DC Universe Online


Mr. Poopybutthole
I'll be back when T5 gets put in game. I've been maxed out for the last three months.


Picked it again for about a month, got T1 stuff and then immediately got sidetracked by Planetside. Can't really see myself gathering the interest again to log back in.


Elisha Dushku
What's new with DCUO? I haven't played in over a year - what did they add after Light Powers?
I'm bored enough to play this over Christmas break.


They added Electric power which was a healer type and most things dealt with the Flash story. Had a T2 duo instance and introduced T3.5 armor that you got from doing dailies in the flash zone. I quit shortly after that, but I believe they added an earth power which was a tank power and a wonder woman/amazonian theme raid with monkeys and stuff. Not sure what happened after that. The playerbase was sort of scarce when I left, so hadn't really followed it since.


Mr. Poopybutthole
So I haven't logged on in three weeks, and found out today my league has merged with another league, due to low attendance. Apparently, I'm not the only guy that's bored witless. Good going SOE on keeping us in t4 for ten months, with no end in sight. All we know is that t5 is next year. Why SOE kept giving us more and more t4 content when we were maxed already I'll never know.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I've cancelled my sub until there is more to do. We've been capped in t4 too long, and I'm bored.



SOE gifting a month of Legendary status to former DC Universe subscribers

by Jef Reahard on Dec 18th 2012 5:30PM

Super-hero, Business models, MMO industry, News items, Free-to-play, DC Universe Online, Promotions

SOE has an early Christmas present for those of you who've been thinking about a return to DC Universe Online. Well, technically, it's for those of you who've been thinking about a return and are former subscribers, but still.

If you've been away for a while, you've missed a lot of stuff, as 2012 featured three DLC releases and 14 game updates.

For most players, "the offer is available to former Legendary Members (subscribers) who were active and paid for at least one billing cycle" between January, 2011 and December, 2012. We say most players because there are differences in the dates depending on whether you're a PC customer or a PlayStation 3 customer from North American or Europe. Check the post on the SOE forums for full details.
Source: Announcement
More coverage: Official site


There's a lot going on in DC Universe Online, and there's a lot you may have missed. This year saw the release of three DLC Packs - The Battle for Earth, The Last Laugh, and Hand of Fate - and 14 Game Updates, our next DLC Pack Home Turf is due early in 2013, and the winter seasonal event, Season's Greedings, is currently ongoing! To make the holidays even more exciting, we're offering 30 days of free Legendary Access to all former subscribers. This makes right now perhaps the best possible time to get back into DCUO. We're looking forward to seeing you back in Gotham City and Metropolis!

Keep reading for full details:

For DC Universe Online PC Players, this offer, and the period of free Legendary Membership (subscription) described in this offer, expires on January 16, 2013 at 11:59pm PST. This offer is available to former Legendary Members (subscribers) that were active and paid for at least one billing cycle between January 11, 2011 and December 10, 2012, and is not available for current DC Universe Online Members or SOE All Access accounts. If you purchase a new Membership package and enter billing information before January 16, 2013 at 11:59 PM PST your new Membership time will begin once your free 30-day period ends.

For DC Universe Online PlayStation?3 customers in North America this offer, and the period of free Legendary Membership (subscription) described in this offer, expires on January 16, 2013. This offer is available to former Legendary Members (subscribers) that were active and paid for at least one billing cycle between January 11, 2011 and December 5, 2012, and is not available for current DC Universe Online Members. Purchasing a new Membership package and entering billing information before January 16, 2013 will terminate the free Legendary Membership service and you will lose the balance of any unused free Membership time.

For DC Universe Online PlayStation?3 customers in Europe this offer, and the period of free Legendary Membership (subscription) described in this offer, expires on January 16, 2013. This offer is available to former Legendary Members (subscribers) that were active and paid for at least one billing cycle between January 11, 2011 and December 5, 2012, and is not available for current DC Universe Online Members. Purchasing a new Membership package and entering billing information before January 16, 2013 will terminate the free Legendary Membership service and you will lose the balance of any unused free Membership time.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Buddies trying to get me back into EQ, and I keep saying no. With the free month, this might be the MMO-lite I've been looking for that's a little easier on the time sinks.


