origins a bunch the past 2 weeks. It had been about a year since I played it last, but it's so good that I would get my money back from the Standalone if I could at this point. I just don't have faith the standalone will be even close to either Epoch or Origins for several years, if ever. SA came out 5 months ago, which is about how long it took for Epoch and Origins to launch after Dayz started blowing up.


Experimental Branch

ETA to Stable: No current ETA, dependent on testing results

Throwing physics for one-handed objects
New mouse controls
New networking message
New physics SDK
Higher population servers

engraved 1911
Bolts Quiver
Tracksuit Pants
Rotten Zucchini


Molten Core Raider
Finally broke down n got this. Its fun, but its buggier then all hell. to bad its not further along. Playign with a few guys, its fun, but wow, the death is brutal. haha


Finally broke down n got this. Its fun, but its buggier then all hell. to bad its not further along. Playign with a few guys, its fun, but wow, the death is brutal. haha
post or PM your steam name.

we have a (not so regular) group of 40+ that play this, and a more regular group of 8 or so that have kept up


The recently previewed "New Town" is in experimental .45, as well as zombies spawning in Chernaya Polana

also... rejoice!



Molten Core Raider
kcxiv is my steam name, i play with a few guys at night, but always cool to have more folks to play with. Im kinda pissed right now. I fell of the fucking roof more like warped off and died and then the server shut down! im on grr status right now. haha. I was at the airfield too! shit is a long ass run.


kcxiv is my steam name, i play with a few guys at night, but always cool to have more folks to play with. Im kinda pissed right now. I fell of the fucking roof more like warped off and died and then the server shut down! im on grr status right now. haha. I was at the airfield too! shit is a long ass run.
set up your steam community profile you lazy bastard


Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
0.44.123800 - To Stable -


Known Issues
Binoculars not functioning properly in crouch and prone states.
Thrown objects moving at a slow frame rate during peak server load
Crossbow damage higher than desired
Ongoing melee balancing has zombies more resilient to body impacts. (Aim for the head)
Accelerated Time falls out of sync after extended uptime (disabled for this update)

Actions: Melee attacks added to frying pan and cooking pot
Actions: Recipe for bow crafting added
Items: Dexterity of shotguns, pistols and rifles configured
Items: Tracksuit Jackets and Russian Officer Hat configured and added to loot spawns
Items: Binoculars configured and added to loot spawns (known issues above with this item)
Items: Implemented Crossbow + bolts.
Server: Basic item bullet physics enabled (known issues tied to server performance)
Server: New guaranteed messaging system for network traffic
Server: New player spawn locations near Klen, Chernaya Polana, Orlovets
Server: Accelerated Time implemented for gameservers
Systems: 1:1 Mouse control / movement
World: New Ash Tree model
World: New village "Karmanovka" has been added

Actions: Crafting with medical items - splints, blood bags, blood testing
Actions: Removed force feed and force drink from epinephrine and morphine
Actions: You can no longer turn on flashlight or defibrillator laying on the ground without battery being attached to it
Actions: You can no longer empty magazines or ammunition boxes laying on the ground (and loose ammo)
Actions: Burlap sack removes from head properly
Actions: Apply defibrillator action messages
Actions: You can catch rain holding bottle in hand only
Actions: moved quantity manipulation and item removal directly into action on self
Actions: added config entries to actions for single use food and drinks
Actions: Single use food and drink items now adding to player water and energy levels
Actions: Injection vial cannot be consumed
Actions: Medical items related actions on other player (proper quantity handling)
Animations: Player now can wave (F1) when unarmed or holding one-handed item with raised hands.
Animations: playing correct footstep sounds for 2handed melee raised run, aimed rifle run
Animations: Removed the jerky motion when sometimes equipping a weapon/item, usually at the start of eating/drinking/bandaging
Animations: sitting with 2 handed melee should now work properly
Animations: Fixed an issue where you would first stand up when pressing crouch in unarmed sitting pose
Animations: Fixed an issue where you couldn't sit from unarmed prone directly.
Animations: fixed missing rotation animation for unarmed crouched player
Animations: Iron sights now use all 3 parameters for min, max and init zoom. Values of these params tweaked.
Animations: Player's "naked eye" max zoom level lowered. It allows for the same max zoom as iron sights.
Gear: Improvised courier bag and taloon backpack shows their damage state in inspect window
Gear: Green bandage stops bleeding
Gear: Fruits no longer show 100% label
Gear: FNX45 red dot sight optics renamed and now requires 9V battery in order to work
Gear: Resolved chambering issue with 22 related to stack quantity
Gear: Tablets amount in inventory slot changed from % to pills
World: Rocks at Ship Wreck location reworked
Zombies: Melee attack bleed chance nerfed
Zombies: Damage is dealt to head while kneeling


Experimental Branch

ETA to Stable: No current ETA, dependent on testing results

Known Issues
Severe rubber-banding issue

Loot respawn system

Melee weapon damage


Molten Core Raider
the patch made dark way to freaking dark. You cant see a damn thing but the stars in the night sky! Its unplayable at night.


Molten Core Raider
I'm curious what you bittervet DayZ players think of the upcoming H1Z1 game. My brother's perspective is that they won't be able to compete against Epoch/Origins or other mods.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Has your brother factored in a solid and decent working UI? Because while people play DayZ, the number one complaint has been the archaic UI and how unintuitive it is to get shit done from people new to the game. I know I have a few buddies that have seen the UI/engine in action and have said nope.


Molten Core Raider
Has your brother factored in a solid and decent working UI? Because while people play DayZ, the number one complaint has been the archaic UI and how unintuitive it is to get shit done from people new to the game. I know I have a few buddies that have seen the UI/engine in action and have said nope.
That is why I haven't touched the game. Can't stand the engine/ui, eq1 Classic felt more fluid.


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
H1Z1 has a solid engine and a lot of money/talent behind it. As long as they don't puss out and wander away from the hardcore aspects of the game there's a good possibility they could pull a lot of people away from DayZ.

I am however extremely skeptical about any game that's free-to-play.


Vyemm Raider
H1Z1 has a solid engine and a lot of money/talent behind it. As long as they don't puss out and wander away from the hardcore aspects of the game there's a good possibility they could pull a lot of people away from DayZ.

I am however extremely skeptical about any game that's free-to-play.
I agree with this post.

Why wouldn't any fan of DayZ at least check it out? It's free so why the hell not? DayZ nails the survival and hardcore aspects, but I really wish it had a more fluid engine like the Planetside 2 engine H1Z1 is using.