Destiny: Rise of Iron 9.20.16


<Gold Donor>
#confirmed. Spent all the coins I had left on picking it up, can't wait to try it.
I have like 3 of them, one of them being 310. And its ok for strikes and clearing packs of trash, it charges your super faster, but it has a shitty reload time and the thing I cant stand about it that animation at its tip which blocks your ADS. For PvP its good if you can get close enough and land 98% headshots, but still the pulses win out 85.7% of the time. I basically never use mine, waiting for an arc nightfall, it came in handy on the last one.


FPS noob
yeah the zhalo is good for specific situations (many, many adds, arc burn) but otherwise its a pretty meh gun since its reload is slow and range is not great. looks very, very cool though and its the only y2 elemental primary in game.

bungie must be a bit worried about play numbers, they rigged xur this week to get people to come back. selling all the best y2k exotics - taiko for titans, gravitron for hunters, alchemist for warlocks, and zhalo for anyone who doesn't have it yet. all worth picking up if you haven't got them out of engrams.

haven't played destiny at all this week and don't see myself coming back if the HM raid stays as the shit loot RNG fest it is, but I really enjoyed my 45 days of playing Taken King and it was easily worth the price. PVP is still good, I actually prefer Destiny PVP to Halo but Halo PVP is very good. I hope bungie doesn't try too hard, people will come back next year once they are done with Fallout, battlefront, just cause, etc.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Shit got me.



Vyemm Raider
I got a Zhalo on week 2 or so and ive been used once - I logged in tuesday to finish no time to explain and havent jumped back in since.
Still playing a bit, not as much as I was up til hard mode, which was a bit of a disappointment. Was really hoping they were going to add a few more bosses and more mechanics to all the sections of the raid. Instead it was a very slightly harder version of regular. I guess my biggest issue with Destiny is the fact that you hit light level 320 for what reason? If I can kill the hardest content at 309 what does 320 do for me? I cant even go back to old content and destroy it, and level 4 dregs can still hurt me. They need a way to spit out content a little faster, a world of warcraft expansion lasts more than 30 days. TTK would have been beaten in 2-3 weeks if stuff was not time gated. I guess in Trials light matters, but what is trials going to get me besides another pulse rifle and nothing to use it on?


Still playing a bit, not as much as I was up til hard mode, which was a bit of a disappointment. Was really hoping they were going to add a few more bosses and more mechanics to all the sections of the raid. Instead it was a very slightly harder version of regular. I guess my biggest issue with Destiny is the fact that you hit light level 320 for what reason? If I can kill the hardest content at 309 what does 320 do for me? I cant even go back to old content and destroy it, and level 4 dregs can still hurt me. They need a way to spit out content a little faster, a world of warcraft expansion lasts more than 30 days. TTK would have been beaten in 2-3 weeks if stuff was not time gated. I guess in Trials light matters, but what is trials going to get me besides another pulse rifle and nothing to use it on?
This is exactly why a bunch of us quit after Atheon hard mode was released. We beat the hardest the game had to offer, why farm more gear to beat it a fraction faster. Then they made all the mechanics random after we had people in our team dedicated to roles they liked doing.


<Gold Donor>
so supposedly trials is dropping exotis at 310+, many peeps on redit are reporting getting exotic pieces at 315 and 317 and shit from silver and gold tier rewards. So maybe they finally unlocked 310-320 exotics?

They added in bounties so yu can get rewards even if you never reach the lighthouse. Good incentive to have everyone playing. Plus there is the end of match rewards too which seem to be 300+ too.


<Gold Donor>
I guess in Trials light matters, but what is trials going to get me besides another pulse rifle and nothing to use it on?
I dont even think it matters there if they are using the IB curve they said they were using. Once youre like 300+ youre pretty much maxxed out.


They need a way to spit out content a little faster, a world of warcraft expansion lasts more than 30 days.
When I played WoW I was with a "top tier" raid group. Even when we beat it, we always went back to either help friends or just to play the game with the same friends. If you play just to beat the content then move on, then that is fine and keep doing what you are doing. See ya at the next expansion. But, for me, I get on Destiny to play the game with friends and meet new people ( I like the reddit Fireteam group finder). It all depends on what you define as fun. There is no reason to bash any game, just play it until you are done then move on. I will stick around if for the only reason is to play with buddies.


Useless lazy bastard.
so supposedly trials is dropping exotis at 310+, many peeps on redit are reporting getting exotic pieces at 315 and 317 and shit from silver and gold tier rewards. So maybe they finally unlocked 310-320 exotics?

They added in bounties so yu can get rewards even if you never reach the lighthouse. Good incentive to have everyone playing. Plus there is the end of match rewards too which seem to be 300+ too.
Light 311+

Not a single 279+ legendary
Not a single 310+ exotic

so far...


