

Lord Nagafen Raider
I'd say the show jumped the shark but that happened years ago. Dexter's plan wasn't the worst ever, albeit terribly cliche and transparent. I don't know what was more retarded, Hannah's plan actually being to slip Deb a lot of xanax and hope she falls asleep on the road while drinking the bottle or Deb killing LaGuerta. The ultimate fuck you move could've been her just walking away and things would've been way better for everyone. I'm sure we will jump ahead in the next season to where they can say 'after LaGuerta's death, Deb took a leave of absence, blah blah', but after she shows up dead AFTER Deb asks where she's going, things have to look pretty fishy. Not to mention her gun was fired, her brother was just her murder suspect and she was walking around barefoot.


Millie's Staff Member
considering quinn just used that cliche already this season (planted gun on Iron eagle after having it shoot quinn in the arm) i was really shocked that they were totally going to do it again just 3 episodes later. oh and what was that key laguerta gave doakes in that flashback? its been years since ive seen that episode.


<Bronze Donator>
I like that 5 minutes before Deb drives to the docks and kills someone we find out the department has GPS on police cars. And it's not like that's a big deal. Of course they do, but to make it a plot point for her tracking down LaGuerta/Dex in an episode where Deb being at the church was in question (she was driving her car, right?) and then to have her drive her car to the scene where dispatch just confirmed LaGuerta was heading toward. Head scratcher.

Anyway. Meh finale. I liked Deb doing the shooting as little sense as it made simply because that actress is best when she's losing her shit and I thought the reaction after the shot was pretty convincing.


<Silver Donator>
considering quinn just used that cliche already this season (planted gun on Iron eagle after having it shoot quinn in the arm) i was really shocked that they were totally going to do it again just 3 episodes later. oh and what was that key laguerta gave doakes in that flashback? its been years since ive seen that episode.
Key to his appartment cause she was breaking up with him at the time or some shit? Don't think it's important at all.

Ending of this season was pretty poopy, but by far one of my favorite season of the whole show because shit got really messy and unlike most of the seasons, there wasn't an overlying archenemy for Dexter to kill at the end of the season. I mean kinda with Ukrainian guy but since he went and died like an idiot a few episodes before the end well that was done already. Next season doesn't start very well though cause it'll probably more of the same. Hannah escaped so she's probably coming back with a vengeance, someone's gonna probably pick up Laguerta's investigation just because(old dude maybe) and Deb and Dexter are gonna bitch at each other some more.

Could have ended the show on this season and I think they could have made a great finale, but yeah I don't know about more of it.


Trakanon Raider
Hannah drugging Deb isn't any worse than the alternative of Deb flipping a convertible, injuring her own arm, and planting the the car into a ditch in the middle of the day by herself.
It's heaps worse - assuming Hannah breaks into Deb's house, fills up a few water bottles with crushed xanax and her master plan is that Deb will pick up one of those bottles, and instead of drinking from it, take it with her to go driving, and then decide to drink it while driving, and then not notice the taste, and then not decide to pull over when she got sleepy, and be driving somewhere fast enough for a serious accident. Then everyone will totally assume that Deb just likes drinking crushed xanax out of water bottles and write it off as an accident.

That shit is scooby doo villian level plotting there.


I enjoyed the masterful planning by Dexter.... "Let's have the kids bother Estrada and surely he will run after them and into my arms" or "Let's have Estrada call LaGuerta and surely she will come and come alone" ...

That said I liked the idea of the discussion between Dexter and Estrada about killing for survival even if the execution (of the whole scene, I mean) was a bit underwhelming.


That was the fucking pits.

Shame on me though definitely for thinking the occasional bright spots this season meant they had an ounce of sense in the writing room. Can only presume the good bits were what a janitor tacked onto the writers board Good Will Hunting style before he found a different job elsewhere.

They didn't even let us see what fucked up costume Mizuka came up with.


"There's somethin' off about you Morgan. I should have seen it before. The fake smile, the donuts. You don't even walk like a normal person. You glide... like a fuckin' lizard on ice. It's all a fuckin' act and I ain't buyin' it."

