Diablo 3 - Reaper of Souls


<Silver Donator>
After lvling 3chars, how it's "balanced" is basically 1-10 you want to play on hard, your gear sucks so if you go expert right away it's fucking slow as shit plus you have crap for skills. By 10 you probably found a solid rare weapon and you have a bunch more skills so it becomes too easy and you bump it to expert. Then around lvl 25-30 or so, once you have a full set of skills and probably 3-4legendaries is when you want to bump it to master. Maybe before even, depends kinda. Sadly if you haven't lvled to 60 at release you can't do that and expert is fairly boring. You can also bump to torment 1 around lvl 40 especially if you have a lower req weapon, but I've found around lvl 50ish even with a low req weapon you fall behind and it's better to go back to master to finish.

Seems to take about 5-6hours of solo self found play to reach 60 using these difficulties, which is pretty nice imo. If you twink a lot though you can probably drop it to 4ish hours and if you get powerlvled it takes about an hour or so.


Honorary Shit-PhD
<Gold Donor>
Played it a bit since the patch was free.

Ultimately some minor/moderate improvements, but still plenty offundamental pants-on-head retarded design.Why the fuck can't I have SOME FUCKING LOOT from boss kills? Jesus christ.

And the itemization is just as bad, loot 2.0 is no change. The concept of relativity seems to elude these idiots. One main point off the top of my head is the severe restriction on how many affixes things can have. In D2, you'd find items with 10-15 affixes. In this game, your best items have maybe 7? Of which 2-3 are guaranteed to be a certain thing (mainstat, vitality, whatever), which really just reduces that restricted pool even further. Everything is just a carbon copy of everything else when stuff is this restricted, and thus, super mega boring.



Played it a bit since the patch was free.

Ultimately some minor/moderate improvements, but still plenty offundamental pants-on-head retarded design.Why the fuck can't I have SOME FUCKING LOOT from boss kills? Jesus christ.

And the itemization is just as bad, loot 2.0 is no change. The concept of relativity seems to elude these idiots. One main point off the top of my head is the severe restriction on how many affixes things can have. In D2, you'd find items with 10-15 affixes. In this game, your best items have maybe 7? Of which 2-3 are guaranteed to be a certain thing (mainstat, vitality, whatever), which really just reduces that restricted pool even further. Everything is just a carbon copy of everything else when stuff is this restricted, and thus, super mega boring.

Yea umm loot 2.0 is awesome. I have found several legionaries and set pieces while leveling new toons that have been huge upgrades. I also found a few minor upgrades for my existing level 60's. If you find the game "super mega boring" then maybe this isn't the game for you.

Angry Amadeus_sl

Haven't found an upgrade to DPS. Every great new item I find with big primary stats, comes at an even bigger cost to my DPS (no crit+, no cd+). Hang on to your old gear for a while.

Oh yeah, almost forgot - <3 D3.

Angry Amadeus_sl

Played it a bit since the patch was free.

Ultimately some minor/moderate improvements, but still plenty offundamental pants-on-head retarded design.Why the fuck can't I have SOME FUCKING LOOT from boss kills? Jesus christ.

And the itemization is just as bad, loot 2.0 is no change. The concept of relativity seems to elude these idiots. One main point off the top of my head is the severe restriction on how many affixes things can have. In D2, you'd find items with 10-15 affixes. In this game, your best items have maybe 7? Of which 2-3 are guaranteed to be a certain thing (mainstat, vitality, whatever), which really just reduces that restricted pool even further. Everything is just a carbon copy of everything else when stuff is this restricted, and thus, super mega boring.

They are tossing around the idea of +unique drops from bosses right now. It's on the forums.


Log Wizard
The whole idea is you now get +elemental or +skill damage type shit to up your dps. Everyone with their 10 crit 100 crit dmg 8IAS necks aren't going to be finding upgrades if you're using the paperdoll DPS. My monk was like 230kdps and 30khp with 5.5 lifeleach and that's all I needed. All that gear was attack speed, crit, and crit dmg. Now every piece of gear is like -5% dmg and +35% toughness.

If you want to do 'really good' dps you'll have to actually plan a build based around skills and elemental dmg and then gear for it.

That being said, this game probably feels a lot better for the mid/low end players from D3 and a kick in the dick for the high end players. That's my feeling at least.


Trakanon Raider
I still question the sanity of having to design loot 2.0 in the first place instead of just designing the itemization so most items are useful to somebody, but I guess that doesn't matter anymore.

Game is good, hardcore seems to be pretty playable now and I feel like that's where a lot of action will be after the expansion launches, unless they repeat the 1.0 Inferno clusterfuck.


After lvling 3chars, how it's "balanced" is basically 1-10 you want to play on hard, your gear sucks so if you go expert right away it's fucking slow as shit plus you have crap for skills. By 10 you probably found a solid rare weapon and you have a bunch more skills so it becomes too easy and you bump it to expert. Then around lvl 25-30 or so, once you have a full set of skills and probably 3-4legendaries is when you want to bump it to master. Maybe before even, depends kinda. Sadly if you haven't lvled to 60 at release you can't do that and expert is fairly boring. You can also bump to torment 1 around lvl 40 especially if you have a lower req weapon, but I've found around lvl 50ish even with a low req weapon you fall behind and it's better to go back to master to finish.

