Dear White People


Still a Music Elitist
I hope this movie stays true to the view the preview is showing and not some more white guilt shit. It could be good.



Musty Nester
That will make a lot of money, and it will not be a good movie.

Just look at those tropes. They may try to avoid the worst of the slant, and probably will try to do that for oscar bait, and they might even say a thing or two that is maybe worth seeing. But you can already see the conclusion in the visual representations.

You don't really need to watch this movie to see how the heroine will come to accept some gradient of the implied message of "cultural tolerance" and recognize the appropriations that "both cultures" make with each other. You can literally see that in the artistic style of the trailer.

I actually expect that will be a very well produced movie. But it WILL be a movie that tries to play to every interest and avoid making a direct statement, allowing whichever audience that sees it to feel the movie supports their pre-existing beliefs. And, again, I expect that it will make a lot of money. It does look like a higher class of race baiting. But ultimately I don't expect it to do anything more than bait.


Millie's Staff Member
is college kids sitting around talking about how white people and black people do things differently even a thing anymore/ever? this movie feels like it should have come out 20 years ago and would have still been a lame idea.


Pay to play forum
To be honest I had no idea what was going on in that trailer. And do I have to care about this movie? It looked like a lot of schmock.


Musty Nester
I got a little bit of an edgier "different world" vibe from it until the Comically Oblivious White Dean showed up... and honestly... I think we were supposed to take that seriously.


Toe Sucker
I like how many times they had to enforce the word "satire" in that trailer.

Looks shitty. gr8 white b8 m8.


Unelected Mod
Seems more like it will make fun of racists and SJW at the same time? Could be entertaining.


Millie's Staff Member
i watched that trailer and im still not sure what the premise is. black girl doing the announcements at a university starts trashing white people then when she gets yelled down tries to prove what she is saying is true?


Musty Nester
I think it'll slant more obviously to the sympathetic SJW -- because ultimately that's who's gonna be buying the tickets. I would not expect Oscar Wilde, here. Easy targets dressed up in a pseduo-50's veneer... so that we can feel "safe". That's all it's gonna be. It'll surprise me a lot if it's anything more.

Thank god it's not the Trayvon story. It -could- be so much worse... and if this is the one that "they" have decided to go with, at least its not so horrible.

I like the Allstate guy, and it's good to see that while everyone still might hate him, Chris got a movie gig.

ACL (angry college liberal) does a radio show airing racial grievances and doing the SJW schtick... Black Dean like the whitebread black guy and wants him to run for student body president in order to foster race relations... SWJ heroin gets into the race because... well, I mean, what the fuck else is she gonna do? Older blacks wrestle with younger blacks over nature of racism, younger blacks wrestle with younger whites, Older whites kindly and politely tells older blacks to shut the fuck up. And in the zany middle of it all our idealistic mulatto girl.

C'mon chuk. It's a really easy one to follow!


Ssraeszha Raider
I feel like I should be jumping on this "scam SJWs out of their money" bandwagon somehow. I mean, Anita Sarkeesian scammed these idiots out of how many tens of thousands of dollars? Seems like an opportunity that's too good to pass up.


Musty Nester
Can you imagine?

Oh wait, trailer answers that. The American MultiMedia Conglomerate Corporation already broadcasts that 24/7.

I would not expect much.

This thread is making me miss Dwayne Wayne and the beautiful Miss Whitney


Millie's Staff Member
I think it'll slant more obviously to the sympathetic SJW -- because ultimately that's who's gonna be buying the tickets. I would not expect Oscar Wilde, here. Easy targets dressed up in a pseduo-50's veneer... so that we can feel "safe". That's all it's gonna be. It'll surprise me a lot if it's anything more.

Thank god it's not the Trayvon story. It -could- be so much worse... and if this is the one that "they" have decided to go with, at least its not so horrible.

I like the Allstate guy, and it's good to see that while everyone still might hate him, Chris got a movie gig.

ACL (angry college liberal) does a radio show airing racial grievances and doing the SJW schtick... Black Dean like the whitebread black guy and wants him to run for student body president in order to foster race relations... SWJ heroin gets into the race because... well, I mean, what the fuck else is she gonna do? Older blacks wrestle with younger blacks over nature of racism, younger blacks wrestle with younger whites, Older whites kindly and politely tells older blacks to shut the fuck up. And in the zany middle of it all our idealistic mulatto girl.

C'mon chuk. It's a really easy one to follow!
oh she has a radio show? i guess its the editing because they showed the kids in class and seemed like they were listening to her speech which is why allstate guy had a talk with her. i guess my attention span was at an all time ebb while watching this. wish they did the trayvon movie, i would have watched that for the lolz


Silver Baronet of the Realm
The premise, I read, is a frat house decides to throw a blackface party, and her speaking on the radio is her response, and go from there.


Mr. Poopybutthole
is college kids sitting around talking about how white people and black people do things differently even a thing anymore/ever? this movie feels like it should have come out 20 years ago and would have still been a lame idea.
19 years ago. So pretty much.



Buzzfeed Editor
All I know is that the definition of "racism" in that trailer epitomizes the current culture. It's the English language equivalent of congressional redistricting. Essentially subverting the original term, and carefully sculpting it to perpetuate the current ideology long after the old definition became not applicable to most people (Especially college age, middle class, black young adults). I'm sure if any of these kids saw an honest, legitimate racist--from a good old boy state, they would shit their pants. (And it's sad, because it's obvious racism still exists, but these dumb asses have stretched the term so much that it's almost become laughable. If I were a Lumi level conspiracy nut, I'd almost say the extreme right was behind the SJW trend, just to poison the well for the larger populace). But the biggest irony of all, is that believing that only whites can be racist, you're assigning them a trait that your own race is "above"--and that is actually textbook racism.

Anyway, maybe the movie will surprise me and address some of the above. But I have a feeling it's going to be mostly dumb white people, and dumb black people, shouting nonsense until two enlightened individuals fall in love and show that said dumbness can be overcome--without actually addressing the why of it; just causefeels. Racial version of the Notebook.

Il_Duce Lightning Lord Rule

Lightning Fast
<Charitable Administrator>
All this movie says to me is: "We're first year college students, and know far, far more than anyone else who isn't a first year college student. Now listen as we explain how the world really works to the rest of you (racist) rubes."

With the added bonus that if you disagree with how anything is depicted in the movie, you must be racist.