

Ahn'Qiraj Raider
ill give trion props for trying something new in linking it with a TV show, its a shame its going to fail in spectacular fashion though


FPS noob
the player models remind me a lot of Secret World, completely uninspired, "plastic-y" mannequins. I tried to play alpha, but after about an hour I was just bored and alt-f4'd, would rather just play wow if I'm going to chase pixel glory. Reminded me a lot of the stuff I didn't like in Rift either, the art style of players and the world. The only cool part I felt was riding by the downed spaceship, otherwise I felt I was in an empty FPS map.

While TERA and GW2 were mediocore at endgame (dunno about GW2 never got that far), both were really interesting and exciting when you first started, for whatever reasons Defiance just feels ... boring. I wish they had sexxed up the aliens a bit, pretty tired of aliens-that-look-like-humans-with-bumps-on-head who also happen to speak flawless English and can interbreed with us. Maybe the show will explain that whole angle, with a Syfy twist of "THE ALIENS CAME FROM EARTH!" as a season finale. The DODGE LOGO placements during the cutscenes were hilarious, glad to know when the Earth is annihilated that corporate logos are still important.


Lord Nagafen Raider
While TERA and GW2 were mediocore at endgame (dunno about GW2 never got that far), both were really interesting and exciting when you first started, for whatever reasons Defiance just feels ... boring.
I think that's a good comparison. Both Tera and GW2 do an excellent job of introducing you to the game by providing you with a dynamic cinematic and immediately throwing you into the action. Defiance, on the other hand, has a fairly forgettable cut scene (which is more like the opening of a quest line) and then puts you into a very hand-hold-y tutorial. By comparison, Defiance feels mechanical and out-of-date.


ill give trion props for trying something new in linking it with a TV show, its a shame its going to fail in spectacular fashion though
Sadly that was my assessment a year ago when I saw it. I like Trion and would really like it to succeed, but these are not the games you're looking for.

Fundamentally, I don't think there is a shooter audience that is looking hard for an MMO, really. They have a few, really, between CoD, BF3, and Halo. It meets their needs in the online gaming space.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Fundamentally, I don't think there is a shooter audience that is looking hard for an MMO, really. They have a few, really, between CoD, BF3, and Halo. It meets their needs in the online gaming space.
I don't think that's true. I just don't think this is a shooter MMO. The combat is more akin to Mass Effect 1 than CoD. It's more RPG than shooter, so it sort of sits on that line that's too RPG for shooter fans and too shooter for RPG fans. Plus, as far as an MMO goes, the only new thing it seems to offer is the connection between the MMO and the show, something innovative to be sure, but something that seems like it's going to have limited impact on gameplay.


2 Minutes Hate
Well, they do have the benefit that it will be advertised the fuck out of more than any MMORPG on TV, on the SyFy channel at least. (Nothing compares to Ford/WOW commercials during an NFL game though)


<Gold Donor>
Ill check this out this beta weekend and see for myself. I am intrigued by the idea its just how its implemented will detirmine, obviously, if its good or not.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Ill check this out this beta weekend and see for myself. I am intrigued by the idea its just how its implemented will detirmine, obviously, if its good or not.
Yeah, me as well. I have not been following this at all aside from watching a video on Gamespot yesterday. The idea is at least cool and unique when it comes to tying in with the show.


Golden Squire
Well, they do have the benefit that it will be advertised the fuck out of more than any MMORPG on TV, on the SyFy channel at least. (Nothing compares to Ford/WOW commercials during an NFL game though)
All that means is that if their advertising works, they'll have a shitty game that has exploding servers on launch. Two good things that go well together!