Mr. Poopybutthole
For me, this still isn't enough. We haven't had a new tier for ten months, and we are getting more t4 content starting in early 2013. At the pace new content is coming out, it's gonna be one year before t5. Absolutely ridiculous!


Producer Letter: 2013! - 12/21/2012

Posted by Larry Liberty

Hello Friends of DCUO,

It's been too long since my last letter, and 2012 has just flown by. I, and everyone here at DCUO, want to take a moment to thank you for playing over the past year and share with you a little insight into what's coming next in 2013. As you know, Home Turf is our next DLC Pack, and it features Player Bases, Lair Battles, new end-game solo content, and significant additions to the player package via the Mainframe. We have been and will continue to share more information about Home Turf as we get closer to launch, which is currently planned for very early in the year. We expect the whole DLC Pack to be available for testing on the PC Test server shortly after the holidays.

As we look ahead to 2013, our plans are ambitious and immense. The content releases both in Game Updates and DLC Packs will be bigger and better than ever before, and we've already begun work on most of what you'll see in some form or another.

Speaking to DLCs, Home Turf is right around the corner, but Origin Crisis (featuring new end-game Raid and Alert content and some killer storylines), Halls of Power (featuring League Bases and so much more), and Trials of Trigon (featuring a brutal Gotham City hellscape that will leave you breathless) are all entering different stages of development. We've been building up to this, and 2013 is shaping up to be our best year yet.

Game Updates will continue as well, notably with Game Update 23 early in the year, the Fire and Ice Power Revamp. We are very excited about both the visual and gameplay changes coming to each power, and I have personally already seen most of Fire in depth. Let me tell you, it absolutely looks and works better than the current incarnation. The current plan is to have the update available on PC Test sometime in January.

What else might you be curious about? Do we have significant plans for PvP as well as PvE this year? Unequivocally yes. Stay tuned. Will we continue to address and improve performance, especially on PS3? Absolutely. We have already seen a dramatically reduced number of daily crashes, with a greater than 50% reduction since mid-September. Work will continue. Will we continue to improve upon and release new seasonal events? Yes. Will we continue to add new gear, new styles, new stories, new content, new features? Yes, yes, yes, yes, and yes!

Before I go, I also wanted to quickly call out the release of the Inner Sanctum map for Arena and Legends PvP. It's the same map that was used for the SOE Live Legends PvP Tournament, and we've made it available to all players this week. It's great fun. Enjoy it, enjoy Season's Greedings while it lasts, and before you know it, 2013 and Home Turf will be here. We can hardly wait.

Happy Holidays,

Larry Liberty
Executive Producer
DC Universe Online


Golden Knight of the Realm
Picked this up again with the free month of Legendary. Rolled a new character, made it to 30, finished a T1 armor set. Looking at the badge grind for T2 now. What's the best way to go about it? 1600 badges seems like a lot, but then I've really only played with one of my RL pals and run duos and the occasional 4-man. This game is buggy as shit and frustrating at times, but it's fun and engrossing. I'm enjoying my time with it a lot bros. It's nice to chill in the recliner in front of the PS3 and just veg out for a bit.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Picked this up again with the free month of Legendary. Rolled a new character, made it to 30, finished a T1 armor set. Looking at the badge grind for T2 now. What's the best way to go about it? 1600 badges seems like a lot, but then I've really only played with one of my RL pals and run duos and the occasional 4-man. This game is buggy as shit and frustrating at times, but it's fun and engrossing. I'm enjoying my time with it a lot bros. It's nice to chill in the recliner in front of the PS3 and just veg out for a bit.
Sorry, I missed this. You can do the raids and get like 400 badges in 30 minutes now. 1600 is nothing. They are pretty much rushing everyone to t4.


Musty Nester
And don't bother with the superman sets until they're the last thing you can spend merits on. They're too expensive and they get replaced quickly by 4man t4 vendor stuff. Use those merits for feat/skill points by buying cheap costume sets or just tossing quarters into the jukebox down in the war room instead. You'll get much more value out of your time investment.