Kind of sad the entire plot of the episode was just a ridiculous three ringed circus so Deb could go full dark. Deb offing Hannah would have been believeable. I'm wondering if Hannah will come back for next season. Deb versus Hannah for Dexter's love.


<Bronze Donator>
I don't have too much issue with her having to choose between a serial killer she loves and an innocent woman she hates. I just wish the circumstances surroundinghavingto make that choice would have been a little more solid. Like people say above, she could have just walked away to the same result right? And with way less mess.

Didn't hate the ending. And I think the season was a pretty big improvement over the last two. Show is definitely a shadow of what it was in seasons 1, 2 and 4 though.


Ah yeah I forgot about Dexter bribing kids to throw a ball at an old man and run by his car in broad daylight, for Dexter to then drug and put in his trunk, again in broad daylight with lots of people around. Maria just showing up to the shipping container alone. Hannah's master plan of get taken to the hospital, cut the zip cord when no police are around because it's not like she's wanted for murder or anything and would be guarded 24/7.

The one good thing was more Doakes. The lizard on ice line was fuckin great. The other good thing is Hannah is still alive, which means she could come back in finale season $$


Bronze Knight of the Realm
LaGuerta showing up alone wasn't as dumb as it looked when you consider what her standing with the department was.

Liked the episode/season, contingent on how well they handle the aftermath next season.


<Prior Amod>
the way this mash up of horrible ideas is going, they're gonna end the show with the final killer to be masuka, since you know he's a blood splatter analyst, and has access to all those records and stuff, "what didn't you know dexter?, no he was too good at being da fool"


Spatter. Haven't you watched Dexter at all?



Millie's Staff Member
the way this mash up of horrible ideas is going, they're gonna end the show with the final killer to be masuka, since you know he's a blood splatter analyst, and has access to all those records and stuff, "what didn't you know dexter?, no he was too good at being da fool"
actually thats an interesting idea. im not saying its a great idea. but its certainly something i wouldnt put past these writers.

masuka is always seen with hot chicks who you never see again afterwards. he has no steady girlfriends and he treats women like objects. BAM serial killer.



Vyemm Raider
Well, Dexter did find another nice way around having to kill an innocent again. Doakes and LaGuerta both offed by crazy hoes.

And come on, what was rule number 1 of the code? DON'T GET CAUGHT. Pretty sure that leaves him room to carve up and dump into the ocean anyone who can put him in the gas chamber.

Dexter will get away, or even get to live his 'fake' life for good. And perhaps even with Hannah. But the cost is going to be Deb.
Well, Dexter did find another nice way around having to kill an innocent again. Doakes and LaGuerta both offed by crazy hoes.

And come on, what was rule number 1 of the code? DON'T GET CAUGHT. Pretty sure that leaves him room to carve up and dump into the ocean anyone who can put him in the gas chamber.

Dexter will get away, or even get to live his 'fake' life for good. And perhaps even with Hannah. But the cost is going to be Deb.
Him killing an innocent was never a problem. He killed innocent people before. Way back several seasons ago, he killed that photographer dude who he suspected of killing those models, and he turned out to be innocent. A dick, but still not a murderer. Then this season he killed Hannah's dad. Also a dick, but not a murderer, and thus not fitting "the code". If anything this season emphasized the idea that the code was just an excuse for Dex to be a murderer. After he offed Hannah's dad, it was pretty explicitly stated that he can now kill whoever he wanted to.


<Gold Donor>
What the fuck was that.

Showtime is OFFICIALLY the CW of premium cable. Between this and Homeland...


Millie's Staff Member
Him killing an innocent was never a problem. He killed innocent people before. Way back several seasons ago, he killed that photographer dude who he suspected of killing those models, and he turned out to be innocent. A dick, but still not a murderer. Then this season he killed Hannah's dad. Also a dick, but not a murderer, and thus not fitting "the code". If anything this season emphasized the idea that the code was just an excuse for Dex to be a murderer. After he offed Hannah's dad, it was pretty explicitly stated that he can now kill whoever he wanted to.
he also killed a random guy in the mens room for giving him shit.


this was by far the worst season. you could just tell the writers were struggling to wrap up all the storylines. what a rushed mess.