Destiny: Rise of Iron 9.20.16


Vyemm Raider
Bad Juju is ok but needs bigger ammo clip, Invective is nice and possibly the best one i have atm. Some Good Advice is quite possibly the worse exotic ive seen, its worse than my other 2 legendary machine guns by a large margin.


Vyemm Raider
We got stuff from every "loot phase" yeah mostly shards but someone got an item from every chest or boss.

The shards/energy are way more useful because you are going to have the gear you need before the raid, it's more light you are missing. At this point I would take a raining down of mats over loot.

If I could change the game I would have exotics only drop from raids and one per boss. That is my old MMO showing through.

As long as the next raid has zero oracles/relic I think we are ok. FPS people need a design built upon in order to really embrace it I think was the design philosophy.
2 people got weapons everyone else got the shaft - No one got any armor.


2 people got weapons everyone else got the shaft - No one got any armor.
We got three pieces of armor, a cloak, and mats. We still have Atheon to kill.

Ice Breaker is by far the best exotic I have and might be one of the best in the game because of its regeneration aspect that rolls over to any other weapon in that slot.


Fucking dumb, people still don't know how to kill the tank on mars at lvls 26+, literally just waiting by our tank spawns while they just chain died for 5 minutes. So freaking annoying when it's so freaking easy. That and you still get people that don't try and kill adds during phogoth. I just left after the 2nd wipe because I was only one killing adds and they were chain dieing to boss.

edit: and the worst part about it is you can't freaking tell them


Just cheesed the hell out of the weekly nightfall, that was hilarious.

Two of us got exotics, the 3rd dude got 5 strange coins ... lol


Golden Knight of the Realm
I'm doing some Moon farming (Dark Beyond lvl 9) to get some blues, I'm lvl 20 if anyone wants to roll. Also down for whatever else if someone could use me.


A Mod Real Quick
If you make a new char do you need to unlock all the story elements again or do you just have global access?


Damn 10000 guardian kills for bad juju or whatever it is, sheesh. That'll be awhile, been in there 16 hours and only have 1100 atm. Kinda sucks that it'll take up my bounty slot for a week or 2 while I grind it out.


So anyone still need to do Vault of Glass? I'm running a lvl 27 Titan
Message thefourth, hes a 27 warlock, and hasn't done it yet.

We were going to run him through this week ,but haven't had the chance yet.

Not sure why he still hasn't posted on this board, I'll bug him.


Damn 10000 guardian kills for bad juju or whatever it is, sheesh. That'll be awhile, been in there 16 hours and only have 1100 atm. Kinda sucks that it'll take up my bounty slot for a week or 2 while I grind it out.
its not 10000 guardian kills for Bad JuJu. It's 10k exp kills which is like 20 matches if you suck, way less if you dont suck. It's 200 regular kills, or way less if you get headshot kills.

You must not be on the right step if you haven't completed it yet.


We got stuff from every "loot phase" yeah mostly shards but someone got an item from every chest or boss.

The shards/energy are way more useful because you are going to have the gear you need before the raid, it's more light you are missing. At this point I would take a raining down of mats over loot.

If I could change the game I would have exotics only drop from raids and one per boss. That is my old MMO showing through.

As long as the next raid has zero oracles/relic I think we are ok. FPS people need a design built upon in order to really embrace it I think was the design philosophy.
You are looking at it the wrong way. It's a progression.

The raid loot in normal gets you the modifiers you need to do Hard mode. You can't reach level 30 without Hard mode raid gear.


Karazhan Raider
Alright, I finally got an exotic bounty, I need to do a heroic or nightfall weekly strike. Anyone wanna help me tomorrow? The rest I should be abler handle solo it looks like. Level 25 (might be 26 tomorrow) if that matters


I don't know about anyone else ,but I had to buy some gunnars this week for my eyes.
It is absolutely brutal playing a diablo type game as a FPS. I never noticed it before with any other games, so I looked it up.

It's very common in an FPS to not blink for large amounts of time.Its even worse for me because I play on a 65 inch TV.
On the weekends sometimes I'll play for 10 hours straight, so the damage on my eyes after that is crazy.