Skill points are forever.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Anyone doing the new DLC, Home Turf yet? I've talked to my old leaguemates on the phone that said it's got people reupping their subs. I guess the gear is an improvement over t4 (it was cr 71, this stuff is cr 74). I may check it out. The only problem is that t5 is just around the corner, so why spend your time getting new gear and modding it, when it will be obsolete in three months?

Some of the stuff sounds pretty cool (hero bases, base PVP, abilities bought through the mainframe, tactical mods with special procs and stats), but I feel as though they've spent way too much development time on this.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Home Turf DLC Pack Now Available!

Player Bases
Legendary members and owners of Home Turf receive two Lair Themes: "Gothic" and "Deco", and a Theme for a smaller, limited "Dive" Hideout available in the Dispenser. Look for "Home is Where Your Base Is" in your Mission Journal. Complete the mission to receive one Deed which can be used for placing a base at an in-game address of your choice. The mission is granted at level 12 or higher.

Base Decoration Mode & Customization
Players are able to customize their Base in many different ways using the Base Decoration Mode. Accessed via the Control Panel located near the entrance of your base, Decoration Mode is the place for arranging items throughout the Base, customizing the colors of certain areas of the Base, selecting the player's Emblem to be displayed on a wall plaque, and renaming the Base. Players can customize their Base(s) by adding items found throughout DC Universe Online.

Base Mainframe and Dispenser
Each Base comes equipped with a Mainframe and a Dispenser that can be accessed inside your base. Players can unlock and gain access to Upgrades and temporary Boosts by activating the Mainframe's Generator power cells. Players can also set Permissions through their Mainframe to allow friends and League mates to enter and help decorate their Base.

Lair Battle PvP
Take on your opponent in your Lair or your opponent's Lair. Once you have created your own Lair, go to your On Duty Menu, select Lair Battles under the Arenas: PvP tab and select your Lair to Queue. Level Requirement: 30

Tactical Mods
Tactical Mods are available through your Base's Dispenser. Tactical Mods can be socketed to your gear and weapons to add a wide range of combat benefits. Level Requirement: 30

Upgrades and Boosts
Players can access Upgrades and temporary Boosts from their Mainframe. These Upgrades and Boosts can be added to your Utility Belt and ability bar to call in Orbital Strikes, Supply Drops, Sidekicks or Back-Up (Heroes) and Accomplices or Henchmen (Villains).

New Daily Missions

Home Turf Daily Missions can be found at Arkham Asylum, Ace Chemicals, Steelworks, and Stryker's Island locations. Look for "Trouble at Ace Chemicals" (Heroes) and "Hostile Takeover at Steelworks" (Villains) in your Mission Journal. Level Requirement: 30 Combat Rating Requirement: 70

New Bounties for Heroes and Villains

Bounty posters can be found at the Arkham Water Processing Facility Dock, Steelworks, the Processing Facility on Stryker's Island, and Ace Chemicals in Gotham. Home Turf bounties are Raid level so bring some friends! Level Requirement: 30 Combat Rating Requirement: 70

New Collections and Feats

New Feats, Collections, Investigations, and Briefs added!

New Weapon Styles and Gear Sets

Four new gear styles and two new weapon sets inspired by Home Turf added!

Hand of Fate Boss Content Move

All Hand of Fate Operation Boss fights have moved to their own separate instance. The Operation content will remain the same and players will be moved to a separate instance for the final boss fight.

Looking For Group Chat Channel

Players can now access the new Looking for Group chat channel! This channel allows players who are looking for a group to communicate with one another while in different areas throughout DC Universe Online. The LFG channel groups players into one of four chat channel groups depending on where you are in the world; Safehouses and HQs, Metropolis, Gotham, and Central City. The Safehouses and HQs grouping includes The Watchtower, Hall of Doom, Police Stations, Nightclubs, and player Bases. The Looking for Group channel works in any public zone but not in private instances. The Looking for Group channel is cross phase but same faction. Typing /lfg before any chat communication will move the communication to a Looking for Group channel and distribute the message to everyone in that zone.

