
Anomander Rake

Golden Knight of the Realm
Going to try and see if my opinion changes about the game after I may or may not be playing the second beta weekend (hypothetically speaking of course), but for now Ihighly recommendthat anyone who is planning on pre-purchasing try to get into a beta phase before they may or may not bethrowing their money into the toilet.


Any idea when the servers are supposed to come (back) up? Just launched the game and not getting a connection.



This thread is surprisingly dead... the game was fun for a couple hours. Then I got stuck with a bug and figured to hell with it...

If nothing else, I really like the FPS/RPG mix and that headshots actually do more damage (or that certain mobs have vulnerable spots). That's a cool thing for an MMORPG and a nice shift away from button mashing / autoattack.
I just don't know how I feel about this game. Got into the beta weekend this weekend, played for maybe an hour and just had such a "Meh" attitude towards it. Nothing really grabbed my attention other than the fact that how it's interwoven with the show (which I personally feel looks pretty good) could be interesting. I was pretty damn surprised to hear Bear Mccrearys' music though, I had no idea he was working on it.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
I wonder if this game will feel less 'meh' after people have a chance to invest in the TV show and the lore/scenarios begin to make sense in the context of that.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Haven't tried this yet. Mildly interested but there are a ton of games out now vying for my time. IF the TV show is good then I'll probably check out the game even if it gets bad reviews.


Silver Squire
I wonder if this game will feel less 'meh' after people have a chance to invest in the TV show and the lore/scenarios begin to make sense in the context of that.
The right way to do something like Defiance is to have the game stand on its own two feet lore wise and have it drive interest to the TV show and the TV show drive interest to the game. Relying on the show to tell the back story in game is fail on so many levels. People needing to go to a Wiki to get the proper back story is simply stupid and unless they add some serious cut scenes and a ton more lore in game there just isn't enough there.

Regardless that is the least of the game's problems.


FPS noob
probably a few more since game doesnt launch for another what, 2 months? They definitely added a lot more polish this last round, although seemed to have simplified the start a ton. Biggest problem for me is that when I play this game it feels like I'm playing a blander Mass Effect 1, without a great story to back it up, and I don't have my squadbros. Maybe with some friends it will play a lot better, like any FPS.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
I have never seen a game make it more of a pain in the ass to group with friends then Defiance.


Lord Nagafen Raider
The pre-purchase isup on Steamnow with increasing rewards based on how many people buy. I'm surprised they don't mention anywhere on the page that the game won't have a monthly fee. Still, the $60 pricetag with a season pass seems... optimistic for an MMO considering recent history.


Silver Squire
The pre-purchase isup on Steamnow with increasing rewards based on how many people buy. I'm surprised they don't mention anywhere on the page that the game won't have a monthly fee. Still, the $60 pricetag with a season pass seems... optimistic for an MMO considering recent history.
It seems that GW2 hasno expansions currently plannedwhile Defiance is launching with a season pass that gives you 5 dlcs for the price of 4 which might mean that any free new content in Defiance will be very rare. In my case Defiance went from a buy-at-launch to a wait-and-see title.


I actually enjoyed the Beta a few weekends ago. It had a Borderlands-ish combat/equipment with Just Cause open world quest and vehicle timed events mixed with Rift with the "dynamic" events that would spawn randomly. However, like early Rift was, the events are few and they repeat. Granted it was only in the Ark Hunter lands, so maybe other areas had different ones, but I got a little bored by the end. I didn't get much pvp in, but I kinda liked the story and it seems like something that may entertain me so I might pick it up. It'll be interesting to see how the show and game work with each other. I'm willing to give it a shot but it's not a must have for me. I think it'll be more novelty than necessity.


Ancient MMO noob
The whole "pre-sale DLCs" on this crap is laughable, Trion is trying to grab as much $$$ as they can b4 this game is shit to bed.