Destiny: Rise of Iron 9.20.16


Log Wizard
I have a Red Hand that's better than Thorn and TLW for pvp.
Thorn is a two-shot headshot kill. Red Hand IX is never, ever better than it. Please do not listen to this guy.

Machine Guns are definitely better in PVP than rocket launchers because they'll net you more total kills with a good one. Rocket Launchers are for clearing control points/campers. If you're playing a team I'd rocket launcher if they're just scrubbies I'd definitely get a good machine gun. I have a Jolders with Field Scout Rodeo and Crowd Control. Not sure you can beat it. I have a corrective measure but it feels like a suped up auto rifle rather than a true LMG.

Suros and Thorn are tops for PVP for Exotics though. I think most experienced people would agree with that.


Trakanon Raider
Just broke the Top 3% Win Rate on DTR a few days ago. Feels good man. Haven't lost a single game in about a week and a half. Fireteam matching needs some serious work, and I really would like to see Clan Matches and Ranked Matches. I have some serious respect for smurfs who go up against a Fireteam as organized as mine but they never even come close to giving us a run for our money, understandably. It's no fun for anyone involved.

Anyone think they will do more to enhance the Crucible/PvP experience overall and cater to some competitive players as well or no?


<Gold Donor>
Only scrubs use rockets in PvP. Its all about the swarm or any good machine gun. Why the fuck would you want 2-3 kills over like 5-7 kills with machine gun? And from what I saw in IB last time, handcannon wise nothing beats the last word. Thorn just cannot fire fast enough if TLW gets a jump on you. Any TLW wielders was my only fear when carrying the thorn myself. But still IMO the thorn wins out because of its range. I was sniping people across maps with the thorn.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Any tips on Thorn bounty in regards to the PVP? I am terrible at PVP, and don't really enjoy it that much, but I need to get 500 points with void. The problem is I die a ton and my progress is super slow (and I don't have good void weapons...I just rely on voidwalker super for most of my bounty points).

On a side note, did VoG for the first time last night. Atheon HM netted me a ship, speeder, and an irrelevent helmet now that DLC vendor gear is available...oh well, was a lot of fun to finally try a raid event with some of you guys! Maybe I'll get some weapons next time.
And I find it odd, but fitting for Bungie, that when Atheon dies you can get multiples of the same the guy that got 2 atheon epilogues at once last night haha. You'd think they'd at least put in some simple coding to prevent duplicate loot rolls on the same kill.


FPS noob
for the pvp exotic bounties, if you suck at pvp like i do, do control and just hang around a control point crouched (you show up on radar less) and blast people with shotguns or fusion rifles as they run in. when possible stick with other people, assists count as points so you wanna just stay alive hitting as many people as you can with one bullet to get the assist. its really not too bad, it took me like 20 games or so over a few days just doing my best to stay alive - when you see a bunch of red coming your way, just run away. sometimes you get put on totally imbalanced teams, always bail out if thats the case since the other side is just gonna rack up a ton of kills without a lot to stop em.

if you are better at pvp you can do rumble and even q up with 1 or 2 friends who let you kill them, but i found myself dying way too much in rumble. oh, also run the regular pvp maps not the DLC ones since there will be more new christmas noobs in the non DLC maps

Noble Savage

Kang of Kangz
<Bronze Donator>
Any tips on Thorn bounty in regards to the PVP? I am terrible at PVP, and don't really enjoy it that much, but I need to get 500 points with void. The problem is I die a ton and my progress is super slow (and I don't have good void weapons...I just rely on voidwalker super for most of my bounty points).
The fastest way to do this is get a couple of people with you in a group and play rumble. Then which ever map comes up pick a place where you stay and let the other 2 guys constantly run to you so that you basically farm them for pvp kills. I had that stupid bounty for a month until a couple of folks suggested this method and was able to knock it out in no time. The only shitty part is the other players figure out whats going on and try to get in on the action and ambush the sacraficers lol.


Any tips on Thorn bounty in regards to the PVP? I am terrible at PVP, and don't really enjoy it that much, but I need to get 500 points with void. The problem is I die a ton and my progress is super slow (and I don't have good void weapons...I just rely on voidwalker super for most of my bounty points).

On a side note, did VoG for the first time last night. Atheon HM netted me a ship, speeder, and an irrelevent helmet now that DLC vendor gear is available...oh well, was a lot of fun to finally try a raid event with some of you guys! Maybe I'll get some weapons next time.
And I find it odd, but fitting for Bungie, that when Atheon dies you can get multiples of the same the guy that got 2 atheon epilogues at once last night haha. You'd think they'd at least put in some simple coding to prevent duplicate loot rolls on the same kill.
Just be sure to get full elemental void weapons in all three slots (I ran with atheon's epilogue, a void shotgun, corrective measure). I think control is the easiest match for PVP newcomers (I am not good either) because you have to kill AND capture objectives. you can pick off people better when they're running to an objective/sitting to cap/etc than if it's clash where the only objective is to kill.


Log Wizard
Control is a great way to get kill streaks. Void machine gun does wonders. Just make sure you stay safe after getting heavy ammo so the newbs using Truth don't blast you and you lose it.

The 6v6 death match could be good if you just shotgun/fusion rifle and stay crouched. Find an area and set up shop.

Nova Bombing the heavy as the other team grabs it is also a pretty good meta.