New to the Marketplace

With the launch of the new Home Turf DLC, Legendary members and owners of this DLCcan purchase additional Deeds and Lair Themes from the Marketplace! You can change the look of your existing Base with one of these Lair Themes, purchase up to three additional Deeds, to have more than one Base! The appearance of your Hardware and Amenities will update to match your new Lair theme. Themes also allow access to matching Back-Up/Henchmen! Your character must be at least level 12 and have completed the introductory Base mission to purchase additional Deeds and Lairs from the Marketplace.
Additional Lair Themes available for purchase:
The Ancient Lair, complete with Stone Statues
The Bunker Lair, complete with Military Operatives
The Cave Lair, complete with High Tech Robots
The Industrial Lair, complete with Retro-Futuristic Robots

Player Bases For Free to Play and Premium Members

Free to Play and Premium members receive a limited "Dive" Hideout theme that includes limited amenities and limited features as part of the DLC Home Turf release. Look for "Hiding Out" in your Mission Journal and complete the mission to receive one Deed which can be used for placing a Hideout base at an in-game address of your choice. The mission is granted at level 12 or higher.
Each Base comes equipped with a Mainframe and a Dispenser that can be accessed inside your base. Permissions can be set through the Mainframe to allow friends and League mates to enter and help decorate their Base. Players are able to customize their Base in many different ways using the Base Decoration Mode. Accessed via the Control Panel located near the entrance of your Base, Decoration Mode is the place for arranging items throughout the Base, customizing the colors of certain areas of the base, selecting the player's Emblem to be displayed on a wall plaque, and renaming the Base. Players can also customize their Base(s) by adding items found throughout DC Universe Online.
Free to Play and Premium Members can access all of the Player Base features by purchasing Home Turf or by becoming a Legendary member.


Marks of Triumph awarded from Daily Dungeon bonus are now sent to the players inventory overflow when the player's inventory is full.
When the server determines a player is stuck and automatically warped, this does not affect your warp timers in the Map UI.
Custom Chat channels should now persist after switching characters.


The 2 Year Anniversary Cake trinket icon has changed to better represent the item.
Fixed an issue where having a socketed item in your inventory and purchasing the same exact item from a vendor would prevent the new item from being socketed.
Minor text updates to player base item drops.
Catwoman's Claw should now function properly and no longer cause the player to become unresponsive and unable to attack or target.
New PvP Mark Conversion items have been added to the Mark Conversion vendors in the Watchtower and Hall of Doom.

Martial Arts

Heavy Shuriken's damage should no longer be blocked by friendly targets.


Fear and Loathing:
Green Lantern Alan Scott has declared he will no longer be brushed aside without a fight and will knock any flying Villain aggressors out of the air that attempt to dodge his attacks.
Green Lantern Alan Scott's willpower has been restored and his constructs are more deadly.
Clinical Strike: Old air scrubbers are now replaced with new air scrubbers to ensure everyone gets their fair share.
Queen of Lies: Hero: Aquaman's confusion while under Circe's spell should no longer keep you from advancing when defeating him.


A Black Dawn:
Fixed an issue where encasements could break before the transport timer was finished.
Players now move faster when transporting encased enemies.
Wayward Souls: Avenging Spirit Guidicus has agreed to fill his pockets with loot before joining the battle...it is now likely something will fall out if he is defeated.
With a Vengeance: Doctor Fate has been reprimanded for his idea of a practical joke; trapping players in an infinite loop between the Watchtower and his Sanctuary. He has agreed to allow you to continue through the rest of the operation.


Map: Sections of the map should no longer disappear when using the + and - buttons on the Map UI.
The Metropolis Master Flier - Villain feat now has the correct description for the Little Bohemia Adept Flight Challenge in the Feats UI.


<Bronze Donator>
k the player base is beyond retarded. demanding 70+cr to do FOS2? rofl i cleared that shit in cr65 at most.


Mr. Poopybutthole
The next DLC is going to be raid content, called Origin Crisis. Honestly, these guys lost me at only releasing one tier per year. We haven't had a new tier since Feb 23, 2012. We'll see.