Destiny - Gamertags


marco esquandolas
<Bronze Donator>
Yup, I am in Hood River. Was surprised a bit by your address. If you aren't a Ducks fan ill cancel that shit. lol i ked


<Silver Donator>
Damn, I was hoping you were an out-of-state Ducks fan. I was going to send you a care package of some Oregon brews. The offer is still open if you want it


marco esquandolas
<Bronze Donator>
Anytime you pass by Hood River you can buy me the bestIPAon the planet


Trakanon Raider
Hahah, I've actually never owned an Xbox. There's probably a ton of (relatively to dirt by now I imagine) cheap stuff to play. But nahhh man, keep it!
Or if you are really insisting on giving it away there are some cool video game based charities and organizations that do a lot of good work. One I can think of off the top of my head that I support a lot is called Extra Life. Check it out.

Anyway I am kind of in the same position man. I am finishing out Paramedic school and working as much as I do still just covers the rent, bills and tuition etc so I held off on a release PS4. It's not so bad though man cause this game was going to be the one to push me to buy a PS4 some way or another and I just got the beta for PS3 and realized it was actually totally playable and still a lot of fun. That is really awesome of you by the way jooka and I'm glad you won't be alone anymore Bandwagon.


<Silver Donator>
That's funny....I'm working as an EMT and working towards Paramedic. And thank you. It was a good surprise. I might have my roomate put some parental controls on it for study time.
Starting Anatomy & Physiology this year.


Molten Core Raider
Can add me to PS4 w/mic (crappy one included with system for now). PS4 Gamertag Taryk12

I was not planning on playing Destiny unless it ever made it to PC but was able to sell my older consoles and games to get a PS4 for almost nothing a few days ago, so I figured why not. Probably play around 6-9pm cdt most nights and longer on Wed/Thu.


Tranny Chaser
Due to overwhelming peer pressure I'm now getting the PS4 version as well (or again since that was my original order). The worst part of the console wars is having people on either side who you don't want to disappoint.

Anywho on PSN I'm "Qhue".


Toilet of the Mod Elect
Jooka, youre awesome

Lexicon929 on psn/ps4

Very excited to play this again after alpha/beta! I want some 7 fucking hour raids.


Toilet of the Mod Elect
Okie doke, here we go.

Just a quick setup and anything can be changed if someone requests. I will just end up making everyone an admin for invites/changes or whatever in case I'm MIA for a few days on vacation. We can start inviting for the clan once the servers are live but we can still be apart of the group until then. I will go down our list here and invite everyone. If you don't want in, don't fucking accept! Its all one clan for xbox/psn by the looks of it.

Rerolled Clan -Bungie : Clans : Rerolled : Forum |

Another toy for us, a little Destiny app for stats and shit on your phoneDestiny Companion |


<Silver Donator>
Qhue, this may be a dumb question, but are the quotes included in your PSN name? Check page one and make sure I got it right.

Also, list should be updated up to this point.

Alaslia, thanks for looking into the clan pages....even if it doesn't work.
I picked up Newsweek's Destiny magazine this morning before going to work for a boring Medical standby and saw a small piece in there on clans. Is anyone else interested in organizing/maintaining/scheduling a clan and clan events? I have no experience in that kind of stuff and possibly won't have the time, but if anyone is interested please post here. Maybe those of you that like the idea of scheduling raids can talk and come up with something that the rest of us can sign up for.

And we'll have to vote on a name, won't we?


<Gold Donor>
Qhue, this may be a dumb question, but are the quotes included in your PSN name? Check page one and make sure I got it right.

Also, list should be updated up to this point.

Alaslia, thanks for looking into the clan pages....even if it doesn't work.
I picked up Newsweek's Destiny magazine this morning before going to work for a boring Medical standby and saw a small piece in there on clans. Is anyone else interested in organizing/maintaining/scheduling a clan and clan events? I have no experience in that kind of stuff and possibly won't have the time, but if anyone is interested please post here. Maybe those of you that like the idea of scheduling raids can talk and come up with something that the rest of us can sign up for.

And we'll have to vote on a name, won't we?
I'll probably be rolling with OTG like I always do these days from a clan standpoint but they are ultra casual as am I. That said I think there is "group" support too because the clans I thought were capped at 50 or so anyway (which wouldn't be an issue here.) I'd be down to join a group for Rerolled if nothing else. Good initiative on trying to set things up Alasicanttypetherestofyourname.
I'm pretty antisocial in games anymore largely due to playing at random times for random amounts of time and not always wanting to commit to even 2 hours (but then playing for 10 hours straight some random day.)

Antisocial gamer or not I'm really going to try with Destiny which is why I added everyone! Damn it! Words!


FPS noob
clans are currently turned off, groups and group forums are working though. You can be a member of unlimited number of groups, and groups can have alliances and have no practical limit on member numbers.

A clan however is a sub group and has a maximum of 50 members specific to a platform (PSN or Xbox), and when you are playing you will have your clan tag next to your name. Multiple clans can be part of a group (group alliance) sharing forum info and shit. There are also challenges and rewards and shit you can get as part of a clan, not sure all the details.

I set up in a beta a Predator homage group, its open join to anyone and auto promotes people to admin if you wanna fuck around with the forums and group features and wall while waiting - you can still join infinite other groups. Someone more organized will have to setup clans and such, I'll make the below group an ally of whatever group most of us end up joining as a PS4 clan.
Bungie : Clans : I Aint Got Time To Bleed : Forum |