Destiny: Rise of Iron 9.20.16


Right, but afaik there's still no chance for any actual loot from doing them, which means you do them once each and then there's no reason to go back until next Tuesday. Assuming you can actually get into any level above 22 that is. I can solo the 22 but it won't even let me in the door for 26 or 28 yet.
Oh yeah for sure. Just was saying you can squeeze out a few more meager coins.

The loot system is fairly flawed but as we have discussed the loot doesn't really change the game enough to make it matter "that much". It unlocks things and makes the hits you take smoother and you do a bit more damage but once you get past 25 or 26 it isn't that big of a deal.


Trakanon Raider
So for the past two days I haven't seen a single other player. Town is empty, missions empty, patrol levels on all worlds empty. When I queue for any strike, I get dumped into the level alone. With crucible I sit in the queue indefinitely. Anyone else had this problem or know a fix? I can connect to the game just fine, play and complete missions, but everywhere is a ghost town.
I have this problem. The only thing I can do is join someone's Fireteam and play with other people that way. Don't know the issue.

edit; if someone could help us that would be amazing, this glitch(?) makes the game significantly less fun to play and well completely inables you to play PVP at all


Lord Nagafen Raider
I think at a minimum the final boss in strikes should drop a blue engram with an enhanced chance for a purple/yellow. This would make strikes something to consider doing after capping marks for the week. Scale the chances up with the level. It is a lot more rewarding to shoot a mob for 10 minutes when you know at leastsomethingwill drop. Dunno if anyone remembers Crawmerax from borderlands, I must have run that stupid boss 200 times just because of the insane amount of loot that popped out when you killed him.

I bought the ps4 just for this game and have not regretted the purchase at all. Game is a blast. It has so much potential. Many ideas have been thrown out here that are easy to implement and would be lots of fun. With time the amount of content will grow. It suffers from the same problem of every triple A game, people like us who will play 80 hours in the first week inevitably consume content faster than it can be added. Whatever grind there is gets completed and then we complain. At least this one has pvp (unlike D3) which adds longevity and content that is not scripted.


Silver Knight of the Realm
Hey xbros, I think we may try a raid at 9pm est tomorrow. Leave a message here or at my gamer tag hoggfight102 if interested.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
PEs give a decent amount of materials (until you hit the invisible daily hard cap)
Update to this, it appears to actually be a weekly hard cap on materials. I can't get shit on my titan for golds anymore but my warlock and hunter still get ascendant stuff.


<Gold Donor>
Man, seeing the rewards from the Nightfall strike makes me want to increase my light level even more. Wonder how much of a step up that is difficulty wise from the regular heroic strikes?! Guaranteed exotic legendaries it looks like.


FPS noob
farming engrams off level 5-10 mobs is sadly the easiest and fastest way to level gear, even if none of the engrams pan out you get tons and tons of motes of light, strange coins, shaders, tabards, glimmer, etc. its just a multiplicative effect where its not just 1 thing you are advancing, its a ton of shit. every few engrams you turn in grants you a few more bonus ones from leveling with the cryptarch, and its a great source of mats, coins, and motes. I'm up to something like 29 coins and 33 motes and i have done 0 strikes above level 22, another day or two of farming and i'll have enough to buy up to level 28 without ever having really run any PVE strikes which is kinda fucked up. but i play to mostly pvp and i like solo farming.

i got god of war shader today in an engram, pretty cool you look all red and shit


Trakanon Raider
farming engrams off level 5-10 mobs is sadly the easiest and fastest way to level gear
I think they are going to nerf that cave on earth that the video showed earlier. Been 4-5 people there all day and considering the phasing stuff, I am guessing a whole lot of people are doing this at the moment. With all the rewards tied to something so simple, I don't see this lasting long. Hopefully not patched by the time I get back from work tomorrow. All the legendary engrams except one have turned into blue items for me so far. I want more purples.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Went home for lunch today, couple of my friends were there farming that spot so I jumped in for 10 minutes. It is indeed crazy. Got a purple engram within minutes which turned into an exotic hunter chest (with the wolf on it). Guess I have to level the hunter now.


Tranny Chaser
I got a legendary finally and it came from a blue engram. You may want to prepare for the end of days.