

Golden Squire
Ok calling this now.

Koshka brothers send some guys over to kill Quinn and Angel gets killed.

100% Deb did that to herself to fix Hannahs shit.

Am I the only member of team Deb? Hannah is a fucking biyatch.


Vyemm Raider
Um no. Just no. I won't discount that she did it to herself, since you know, the writting has sucked ballz this season and it's totally possible that the writers would try to pull that shit off. But if that was actually what happened, don't try to make it sound plausible. It's absolutely fucking retarded. That car was TRASHED. No one would put their life on the line like that unless they were in a stunt car or something.
Go watch that scene again, the car wasn't that badly damaged, just some roll dents on the driver side, hood, and roof. What little we can see of the passenger side seems undamaged, and Dexter has no trouble opening the passenger side door.


Millie's Staff Member
deb has 0 ass. you can have her. and i think she did that to herself only if she tried to kill herself and it ended being non fatal and worked out it implicated hannah


Golden Squire
deb has 0 ass. you can have her. and i think she did that to herself only if she tried to kill herself and it ended being non fatal and worked out it implicated hannah
I'll fucking take her, she planted that fake evidence for Dexter like a BOSS, no way she didn't fake her own attempted murder as well.

Hannah is a cunt.


Millie's Staff Member
so lets say deb staged her own accident. say she wasnt doped up. but just left the waterbottle on the floor so dexter would find it. then what? drove around for a good spot to total her car and expect to be fine because she was wearing her seatbelt and assumed she had functional airbags? did she not calculate that the car might catch fire? ya know because even a conscious person hanging upside down by a seatbelt with a broken wrist might have some difficulty exiting a burning car quickly.


Golden Squire
You overestimate the dangers of having a controlled car crash.

You don't think you could control a car enough to roll it once maybe without really hurting yourself?

People get fucked up because their muscles aren't prepared for the sudden movements so they get whipped about bash their heads on shit and accidental crashes aren't measured in any way there is no telling how bad it will actually be because you arent pointing your car in a specific direction.

I think if you saw a little verge and decided to scratch your car up a little and roll into it you'd find it wasn't so tough.


Millie's Staff Member
um i drive a convertible too and the last fucking thing i would ever wanna do is find out how my car does in a rollover.


Deb said the night before right to Hannah's face that she would do ANYTHING to protect Dexter from Hannah - next day she's suddenly drugged up in an accident on the highway, implicating Hannah severely. Hannah even said to Dexter she's not stupid enough to think Dexter wouldn't figure out Deb suddenly dying/being drugged up. When Dexter shows up at the end of the episode to confront Hannah she's genuinely shocked he turned her in. Don't you think she'd be a *little* worried that he might figure it all out, after already accusing her? It's definitely Deb, and its annoying to think Dexter fell for it. And as for that meaning Deb risked innocent lives potentially, I guess so. There's no way of knowing how she managed the accident really unless she goes into details other then "I spiked my own drink" but I feel like that's going to be revealed next season early on which may pit Dex against Deb, or at the finale of this season.


Millie's Staff Member
im not saying that deb didnt fake her own accident. im not trying to pull an isaak here. im saying thats its so fucking stupid that no sane person would ever go to such dramatic lengths just to make their brother not like his GF. even a woman wouldnt be so stupid. there are so many things that could have gone wrong with her little plan. what if dex thought she really did black out on her meds and didnt bother following up on her car and finding the water to be analyzed? really why would he search the car for poison? and say that he did search the car for poison and in the accident and the towtruck recovery the tainted bottle fell out of the car or lodged somewhere that dex didnt see it? its just bad writing. there is no other way to say it.


Golden Squire
I think she would have rolled the car then swigged the water personally.

Dexter's brain went to shit this season for some poon.


has an outie
Yeah, this struck me as one of the dumbest things this season.
Stupidest thing Dexter did? He'll murder anybody against them that MIGHT know, considers even La Guerta that is innocent; yet, he is willing to incarcerate Hannah(can't say she's innocent; ffs he almost killed her because she's innocent, atm too drunk to realize if semi-colons are acceptable within parenthesis).


Golden Squire
im not saying that deb didnt fake her own accident. im not trying to pull an isaak here. im saying thats its so fucking stupid that no sane person would ever go to such dramatic lengths just to make their brother not like his GF. even a woman wouldnt be so stupid. there are so many things that could have gone wrong with her little plan. what if dex thought she really did black out on her meds and didnt bother following up on her car and finding the water to be analyzed? really why would he search the car for poison? and say that he did search the car for poison and in the accident and the towtruck recovery the tainted bottle fell out of the car or lodged somewhere that dex didnt see it? its just bad writing. there is no other way to say it.
Oh that's not up for debate but you can't fucking analyze the shit out of every TV show you watch dude because if you do then NOTHING works. It's entertainment just accept it for what it is.

You watch too much redlettermedia tbh, they're just internet critics that pull apart everything to get views.

If everything was spot on exactly what happens in real life then it wouldn't be entertainment anymore it would be the news.

Dexter does what Dexter does, he goes looking for clues and finds out whudunnit.

He's this generations Jessica Fletcher.


Millie's Staff Member
admittedly im a huge red letter media fan and i do overanalyze everything. but come on, in this instance its just so blatantly obvious that nobody would ever do something like this. its about as ridiculous as rezzing doakes from the dead 3 years after the fact.


Golden Squire
And Hannah isn't innocent of Jack shit. She poisons people at the drop of a hat and turns on the waterworks at a moments notice.

She's just the very best most realistic charming psychopath than Dexter has met so far and she has a fine bod.


has an outie
Fuck no, Hannah is guilty as shit and according to the preview gets what is coming according to Dexters code. But it's 100% ouf of his code to turn her in just because of it.


Golden Squire
Fuck no, Hannah is guilty as shit and according to the preview gets what is coming according to Dexters code. But it's 100% ouf of his code to turn her in just because of it.
I can't see him killing her he's gone too emo for that.

I stick with my earlier prediction that Deb will kill her.


Except hanna only uses her poison plants to kill people, not scrip meds.
What about rat poison at that halfway house and knife in her killing youth? The girl is not a serial killer with some sort of ritual, she is a murderer who is observant, resourceful and not dumb. Killing is not the end for her, like it is for Dexter, it's the mean to an end.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I'll fucking take her, she planted that fake evidence for Dexter like a BOSS, no way she didn't fake her own attempted murder as well.
What was the evidence Deb planted at LaGuerta's? Last thing I saw was her getting out of her car at LaGuerta's house when she left. Then LaGuerta and Matthews were looking through boxes of evidence in, I assume, LaGuerta's garage... but what they found was the tackle box and boathouse key which I assumed Dexter planted unless Dexter gave that stuff to Deb but we never saw that scene.

Need to re-watch this episode I think...