Destiny: Rise of Iron 9.20.16


Toilet of the Mod Elect
Bungie - " uhhh were working on stuff, kinda. No eta except fuck you on shards and your beloved cave."

That will be the last queen quest I ever do.


Tranny Chaser
So they nerfed all the outdoor spawns while also eliminating the reward for doing the current world event and while admitting that their reward system is bad only say that things will change "Soon"?

Really not a smart move. I predict a large number of people will simply dump the game now rather than wait for an update in a month or whatever.

Doing moderately challenging content in the Queen Epic story missions for solid rewards was really the only reason several guys I know did not drop the game this week.

Any future the game has at this point now hinges not only on fixing the serious issues but pairing that with a mechanism to lure players back at the same time. Games live or die within the first couple weeks now, how you don't have a round-the-clock tiger team deployed to handle any possible contingency during that fragile period escapes me...especially for such a massive cash cow.
Everyone knew the loot cave nerf was coming. Nerfing it without addressing the underlying problems of 5 layers of RNG on Engrams as well as legendary engram drop rates as a whole is mind boggling.


FPS noob
by the way how many strange coins and motes of light do you guys have saved up for xur, i have 50 of each and thats all from pvp and loot cave, haven't done any raids or nightfalls and only 1 weekly strike


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Nerf shit that benefits players too much immediately, make nebulous promises about fixing the shit that gives players the no-lube, no-reacharound treatment "SoonT".

Same as pretty much every other developer, especially in the always-online genres, so I just expect it now and abuse the hell out of it while it lasts. Just once I'd like to see someone buck the trend and fix both sides of the problem at the same time, but I'm not holding my breath waiting for it to happen.

Speaking of annoying things that need to be fixed, did anyone else buy the Titan/Striker helmet last Friday? It gives me two Fist of Havoc perks for free so I can choose two other ones instead. Except the Death from Above part only seems to work about half the time, if that. Instead of launching me towards the spot I'm looking at it just drops me straight down, usually wasting my super entirely.

by the way how many strange coins and motes of light do you guys have saved up for xur, i have 50 of each and thats all from pvp and loot cave, haven't done any raids or nightfalls and only 1 weekly strike
30 motes and 45 coins right now. Going be very disappointing if Xur stocks a bunch of trash and repeats again this week. :/

Bungie_sl said:
Early in 2014 we added randomness, both for better and worse, to the decrypting process. The result was that end-of-session engram decoding got a lot more exciting and the Cryptarch himself suddenly acquired a personality.Both of these experiences were positive additions to the game.
As someone who has gotten a blue from almost every legendary engram decoded--unless of course it's a class item--and never once gotten an exotic, all I can say to this is, "Fuck you."


Trakanon Raider
I'd love to see the before and after on Queen's missions run counts now that the rewards are worthless for materials. I'll pick up the bounties just for the extra shot at exotics, but fuck wasting time on her missions now.


Lord Nagafen Raider
If I didn't have to Queen bounties to do daily I'd probably get bored without loot cave.

They nerfed the mobs in my moon missions too that I used to farm wax idols. If they really make my exotic scout rifle better I'll be able to ignore most of my complaints.


<Silver Donator>
[-]elladour 33 points an hour ago

From today's patch notes:

"The Hive of the holy 'Treasure Cave' have realized the futility of their endless assault on Skywatch and have retired to lick their wounds and plan their next attack"

[-]Killtrend 83 points an hour ago

That's a better story than most of what they wrote on purpose
490million dollar advertising budget


Tranny Chaser
The sad part is that the actual gameplay (the running around and shooting things part) is good. But there was clearly not more than three one-hour meetings devoted to how to handle progression once the Story was finished and now the game is effectively done. People were in the "Im playing but I'm not sure why..." phase when they found the Cave and then this week's event. With both of those mechanisms removed I know for a fact that people will turn on their systems tonight and go "I actually don't have anything to do..." and promptly log out.

Tomorrow Xur comes back and people who have some Strange Coins and Motes of Light will want to see what bling this garners them so Bungie has approximately 48 hours to find some massive carrot to dangle in front of the customer base or risk losing the whole goddamn farm. Public opinion is incredibly fickle these days and Destiny's Fame clock is sitting at 14m55s


Log Wizard
You sure do have a knack for letting others know the sky is totttaaallllyyy falling, because you think so.

LOL @ Story is over game is done. What is this shit? Did you never play Halo?


Trakanon Raider
I only have 4 coins, so no Xur loot for me.

It's a fun game, but the cave quickly turned into the go-to reward mechanism. I did up to lvl 10 or so the real way, then just sat at the cave to finish the rest in about a day. Hell, I still haven't even touched a Mars mission yet. There's stuff I could be doing, but it doesn't provide me any real end-game progress so why bother.


Tranny Chaser
So what do i do now as a fresh level 20 and no gear?
You really don't have anything meaningful to do. Public events on Earth or wherever to get 100 Vanguard Marks a week and misc stuff for faction in order to spend them is about the only mechanism left available to you. Strikes are 100% pointless since they give you nothing and you will be hard pressed to do the Weekly Heroic Strike as a fresh 20.

We were talking last night about how similar this game is to Halo and how the Story mission meant nothing to the popularity of Halo back in the day or Battlefield/CoD now. The consensus was that Destiny is very Halo-ish but that shooter PVP players wanted more of a Battlefield experience in their PVP and not one tied to farming gear and such ala MMO. I think once CoD Advanced Warfare and Battlefield Cops N Robbers come out the Crucible will fade to black in much the same way that Titanfall has now.

I don't see people continuing to play Destiny for the PVP like they did 15 years ago with Halo


The no Fusion Rifle nerf is amazing.Makes me wonder if they even play their own game.
It seems the loot cave nerf is in conjunction with a change to Engrams.

IMO Bungle should have the kept the loot cave for newbs until they had another process in place.


Lord Nagafen Raider
aww, queens shit won't DE into shards either
Where did you see this? If this is true does this mean that I literally have TWO ways to upgrade legendary gear? Farm raid mobs and the daily for ascendant material? Please someone tell me this isn't true. Sharding queens purples was the only reason for me to even bother doing them. And the off chance I finally get a legendary hand cannon. This game is fun when you get a party chat of 3+ people going and just shoot this shit but it isn't THAT fun. I spent half the other night playing PoE while talking to others who were raiding. Was 10x more fun.

My PS4 is becoming a Ventrillo device.