Diablo 3 - Reaper of Souls


Murder Apologist
Is there a stream of someone actually in the PTR playing with the legendary effects cube recipes?


Log Wizard
I gotta fuck with some stuff briefly on my monk. I slurped up FD proc, Convention of Elements proc, and Spirit Guards. So it takes 5 death's breath, the item (it is consumed upon use), and 1 of each material that is acquired via cache's from each act. If you do each act your cache gets 4 (at T7 at least) of each mat per act, BUT, if you do the acts in "bonus" order you get an additional cache so you can get 8 of each item per full clear of a game. It's buggy so last night I only got 1 of my 5 extra caches.

Once you use the recipe (5 breath, 1 act I/II/III/IV/V component, legendary) you consume the legendary but add it to your library of procs you have saved. So you could ideally just eat one of every item and have your full library to do as you like. The proc effect stolen will always be max effect such as Convention of Elements is 200% elemental damage when applied. There's a list of 80ish legendaries for each slot you can steal from. I think in terms of weapons some classes will be stuck (FD for monks), but armor and jewelry may truly be a taste thing. BlizzCon ring vs Elemental Immune necks or shit like Crudest Boots vs Spirit Guards vs Gundgo's vs Cindercoat. Lotta options. Looking forward to it.


Murder Apologist
Did you play with the "upgrade rare to legendary" thing much? Is it a viable "targetted-upgrade" thing vs. kadala?


Trakanon Raider
This "consume a legendary effect" thing is a better version of what I was hoping for a year ago. Bravo to whomever came up with it. Will definitely be participating in the next season now.


Log Wizard
Did you play with the "upgrade rare to legendary" thing much? Is it a viable "targetted-upgrade" thing vs. kadala?
I did not. Also if I recall, the reforge legendary recipe costs a shit ton. Like 50 breaths and 50 souls and 10 of each Tier material or something. A lot. But I guess there's the 10% chance it's ancient so it's not so bad.

Mudcrush Durtfeet

Hungry Ogre
Played around on PTR last night, on T9.

Getting a cube is REALLY easy. Go to town and talk to Zultan Kuule. Don't know if you HAVE to do that. Go to the new waypoint in act 3 (adventure mode). Find the second area. Wander the second area until you find the cube. Go back to town and talk to Zultan Kuul.

To collect mats, complete all the bounties. At start, one act will have the bonus. Do those bounties first. As long as no one joins your game, when you finish all 5, you get a chest at the location of the last bounty with loots. Go back to town, talk to Tyreal and you'll get the normal cache and a bonus cache. Each cache had 4 cube crafting mats on t9. What you get depends on the act (you need mats from all 5 acts to do a lot of cube recipes, in equal quantities). Once you finish an act that has the bonus, the bonus will now go to a different act. So follow the bonus around until you've done all 25 bounties, then cube away!


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
Sounds like an awesome system for people with several hours of unbroken play time -.- I guess you don't *need* the bonus, but you're not gonna do 25 bounties (solo) in a few minutes.


Log Wizard
Sounds like an awesome system for people with several hours of unbroken play time -.- I guess you don't *need* the bonus, but you're not gonna do 25 bounties (solo) in a few minutes.
It's just a bonus if you CAN. Also you can just reset your game and start off with the bonus bounty you want if needed.


Murder Apologist
Doesn't look like the difficulty component has changed much has it? Is there a benefit to doing bounty runs on t10 vs t1? I know they buffed torment+ caches at some point tho.


Murder Apologist
It kinda looked that way. Was queued at 5:49 remaining before I went for a run, was back to 5:55 when I got back. Doesn't look like it's happening.

Prolly for the best tho. I'd get spoiled on that 2000% leg drop buff and it looks like we should be farming mats in live anyway.


Log Wizard
Doesn't look like the difficulty component has changed much has it? Is there a benefit to doing bounty runs on t10 vs t1? I know they buffed torment+ caches at some point tho.
In the real game? Just bloodshards and legendary drop rates. I imagine T10 rift clears will yield 4+ legendaries each go pretty regularly. The way they're making this game is everyone is going to have batshit crazy DPS and then it'll be all cooldown management/placement to survive. So T10 will be 2 minute clears just like T6 were, probably fairly soon after release if things shake out how they look to be.

I for one welcome the "EVERYONE GO CRAZY" style of D3. It means there's less of a need for a ZDPS loser and everyone can have fun. As a monk, I welcome the ability to use my useful skills like EP and Cyclone and actually be able to do good damage because all my goodies line up and shit goes boom nonstop. WD's will also be glad they're not just chain spamming horrify or whatever on shit. We can all pretend we're DH's Barbs and Sorcs now!


Lord Nagafen Raider
Season 3 has lasted a lot longer than Season 2 so I'm hoping this moves off the PTR to live pretty quick and Season 4 kicks off. Actually looking forward to the new season now. Even though it'll be like my 3rd time going through as a monk because of that new damn set :p


Log Wizard
How do these legendary extracted powers work exactly? How many am I allowed to have active? Can anyone explain?
3: 1 from an armor, 1 from jewelry, 1 from a weapon.

Sacrifice weapon, 5 death's breaths, and 1 of each of the new bounty act mats and you lose the weapon, but steal the full proc for your library of procs to chose from.


Blackwing Lair Raider
teleport wand + krelms bracers + convection of elements as 3 legendary passives is awesome.

Can confirm the furnace 50% elite damage is there in the list too.