When I played WoW I was with a "top tier" raid group. Even when we beat it, we always went back to either help friends or just to play the game with the same friends. If you play just to beat the content then move on, then that is fine and keep doing what you are doing. See ya at the next expansion. But, for me, I get on Destiny to play the game with friends and meet new people ( I like the reddit Fireteam group finder). It all depends on what you define as fun. There is no reason to bash any game, just play it until you are done then move on. I will stick around if for the only reason is to play with buddies.
A bit different because doing other stuff was interesting. People aren't doing Atheon and needing help any more. It's a 45 min at most run. Same with Crota and Skolas.

All of the PVE you can handle can be done in just a couple nights leaving the rest of the week to just play nonstop crucible and only crucible.

Maybe our friends are just more efficient at the game than your friends? This isn't a jab but I don't see how you could know many people that have that much content left at this point unless they are brand new to the game this week or they only play 45 minutes a night 3 days a week.


You missed the point. We run the raid just to run it. We do nightfalls, bounties, dailies. Just to hang out, talk smack, perform different roles. You are not more efficient, you just get bored easily. Go play Halo, or Witcher, or any other Solo game, when Destiny bores you. But Bungies model is similar to any other MMO


You missed the point. We run the raid just to run it. We do nightfalls, bounties, dailies. Just to hang out, talk smack, perform different roles. You are not more efficient, you just get bored easily. Go play Halo, or Witcher, or any other Solo game, when Destiny bores you. But Bungies model is similar to any other MMO
I said it's a 45 min run at most in case you are just doing things to do things. So still all the PVE you can handle can be done in a few nights. Don't get butthurt like I am calling you out for being a shitty gamer. We ARE playing other games AND Destiny. We are also talking about what they could do to help keep people playing. Challenge modes will be a start especially if they are random configurations to really bring some fun into it.

I am not bored easily at all, I am most definitely extremely efficient.


Useless lazy bastard.
Still playing a bit, not as much as I was up til hard mode, which was a bit of a disappointment. Was really hoping they were going to add a few more bosses and more mechanics to all the sections of the raid. Instead it was a very slightly harder version of regular. I guess my biggest issue with Destiny is the fact that you hit light level 320 for what reason? If I can kill the hardest content at 309 what does 320 do for me? I cant even go back to old content and destroy it, and level 4 dregs can still hurt me. They need a way to spit out content a little faster, a world of warcraft expansion lasts more than 30 days. TTK would have been beaten in 2-3 weeks if stuff was not time gated. I guess in Trials light matters, but what is trials going to get me besides another pulse rifle and nothing to use it on?
TTK was effectivly over 2 weeks in, the new hard mode is just a tweak and is not much harder then regular raid. As you say, they need to spit out content a helluva lot faster if they plan to cater to anyone but Joe Casual (they might cater to him tho, its probl the largest customer base).


FPS noob
these kind of games need a way for all players to just hang out, shoot the shit, and not stress too much about being good/bad while still getting tiny advancement. MOBAs and FPS' have perfected this, while adding a tier of MLG-level ladder play so hardcores can compete on epeen.

Destiny takes one step forward and two steps back every patch, taken king has almost perfected nightfall/PVP/normal raid but in a few months we'll see another "here's what we learned from Kings Fall hard mode raid". I bet they eliminate hard mode raids and instead fold it into the normal mode raid as challenge mode/timed mode/etc which awards unique ships, emotes, shaders, and other cosmetics while everyone shares the same loot. And of course completely seperate PVP and PVE gear, loadouts, and talent trees. Not sure about their loot RNG, on the one hand the current system prolongs the game life but imo it just makes people despise the raid instead of having fun in it. Its better to have a raid die off naturally in 3-4 weeks due to people out of loot rather than artificially prolong it.
these kind of games need a way for all players to just hang out, shoot the shit, and not stress too much about being good/bad while still getting tiny advancement. MOBAs and FPS' have perfected this, while adding a tier of MLG-level ladder play so hardcores can compete on epeen.

Destiny takes one step forward and two steps back every patch, taken king has almost perfected nightfall/PVP/normal raid but in a few months we'll see another "here's what we learned from Kings Fall hard mode raid". I bet they eliminate hard mode raids and instead fold it into the normal mode raid as challenge mode/timed mode/etc which awards unique ships, emotes, shaders, and other cosmetics while everyone shares the same loot. And of course completely seperate PVP and PVE gear, loadouts, and talent trees. Not sure about their loot RNG, on the one hand the current system prolongs the game life but imo it just makes people despise the raid instead of having fun in it. Its better to have a raid die off naturally in 3-4 weeks due to people out of loot rather than artificially prolong it.
I still think the main issue with Destiny is the raid boss design which is a by-product of the lacking class system they have. Everything is just too easy in Destiny and the raid designers hands are tied due to a lack of classes to design around. Currently any class makeup can beat any of the content in the game, no buffs, no heals, utility etc. Destiny 2 should fix a ton of issues once they drop last gen consoles, maybe even have fireteams of 10 and public spaces with more than 16 players.