

Trump's Staff
Doesn't look to bad, I've wanted a really good PvE focused MMOFPS for ages, I loved the hell out of Global Agenda, but they barely added any content and it eventually got stale.

CISB (Cool Industry Story Bro) time:
Bungie has wanted to make an MMO for a long time now. Way back when, sometime around '05 or '06, they were looking to license Sigil's tools for a Halo MMORPG. We even got to see some truly awful screenshots. That project was very rightly shit-canned. Needless to say I am not surprised, the technology has been here for a few years now to do something like this.


Avatar of War Slayer

intersting. "mmo comes with alot of baggage"
no sub model. kindof implies not even a store. just a basic buy once, play forever.


Matter of fact fuck having a story in games too. That's boring.
Thank you! At some point after the SNES the mainstream games industry took this turn into awful story-driven wannabe movies. People that play "story games" are fucking retards, games should be experiences that are fun to play not watch. Do people really expect to get good stories from games?

Zombie Thorne_sl

I like story driven games. In fact, i have trouble playing a game anymore that doesnt have at least some sort of narrative. However! A lot of recent games have become all about the cinematic's at expense of actual gameplay and that sucks.

I cant wait for this game, its the style that i have always loved. I enjoyed the hell out of Defiance despite it being a bad game. If this ends up being that game, with the technical and art skills of Bungie then i am going to be a happy camper.


I saw the live demo during the PS4 presser, too. I must say, while I love FPS games and all the hype around this one, I wasn't all that impressed with the presentation. One of the developers tried to show off the weapon called the Thunderlord by firing off some rounds, but, honestly, it didn't do much for me. We'll have to see how this evolves. Truth be told, I was more impressed with Titanfall. One might say I'm comparing apples with oranges, but the private demo was very impressive.


Trakanon Raider
I don't know, maybe I haven't played these types of games enough, well what I consider FPSMMO but, I thought it looked pretty solid. I have been thinking about what would be my natural progression from CoD and Halo, this seemed like the next step. I have only seen what was demonstrated during the PS4 keynote session with the people on stage playing but I liked the public event and the fire squads. I was definitely going to wait to see more but thought it could be a safe preorder or Christmas/Birthday present for my PS4.


My roommate and a former roommate are working on Destiny, so I'm obligated to call you names and such for that remark! :p (I'm not that into first-person shooters either.)


Avatar of War Slayer
Thanks. I guess all of these games are starting to blur together in my mind... doesn't say much for how distinct they are on first glance/impression.
well Titanfall is pretty different.

Destiny=mmo fps rpg borderlands.
Division=mmo fps rpg watchdogs
Titanfall= Call of duty with MECHS, double jumping and wall running.


Man, I really hope this generation of games gets back onto the PC where it is actually developed in the first place, aaarrrrrgggggggggggggg. Need an excuse to actually upgrade a video card for once. Running my 2.5 year old video card and I still have 0 f'ing reason to buy a new one.


EQOA Refugee
Man, I really hope this generation of games gets back onto the PC where it is actually developed in the first place, aaarrrrrgggggggggggggg. Need an excuse to actually upgrade a video card for once. Running my 2.5 year old video card and I still have 0 f'ing reason to buy a new one.
I've steady been downsizing my computer. I find myself not needing all the horsepower to run my MMOs. I'm gonna sell my GTX 690 and buy a 780 and go mitx soon. I need a gpu with a blower style cooler for all that
/derail off


As I've stated in previous threads consoles have been throttling PC gaming for years. More and more game devs are turning towards consoles for the $$.


Man, I really hope this generation of games gets back onto the PC where it is actually developed in the first place, aaarrrrrgggggggggggggg. Need an excuse to actually upgrade a video card for once. Running my 2.5 year old video card and I still have 0 f'ing reason to buy a new one.
It's not going to happen. I'd love to see killer nextgen titles with super graphics and surround sound, but as was said there isn't money in it. The dinero is on the consoles.

I'll nab a PS4 in December. I don't see a game even in development that will require me to upgrade my PC, let alone require a new one. That's kind of a bummer.

I wonder how many people are on PCs gaming vs Xbox, Wii, or PS3? I'd bet that number is going to expand. Also, many historical non gaming PC users are moving to ipads which also dilutes the market.

It has to be a lot cheaper and easier to dev for consoles, and it looks like most PC games are just ports now a days, sans the Blizzard stuff and MMOs, and Blizzard is even moving that way it seems.

The only nice thing is most games for consoles do eventually make it to PCs, too. I'm not sure outside of MMOs and RTS why I need a PC, and I'm older and grew up on them. My last two single player RPGs, Skyrim and Dark Souls, I played with a 360 controller on my PC. Even Neverwinter I've been using a 360 controller with the GlovePIE interface and it actually plays far better than a mouse and keyboard.

I think for the PC world to take off again, it'll need something unique a la VR, as well as a game built just for it.


I think the only hope for PC gaming in the foreseeable future is the 'steam box'. I mean the crazy thing is PC now could already absolutely bitch slap the next gen consoles if they wanted to push the boundaries in games and yet the games that have been displayed for PS4 look better then any PC game out or coming out.

PC players USED to be able say 'PFFFT we have had those graphics for over a year..." Now we as PC gamers are seeing better looking PS4 games. In saying that all you have to do is look at The Witcher 3 where CD projekt have said it's a PC game first then a console game to see the truth potential of PC at the moment.

"Witcher 3 defines Next gen"- The only article on IGN from e3 to really say that and surprise surprise its a PC first title. Kind of bitter sweet.