Not to sound elitist but the quality of players has, definitely, gone down. It's not surprising but people are grabbing the new vendor gear, hitting 30 and 31 and wanting to do VOG Hard thinking that they're ready. They're not... Maybe it was just bad luck but it took me 2.5 groups to clear VOG Hard this week. One group up to Gatekeeper, a second group to kill Gatekeeper and enough people cycling in and out to make up the "half" group to kill Aetheon. Oracle weapons are just as important at 31 and 32 as they were a few weeks ago. And the, common, mistakes that people make... Like ignoring Supplicants or simple strategies like not shooting the Hobgoblins on Mars but tossing out grenades to help the Relic Bearer with the Minotaur on Venus.

In the end though I did pick up the Vex Mythoclast and I love that thing. When I saw it was a Primary weapon Fusion Rifle I was like "meh" I had no idea that it was more like an Auto Rifle than a Fusion Rifle though. Hits really hard and is really accurate.

I should hit 31 either today or tomorrow though. Looking forward to that. I still need to find a group for Crota's End just to clear it and hope for some loot.
I've actually had some great groups through (or .com). Some with such good quality (personality and skill wise) that we did CE legit because they felt the cheeses were "too cheesy". I think pug raids in destiny are just like LFR in WoW where if you do them towards the end of the week the skill level drops drastically.

H.A. Monkey

Golden Knight of the Realm
Only scrubs use rockets in PvP. Its all about the swarm or any good machine gun. Why the fuck would you want 2-3 kills over like 5-7 kills with machine gun? And from what I saw in IB last time, handcannon wise nothing beats the last word. Thorn just cannot fire fast enough if TLW gets a jump on you. Any TLW wielders was my only fear when carrying the thorn myself. But still IMO the thorn wins out because of its range. I was sniping people across maps with the thorn.
I almost always get at least six kills with my rocket launcher. Most maps have one heavy weapon spawn point that people camp at afterwards. If you're able to get the other spawn, with using a rocket launcher I can eliminate all other heavy weapon users and then in return get their ammo. But if I'm regulated to using a machine gun, The Swarm or Thunderlord is my choice. Neither of which are as powerful as Truth can is to me.


FoH nuclear response team
I love that these expansions take place on the same exact maps you guys have been playing on since launch.


FPS noob
useDestinyLFG.Net | The Original Destiny LFG Site

its the biggest one. I clear everything weekly on 3 chars using it, no problems at all. just like MMOs, try to do all your shit on tuesday and wednesday (reset days) after that you get a lot of retards. 27 is gonna be too low to do nightfall though, all the mobs are 30 and will 1 shot you and you will basically do no damage to them. its not really worth doing VOG except for fun, and its faster to hit 30 or 31 and do the 30 heroic (for 9 coins) than run it multiple times.

its under 10 hours of /play time to hit level 31 as a fresh level 20 if you don't waste time with strikes (solo, with 2 friends strikes are the fastest way to level). Grind that vanguard rep with bounties and patrol missions, in cosmodrome you can do a quick circuit and get 2-3 missions done every 5 minutes. can grind PVP rep at the same time. If you finish the final DLC mission (it is 30 so will need help) you get 31 gloves. Just need 3 more pieces then, 2 of them will require commendation tokens. Once you are 30 you can run crota's end raids using the lfg above to get 32 gear, and have a full set of 31 gear you can hand down to an alt.

you can speed it up a little bit faster even by filling in 1 or 2 slots with 31 pvp gear, if you don't mind PVPing.


Trump's Staff
Damn I already bought my vanguard gloves, guess that was a waste of marks as I'm almost done with the DLC missions.

its under 12 hours of /playtime to go from a fresh 20 to a full level 31, solo.
I must be bad, have already put in over that since hitting 20 and I'm barely 27.


FPS noob
eh its probably longer since i am not sure if you get vanguard commendations at level 1 or level 4+, if its the latter will take a bit longer to grind that out. i'm also assuming you buy one piece from xur, he's gone until friday i think. also having 3 chars of the same class makes everything a ton easier, since you can do double or triple bounties to level new gear super fast and run the raid/etc 3 times a week just swapping gear in the bank. a bit boring and obsessive compulsive i admit though.

people say nowadays you can go from 1 to 20 in under 6 hours running all the stories in max hard mode, and can probably find someone on the LFG site to level with you.

for the next xpac (if you plan on playing) i'd hover your reps at close to the next level, so you can level up the second the xpac hits and get new gear/marks/etc. I use this website to track all my reps, switching my class item around so they are all near to leveling up.
Destiny Reputation Search


Trump's Staff
Yeah I missed Xur's item this week by two coins and you don't get commendations until you hit rank 3+


Trakanon Raider
DestinyLFG is the way to go. I've never had any problems getting groups using it. As said, earlier in the week is better.

VOG is still worth doing for chances at Exotics (like Jelly Horn) but it's very unforgiving for newbies. People are in dick mode right now where they don't want people who haven't cleared it before. They want fast and easy runs. If you've played MMOs before, it's not rocket science but there is a learning curve.

Even Crota's End people are starting to go the "experienced only" route. Luckily I got into a group, at level 31, who knew it was my first time and had no problem explaining things to me. The raid is, definitely, much easier than VOG except for Crota. I don't think Crota was hard but it still took us a LOT of wipes just to get everything to click. It's a fight where there might be 6 players in the raid but the whole fight comes down to about 2 people doing their jobs properly and everyone else supporting them. If those 4 screw up, you can recover. If either of the 2 screw up, it's a wipe. I walked out with Raid Gloves (fucking strength on them, I'll still use them but I'll bite my tongue doing so), Light of the Abyss Fusion Rifle, the ship, shader and emblem. People said that some of those are guaranteed on a first kill but I think it was a solid run with 2 raid drops.