Anomander Rake

Golden Knight of the Realm
Now that NDA has been lifted, I can talk about my experience with beta, and to a small extent the alpha which I didn't play more than 20 minutes of. This game appears to be catering to the console gamer who has never played an MMO before. If you are a veteran of massively mutliplayer online rpg's, then I can't imagine how you would be anything other than bored after 2 hours. Enemy AI in the game is dreadful, straight out of a Korean f2p, and they spawn out of "monster closets" all over the world (seriously hope you like mobs popping out the back of S.W.A.T vans where the devs of this game couldn't even be assed to have a door opening and closing animation iirc)

Shooting mechanics feel hollow and janky, and it gets old quick clicking on enemy heads for kills. Mobs are pretty boring and generic as well, and there is hardly any variety in the zones I was in. Quests are what you would expect. Fed-Ex, point A to point B to point C, repeated over and over and over again. The vehicles handle like riding a zombie pig in a molasses pool, and the graphics, while decent, paint a very uninspired world. It's the worst kind of theme-park, where everything looks like it's just standing around doing nothing or or shooting at shit or waiting for you to click for your Fed-Ex quest or click to head-shot.

And the UI. Holy. Shit. It's. Bad. The fact that you have to click multiple things and dig around in a menu just to quit the game was the proverbial straw that broke the camels back. The chat makes Asheron's Call 2's chat seem revolutionary, and that game was released in 2003. Did you guys like rifts in Rift? Hope you did, because they phoned it into Defiance, by providing the same "gameplay" via alien invasions surrounding a big rift, err rock, that people spaz out on killing mobs. There is no deep game-play. There is no character development (besides the generic abilities you can purchase - ooooh overcharge and cloak!!!). There isn't any real loot worth getting excited about. There seems to be zero reason why I should give a shit about what is going on in the world due to generic cut-scenes and boring NPC's. Apparently aliens invaded and some ship crashed near the starter zone.

If you like thoughtful, addictive, fun game-play, in an interestingly designed world then this isn't the game you are looking for. Maybe give it a shot in 3 years when it is on sale through steam for 4.99 and it's February and you are bored off your ass and have 3-4 hours to waste. How they are charging 60 dollars for this I will never know.

BTW, this was my favorite part of the email I got announcing that the beta NDA is down, and I quote:

"This is just the beginning. We're building a massive world and Beta is only part of what you see. For us, launch is when the fun starts. We patch to respond to your feedback. Like in a relationship, we put effort into making it work. "

Translation: Thanks for agreeing to be in our paid beta when you purchase the game. We will try to not make the game suck if you keep complaining about stuff.

Anomander Rake

Golden Knight of the Realm
Lol yeah that sounds weird doesn't it? I was in the first weekend "preview" beta, and then got an invite into the ongoing Alpha.


<Silver Donator>
You went back in time?
While alphas start earlier than betas, they often continue along with beta to test stuff internally before it's sent to a larger playerbase where NDA tends to be less respected or lifted. This is the case for most mmos at least, I've been in alpha for Rift and GW2 and both had alphas up to the release while the plebs had to play Beta weekends and that nonsense.


Made my character before I left for work this morning, but didn't have a chance to do much playing because I was greeted by "Position in Queue: 1113 | Time Remaining: 13 days". And the game exited at some point.

Character models look like Rift characters aged another twenty years, mixed with thirty years of chain smoking.


2 Minutes Hate
First few times I played, I had alt-f4 out of the game because I couldn't find the exit button in the menu system. The vehicles suck ass too. It's like driving while on mushrooms. I bet the later vehicles control better.

The UI is complete shit. Complete shit. There will be a game, one day, that is supported on consoles and PC where they spend the time to make two different UIs.

It's a shame that the loot sucks. I can't comment on how it used to be, but it's boring now.


Played it a bit. I had very low expectation, so it wasn't that bad.
Yet I felt like I was playing some sub-par GTA-like (with those brainless missions and challenges scattered around the map), a poor multiplayer component strapped to it (I didn't even figure out how to communicate with people easily) and "made-for-console" written all over it.
Did several small events (bug invasion in a defined area), which were so-so (just point and shoot while dodging shit). Reached the boss during one of them. The most challenging part was saving your ammo for the boss while kiting adds because it was almost impossible to find some around, which was more frustrating than anything else (near the end I was completely out of ammo and was pondering if I had to suicide myself to respawn near a ammo cache or wait for some to drop from bugs being killed by other players).
After a couple of hours, it's likely that I won't touch it again because I can already see the patterns and do not foresee much novelty even if I pour several more hours into it. Yet, it will be likely enjoyable for someone who has never played Rift (for the event novelty), wants a MMOFPS and is super casual.
6/10 is my vote.