Deadpool (2016)


<Prior Amod>
I saw this last night.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Rob takes a lot of warranted criticism, but also a lot of bullshit gets thrown at him as well.Trust me I know the full story on Image Comics, and Rob's company with in it.

Regardless of that, when he took over New Mutants that book was in the trashcan ( it was the lowest selling Marvel book), and he pulled a miracle making it the number one Marvel Book at the time. That had nothing to do with the writer. Even tho he could have stated it with more tact, and less ego Rob is correct in saying whoever worked with him in those early years basically won a lottery ticket.

The problem with small communities such as the comic art community is they tend to gang up on people, and i'm seeing that pretty evident in that tweet war. So Rob is defending himself. If Dan didn't want the drama he shouldn't have brought it to social media, it's none of his business anyway he wasn't the person who worked with Rob to begin with. Let a journalist write a scathing article on it.

My favorite quote from Dan is " good luck finding a writer to work with you again". Is Dan really that retarded....

Bottom line, without Rob there would be no Deadpool, or Cable. Now the Deadpool people know today is a different story, that is a shitload of writers who shaped what you are about to see in the movies... Give them all credit.
Robs inker for those marvel comics was Todd McFarlane. So Rob had a winning lottery ticket as well. Once that duo was ended it was clear Todd was carrying Rob.

Those final issues of New Mutants are some of my favorite comic books though and Rob was a big part of that. But I see it as a collaborative effort and not as just Rob was the only important person. That includes people that were doing New mutants before Rob got there. Because the set up leading to Robs run was very important for making what Rob did resonate so strongly.


Robs inker for those marvel comics was Todd McFarlane. So Rob had a winning lottery ticket as well. Once that duo was ended it was clear Todd was carrying Rob.

Those final issues of New Mutants are some of my favorite comic books though and Rob was a big part of that. But I see it as a collaborative effort and not as just Rob was the only important person. That includes people that were doing New mutants before Rob got there. Because the set up leading to Robs run was very important for making what Rob did resonate so strongly.
LOL at Tom carried Rob through New Mutants. Is there really people as retarded as this above poster?

Marvel handed him their worst book, and he made it number 1. No artist has done that for the big 2 ever....

Rob made that happen not the many people who inked him, and not that disposable writer. You ever read that book? It's total shit.

Also just an fyi New Mutants 98...

Editor-in-Chief Tom DeFalco
Artists Rob Liefeld

"The Beginning of the End, Pt. 1"
Writers Rob Liefeld
Fabian Nicieza
Pencilers Rob Liefeld
Inkers Rob Liefeld
Steve Buccellato
Letterers Joe Rosen
Editors Bob Harras

I guess Scott Williams also carried him through his famous What If Wolverine issue before he even got to the new Mutants. Laughable

Want to know something else. Rob was the one that found Malibu specifically because of olioptics computer coloring which no one was doing... He's one of the biggest reasons Image comics looked the way it did in the 90's with the nice paper ( none of that newsprint shit), and computer colors which no book had. I hate his art, but respect him for advancing the medium.

The group that was handling new mutants sunk that book it was due for cancellation, and Rob asked to save it. To diminish that in any way just proves ignorance...


Trakanon Raider
Some of the "critic" reviews are giving it low scores due to the juvenile humour, Im not sure what they were expecting but critics need to GTFO.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
LOL at Tom carried Rob through New Mutants. Is there really people as retarded as this above poster?

Marvel handed him their worst book, and he made it number 1. No artist has done that for the big 2 ever....

Rob made that happen not the many people who inked him, and not that disposable writer. You ever read that book? It's total shit.

Also just an fyi New Mutants 98...

Editor-in-Chief Tom DeFalco
Artists Rob Liefeld

"The Beginning of the End, Pt. 1"
Writers Rob Liefeld
Fabian Nicieza
Pencilers Rob Liefeld
Inkers Rob Liefeld
Steve Buccellato
Letterers Joe Rosen
Editors Bob Harras

I guess Scott Williams also carried him through his famous What If Wolverine issue before he even got to the new Mutants. Laughable

Want to know something else. Rob was the one that found Malibu specifically because of olioptics computer coloring which no one was doing... He's one of the biggest reasons Image comics looked the way it did in the 90's with the nice paper ( none of that newsprint shit), and computer colors which no book had. I hate his art, but respect him for advancing the medium.

The group that was handling new mutants sunk that book it was due for cancellation, and Rob asked to save it. To diminish that in any way just proves ignorance...
Bro you're just re-fighting old battles and cant even connect the dots. The entire twitter war you published is mostly grounded in the break away of artists from marvel to form image and the bad blood that created with writers. I don't dislike Rob in fact his art style was perfect for new mutants at the time but he just wasn't as good as the other image founders when given complete control.

New paper and color process brought about by image were in the end very harmful to the industry because they were used as a excuse to raise prices. It's not something I would brag about.


Bro you're just re-fighting old battles and cant even connect the dots. The entire twitter war you published is mostly grounded in the break away of artists from marvel to form image and the bad blood that created with writers. I don't dislike Rob in fact his art style was perfect for new mutants at the time but he just wasn't as good as the other image founders when given complete control.

New paper and color process brought about by image were in the end very harmful to the industry because they were used as a excuse to raise prices. It's not something I would brag about.
One, I didn't link that argument, Bro

Two, that petty argument has nothing to do with Image comics at all, or bad blood between writers. Dan is Fabians friend, and he didn't like the quote that Rob made in the article that was published.

