DC Universe Online

It wasn't for us, as players. But Sony seems to have found their cash cow with those replay badges. How much money SOE has actually made is anyone's guess, but they've no doubt been popular with many players. I wouldn't be surprised if other MMOs start implementing their own version of paid content unlocks eventually.

On another note, some info about the next DLC is trickling out, and it's gotten me curious. I'm only a casual comic book fan, so I'm not familiar with this weird version of Batman. Supposedly he's one of 5 Bruce Waynes from different timelines, but they haven't said yet if he's unique to DCUO or based on someone from the DC multiverse.

I'm relatively up to date with the current iteration of the Batman comics (the New 52 stuff) and I have no idea who this is. It's possible (and likely) that it is from a previous story line that I'm just
not familiar with - I didn't start reading DC again until the re-launch.


Avatar of War Slayer
I'm not identifying it.

Thought perhaps it was a variant for Return of Bruce Wayne. but its not quite.
Could be any of a million alt universe stuff though.


Mr. Poopybutthole
It wasn't for us, as players. But Sony seems to have found their cash cow with those replay badges. How much money SOE has actually made is anyone's guess, but they've no doubt been popular with many players. I wouldn't be surprised if other MMOs start implementing their own version of paid content unlocks eventually.
The powers that be claim not many tokens are being sold, but I bet they are looking at the whole population of gamers. Hell, in my league, we had guys that had their complete set of t4 in a week. That was 51 weeks ago. I'd say that most raiders abused the hell out of them.

That raid unlocks are uncapped and new raid content comes at a glacial pace makes for a bad combination.


How is the new housing DLC?
Surprisingly I've enjoyed it, even though it destroyed my guild for the reasons Lyrical mentioned (no raid content for over a year), and now I'm the only one left. Good thing that the latest DLC is almost all solo content, I suppose. But if you dig soloing with a decent challenge, the new DLC has it.

As for the housing portion itself... I doubt it will make anyone forget SWG or EQ2, and it looks like it'll be no match for Wildstar's houses. It's pretty limited so far, with some very odd restrictions on furniture placement; you can't even put a table on top of a floor rug, for example.

Seems they went with function over form for their housing. The real draw is the personal amenities (bank, mailbox, vendors etc.) and the mainframe goodies, which are quite powerful and worth having... if you can deal with the insane rent costs and the associated grind for Marks of Triumph. Your house also serves as an arena for 1v1 PVP, if that's your thing.


Duh, I almost forgot why I'm posting this morning (apologies for the follow-up post).They just announced the next DLC.

The expected stuff is there of course: raids, group content, new gear. But they're also adding something which looks like Legends for PVE, as well as a new controller powerset called Quantum, which I totally did not see coming.

Looks like one of their better DLCs actually. I just hope it's not too little too late for the raider types who went on hiatus.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I just hope it's not too little too late for the raider types who went on hiatus.
When they started letting us run Themscyra ten times a day, that was bad.

The new quantum powerset sounds good.

The guys in my league tell me I should come back now before I get too far behind. I didn't do any of the temp power stuff that came with the housing DLC. So I'm no longer baller DPS


Mr. Poopybutthole
I came back this weekend, along with some of the other guys who took off, while waiting for new content. Apparently, t5 will be out in May, and requires a cr of 84. My DPS toon is 87, but my troller is 79. So I'm trying to play catch up, so I can raid with him before t5 hits. The solo missions drop t4 marks, and there are two t4 alerts. Apparently, you can get 14 t4 marks a day running your dailies.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Goddammit, guess I'll be shelling out 15 bucks in May.
Start now, because with home turf, there's lots of temporary powers you need to start saving tokens for. My dps toon has a CR of 87 (max CR is 90) and I'm behind because of all of the temp powers. Also, they are expanding the skill trees, so you need like 140 to max your role now. Ouch.

I'll be able to walk into the new content, but I'm behind after taking off six months.


has an outie
That was the shortest tease. 8s of actual footage? >.> I'm used to most "tease" videos being at least a minute now.

Side note, what's unique about Quantum powers? It looked essentially to be telekinesis.


has an outie
Seriously Mr. Comic book man, what is the "quantum" power? A mix of telekinesis/possibly time control? From the 8s clip I honestly can't make it out and from all the comics I read(admittedly from the late 90s/VERY early 00s) I have no idea what's going on with it. :/