Destiny: Rise of Iron 9.20.16


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
I really wish I had not used my codes that came with my collector's edition. I should have sold them.


Log Wizard
Costs the same as a CoD expansion and gave us 3 new PVP maps + all the PVE stuff. So it's already better than 3/4 of the DLC's I've ever bought. It's still not as good as a BL2 DLC or anything, but those were more the exception than the rule.

Noble Savage

Kang of Kangz
<Bronze Donator>
they still didn't fix the ammo bug either haha
I can't believe the number of people I run into that will argue that this is an actual mechanic of the game like some sort of "death penalty". I usually shoot them down pretty quick when I ask them why does it only affect you when you are wearing the ammo buff armor. If you take the armor off it doesn't happen. Of course they have no response to that but that doesn't stop them from continuing to believe this bug is intended. SMH


Karazhan Raider
I can't believe the number of people I run into that will argue that this is an actual mechanic of the game like some sort of "death penalty". I usually shoot them down pretty quick when I ask them why does it only affect you when you are wearing the ammo buff armor. If you take the armor off it doesn't happen. Of course they have no response to that but that doesn't stop them from continuing to believe this bug is intended. SMH
Must be a cutscene ammo penalty in game too

Noble Savage

Kang of Kangz
<Bronze Donator>
So has anyone from Rerolled beaten Crota yet? We got to him yesterday but decided the fight was too much bullshit till we hit 31.


<Gold Donor>
On the bright side, the new strikes are nice. Pretty quick, to the point and the bosses are not a 30 min slog, well maybe the wizard one is because she constantly hides behind pillars. The mars one is good, straightforward kill shit until boss, then kill boss (not too bad) and collect loot.

Im going to have to try the loot chest thing on my 3 characters tonight before it gets patched, cause you know it will. They will either remove it completely, or surround it with fucking yellow bar shielded knights that reign down hell on you.

The thing thst I cannot stand in this game is the RNG crap. The haves keep trucking on while us shleps which were not blessed by RNG have to slog it out grinding reps and shit. Fucking hell. also the fuck if its pure RNG. I opened up some saved up purp engrams when the expansion hit, thinking I would get new shit (boy was I wrong) I got 4 fucking comedians in a row. Now tell me what the chances of that happening is. Its like getting hit by lightning, while getting your knee bit by a shark, while holding the wining powerball ticket in hand. Maybe some statistician can chime in here and explain this to me.


I really like the Black Garden strike. Tons of stuff to shoot, and the boss gets dead pretty fast.

Fuck the Cryptarch tho. They said they buffed him to give you a better chance of legendaries on rep rank ups and I've gotten my 3rd rank up since then and I got all blues again


FPS noob
solo'd the new hive strike at 30 to see if i can do it, its not too bad although the last boss took fucking FOREVER - summons adds all the time, probably a lot faster with 3 people shooting arc rockets into her face. i can't even imagine doing nightfall solo without some good cheese spots though, way way way too easy to die to melee guys and stealth vandals who pop out of nowhere.
So has anyone from Rerolled beaten Crota yet? We got to him yesterday but decided the fight was too much bullshit till we hit 31.
Yeah, thought we did pretty good for being all 30 with unupgraded weapons.

I hit 31 8 hours ago, just waiting for a few friends to catch up, if you guys hit 31 hit me up and we will finish the raid. We actually got up to crota on all our characters.


Whelp, I've kinda decided to wait until Xur comes to the tower this week before deciding on whether I'm playing another minute of the game. If Xur's only going to sell the old exotics and require to you to spend coins, glimmer, coins, glimmer, material to upgrade them, I'm going to move on. Been looking a bit this week for another MMO to move to but don't see any sadly, and really no ps4 games that'll keep me occupied for more than a week.


Useless lazy bastard.
Xur will sell NEW exotics, and have the option to upgrade old ones.
They love the fucking RNG so much they put a RNG into a RNG.....

(Also, fuck this bullshit with getting shards and energy as boss loot, did they learn nothing from VoG and how much people hate that? BOSS LOOT = GEAR. If we get GEAR we already have THEN we can dismantle it into shards/energy, fucking morons.)


Useless lazy bastard.
GTA 5 AC4 Farcry 4 Dragon Age Shadow of mordor COD:AW there are a heap of games out to play
Indeed, bought Shadow of Mordor and Alien: Isolation when they were on the PSN sale so after beating Crota next week when we are 31 I think its time for a break from this game until they start giving us content.


Yeah I'm lost likely taking a break. Seriously this amount of content is insulting. Compared to what it should have been this game is an absolute disgrace. When you really sit down and think about what it has to offer its terrible.


Useless lazy bastard.
I find it hillarious that a game thats about 3-4 months old already has 10+ currency marks.

Vanguard marks
Vanguard commendations
Crucible marks
Crucible commandations
Ascendant shards
Ascendant energy
Radient shards
Radient energy
Strange coins
Mote of light

+the new stuff from the DLC vendor.


Karazhan Raider
Lol wtf, you can't even go back and play the first story mission again. So really you only get 2 story missions