As far as good as the other Image founders? 100% subjective. Youngblood did just as well ,or even better then most of the image titles.

At the time of its release, Youngblood #1 was the highest selling independent comic book ever published grossing over a million sold
Also just an FYI, Xforce 1 sold 4 million copies, and is the 2nd highest selling book of all times. A record that Jim, and Rob will keep forever given the state of comics.

And you are clueless on the whole price hike thing. Comics in the 90's were cheap as fuck. The speculator's bubble broke the industry, and that had nothing to do with production costs.

And to put it really into perspective. The best selling comic book of the last 16 years was half a million. Rob's "indie" book sold over double the units....

How can someone so wrong on everything continue to post nonsense. What's your next words of wisdom that comics are thriving because of how many people love them in the movies....

Deadpool is Rob's creation


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
One, I didn't link that argument, Bro

Two, that petty argument has nothing to do with Image comics at all, or bad blood between writers. Dan is Fabians friend, and he didn't like the quote that Rob made in the article that was published.

As far as good as the other Image founders? 100% subjective. Youngblood did just as well ,or even better then most of the image titles.

Also just an FYI, Xforce 1 sold 4 million copies, and is the 2nd highest selling book of all times. A record that Jim, and Rob will keep forever given the state of comics.

And you are clueless on the whole price hike thing. Comics in the 90's were cheap as fuck. The speculator's bubble broke the industry, and that had nothing to do with production costs.

And to put it really into perspective. The best selling comic book of the last 16 years was half a million. Rob's "indie" book sold over double the units....

How can someone so wrong on everything continue to post nonsense. What's your next words of wisdom that comics are thriving because of how many people love them in the movies....

Deadpool is Rob's creation
I was there I saw all those issues released. I bought all of them the first day they hit the racks. I told you I was a huge new mutants fan and X force as well. I read new mutants from there first issues through there transformation into X force. Then up to one of the most idiotic decisions in comic history that being allowing X men to simply walk all over X force in a team versus team fight, when X force was at the height of its popularity. They blew it with that decision and it prevented X force from stabilizing into a Teen Titans like franchise. There is allot of drama and some regrets surrounding Rob, new mutants/X force, the formation of image. I am personally nether a Rob hater or a Rob fan boy. I just call it like I remember seeing it at the time at the height of my comic book addiction.

I can also say from first hand experience Youngblood was garbage. Also Image was not a Indy brand it was a full blown attempt to equal Marvel and DC by banding together the hottest artists of the time with a unique ownership structure.

That Image amplified the price spiral in the industry that along with the gimmick cover craze tanked the industry isn't really in question. If you don't understand that yes Image jacked up the price of comics then you simply don't understand the era. The prices went up simply because they could get away with it and those cost increases eventually broke the back of the industry. They weren't the sole cause but they were clearly the at times the ones leading the charge for higher prices.


Image was the definition of indie creator owned it just had top tier talent....

It still is today. They wanted nothing to do with DC or Marvel's corporate board structure when they created it.

Image didn't amplify anything. Marvel and DC started all that multiple cover, embossed cover bullshit, and ALL of the industry follwed. In Fact Spawn 1 had one cover and sold 1.7 units...

The wanna be fans, and speculators killed comics. The industry just fed the bubble.

Comics are around 5 bucks an issue right now. Image comics was around 2 bucks, and Marvel/DC were selling at the same price point and was on newsprint...


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
This is just a stupid argument. When first image titles shipped major DC and marvel titles cost 1.25. Image priced at 1.95. That increase was almost as much as had occurred in the prior decade. Image jumped into the market charging Indy book prices for titles that normally sold less then 50k when every single title they sold was ether close to or above a million sales per issue. DC and Marvel looked at what Image was charging and quickly went up to 1.75.

Image was fundamentally a attempt to make more money for its founders. They didn't want to make Indy comics. They wanted to beat marvel and DC at there own game and make more money for themselves while doing it. I don't consider what Image tried to do as fitting the standards for the term Indy.

By the way silver era comics sold for 12 cents that adjusted for 50 years inflation that is 95 cents.


FYI, an article was written 5 years ago on this very subject, and comics were vastly under priced even at 1.95.

in the 90s you could go in with 10 bucks, and get 5 issues. Today you get one...

No one can afford comics right now, and in the 90s no one had a problem buying them. 1.25 on terrible paper, and horrible color reproduction. you were not getting a bargain... And just an FYI Marvel raised their prices from 1 dollar to 1.50 long before Image was even created. long before the success of Xmen 1 and Xforce 1


If you really think Comics were expensive during that time period you weren't there.

Image was fundamentally a attempt to make more money for its founders. They didn't want to make Indy comics. They wanted to beat marvel and DC at there own game and make more money for themselves while doing it. I don't consider what Image tried to do as fitting the standards for the term Indy.
Do you even know what Indy is? Image was just a bunch of creative owned companies pulled together under a common umbrella for advertising, and distribution.

The head of Image at the time was Valentino, one of the biggest indy supporters on the planet. He brought everyone from Colleen Doran to Alan Moore to them.

They wanted nothing to do with the big 2. Their mission statement was to create their own books, and own their characters instead of making them for other companies who retained all rights.

That is the independent spirit completely.

This is just a stupid argument.
You just have no education on a subject you are trying to argue. You've literally been proven wrong in every fact you post.

That's stupid imo.