Diablo 3 - Reaper of Souls


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Havent played since release and I got to 60. Bought RoS and I am playing a crusader. Not sure what has changed but it seems a lot more fun than it did. And Im getting some legendaries at a early level. Got griswolds perfection plans, but guess I have to wait a while for that =P


Personally i can say for the first time ever that legendary droprate seems appropriate. Playing on T2 and i get a steady stream of legendaries every time i play. usually a couple every hour or more.


greater rifts are kinda boring.. Mobs just scale hp/dmg.. hue hue hue such intriguing gameplay

the dmg I dont mind, but when white mobs start having 1 trillion HP theres no room left for outplay. Its just gg.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Both Wizard-class MVPs posted on the PTR Feedback forums and amazingly enough, got a Blizzard response (they do listen, but just barely). Jaetch posted an excellent synopsis of the issues with Wizards currently on live, and in the PTR.

Fingers crossed the point has gotten across and they implement some major changes.
I'm excited about the wizard changes and I would be very surprised if they go live the way they are now. Buffs to MM and hydra, along with those insane 100% dmg pants. My MM/sparker set is going to be firing off 3x 12 million damage missiles each shot.


I don't even wanna imagine hitting 7 sided strike on my monk with that stone when a clump gets low (after applying 5-6 palms already)

Dunno if I could replace the spirit regained on blind for my build tho.

Lost Virtue

Trakanon Raider
Anyone want to do a quick P-level for my lvl 60 DH? Just saying...


Vyemm Raider
I will give it to them, this area has me excited.
Meh - i guess if i wasnt nearing 2b gold it would be cool, but if there is nothing unique about it aside from a new boss its just whatever. So chest at the end to give you more legs to turn into lost souls.


Silver Knight of the Realm
Personally i can say for the first time ever that legendary droprate seems appropriate. Playing on T2 and i get a steady stream of legendaries every time i play. usually a couple every hour or more.
After reading that i thought they did change something. Did 1 T4 Rift on my Crusader after a long break - not a single legendary - logged off again. Awesome


After reading that i thought they did change something. Did 1 T4 Rift on my Crusader after a long break - not a single legendary - logged off again. Awesome
One whole rift without a legendary. For shame. You should probably call Blizz CS to complain and ask for your money back.


Molten Core Raider
So i just picked this up a few days ago for the first time; I beat the game on hard to start with and finished mid 40's. Whats the quickest way to get into the good high level farming (assume max level). Should I do the campaign again on a harder level? Or just do adventure/bountiies?

If its adventure/bounties; few questions

1) Currently tried them at expert, definitely doable but abit slower and i die once in a blue moon, is it worth it to do at the harder level or go run real fast at hard level
2) Should i save all blood crystals and rifts until I am max level to get the most of them or use them now? Assuming its gear limited by your existing level so i should wait?
3) Is there some point where its worth farmining bosses for gear?

Thanks! Also i am playing a wizard (sorc?); kind of letting my gear dictate my build abit at this point (ie; i have 20% fire legendary and a 13% meteor boots so daddy brings some pain with AE meteor etc)


Molten Core Raider
Also, should I save the Hordariche Chests I get for completing entire 5 bounty act's or is the drops determined once its given to you (ie if i wait until lvl 70 to open will i get lvl 54 gear since that is when i recieved the chest as a reward?)

Mudcrush Durtfeet

Hungry Ogre
The quickest way to get a 1st character to 70 is to have someone power level you. Barring that, as you have finished campaign mode, do bounties and look for dungeon clear bounties in act 1-4. Some are faster than others, but they give large xp bonuses for completion. Do them on as high a level as you can where you can move fairly quickly through the whole process. On act IV there is only possible such bounty (clear Hell Rift). Other notable quick ones include act I: Khazra Den (Field of Misery) or Halls of the Ancients (Festering Woods), act 3: Cryders Outpost, Forward Barracks, Underbridge. Save your key rift fragments you get until you hit 70. Try to learn which bounties are fast and which are not.

To avoid complete boredom (at 70), I often do all act I bounties (for the cache), the Key Wardens on acts I-IV and dungeon clear bounties as listed above. If I feel that the bounties in a particular act are relatively easy, I'll do all 5. Act V bounties are mostly a pain, but YMMV.

Best way to get gear (other than botting) is to do rifts on normal for the higher drop rate and fast clear, or on torment I (to get class sets and certain legendaries) or on the highest torment you can comfortably clear on. Or if you have a lot of key shards, you can do what's called rift it forward. Google that for a good explanation.