Seems to take about 5-6hours of solo self found play to reach 60 using these difficulties, which is pretty nice imo. If you twink a lot though you can probably drop it to 4ish hours and if you get powerlvled it takes about an hour or so.
This all assumes you're playing softcore and can allow yourself to focus on DPS and accept close calls. Untwinked and without paragon levels on Hardcore, Hard/Expert felt right all the way to 60. The 14% XP bonus from going to Expert over Hard doesn't make sense when Mob HP increases by 60% and DPS by 45% though, so I ended up just playing on Hard.

Master felt too harsh untwinked on HC.


91k DPS on my brand new L60 Wizard, fresh account as of almost a week ago. So much newb.

Doing T2 now with a huge amount (7) of Paragon. I'm not going to shit myself over my bad gear, since getting to L70 makes it almost an all new game.

Strongly in the+/- camp of getting the xpac, but will wait a day to see if Blizz shits the bed with it.


Potato del Grande
Having a lot of fun with thisAoE Dodge Monk:Monk - Game Guide - Diablo III

Put up Sweeping Wind and spam Fists of Thunder to spread Static Charge. All of the little hits from Backlash, Thundergod's Vigor and Sweeping Wind & Tornadoes proc Static Charge which hits every enemy you hit with Fists of Thunder.
At max Spirit pop Mantra of Evasion and Cyclone Strike for 75% Dodge with all the dodge increasing runes and skills. You can manually dodge with Dashing Strike which is an awesomly fun skill and then you have 80% Dodge.

I'm considering swapping Serenity for another cooldown like Seven Sided Strike since DPS is slower against 1 target, more enemies = more DPS.

Is the Damage/Toughness display bugged? In game I have nearly 2 million Toughness when I pop my skills but only 80k Damage. I finished Torment 1 easy enough and I've replaced half my gear with smartloot rares/legendaries.


<Silver Donator>
This all assumes you're playing softcore and can allow yourself to focus on DPS and accept close calls. Untwinked and without paragon levels on Hardcore, Hard/Expert felt right all the way to 60. The 14% XP bonus from going to Expert over Hard doesn't make sense when Mob HP increases by 60% and DPS by 45% though, so I ended up just playing on Hard.

Master felt too harsh untwinked on HC.
Oh yeah I wouldn't lvl master on HC, but then again I don't play D3 HC, don't know why but I like playing D3 on softcore and I play poe almost exclusively on hardcore. I die so often to random bullshit on D3 I wouldn't be very good at HC anyway, fucking freezing+waller 6mobs packs are retarded, I don't feel there's near that amount of bullshit in poe, it's mostly raw damage that can burst you in 1sec if you're not careful but it's never being completely fucked without being able to move(well unless you desync but I don't play in a way where I desync easily or at risk anyway).

The new systems seems to make it fairly easy to hardcore though, expert is really fast still, and it's definitely not hard, plus it's a lot easier to find really good defensive gear I feel. Prepatch I had like 30-40k health on my chars but postpatch my DH I lvled entirely 2.0 has like 95k health without itemizing for it.

On that note one thing I dislike about monk is the lack of scaling health regen. They have a ton of heals, but all of them are flat values so they scale fairly awful. WD has the 15% heal on spirit walk and 1%/s talent, DH has 4.5% while standing still(which is insane with the high health values you can get), 15% on smokescreen and .4% per nether tentacle elemental arrow, barb has rend and not sure about what else. Don't think wiz have anything but they have all the absorb shields though especially domination. Monks feel kinda fucked cause of it, have to slot some healing or itemize heavily for regen. If you have prepatch weapons with lifesteal, you're fine for now but once they remove lifesteal it's quite hard to refill your healthbar efficiently.


<Bronze Donator>
How do monk heals not scale? You mean they don't scale off max life? Meh. I've been liking Transcendence, it basically allows me to stand in shit and burn an elite pack down with LTK and 250 spirit. In fact, I *like* that they don't scale off max life. This means I can scale transcendence from a secondary stat instead of a primary stat.

Besides, monks get the *still* broken One With Everything. I like that they decided to not balance the passive with itemization. For a while during the beta, single resists and all resist were both primary and exclusive stats. Now single resists are secondary and they are not mutually exclusive. But, unless they change OWE, it pretty much means a monk is stupid not to take that and get a single resist as their secondary stat. Make your other secondary stat whatever you like. I was thinking a mix of life on spirit, loh, and globe, in that order when the slot allow.

Chris, MoR - CD >>>>> MoE - Backlash. It's not even close. More things trigger CD, the proc chance for the AE is always going to be higher than your dodge rate, and your APS is never going to be high enough to make the weapon damage equal to 101%. Also, I'm not sure how the mechanics for Static Charge works, but I want to say sweeping winds and cyclones will never trigger it because that ability has a 0% proc rate.


Potato del Grande
Thanks for the advice, I'll try and test what works - there is the Dodge Fists of Thunder rune to use if not enough does. I think the items do trigger it - Thundergod's Vigor and Thunderfury at least.

I was using MoR before I added the dodge theme, Backlash is there becaue it adds Dodge not because it's the best DPS.


<Silver Donator>
Deathwing yeah I meant off max hp, the problem is I don't find the base value to scale properly at all compared to the health you get from the new values of vitality and the scaling off the secondary stat is nice but it means you have to itemize for it specifically, and if you also do the single resist OWE stuff, it becomes very hard to find any item worth using since you need a specific resist and a heal stat plus whatever primaries you were going for. Enchanter should help a bit getting the right stats on stuff though.

I can currently stand in most shit so it's not really a big issue but I assume in higher torment levels I'd have issues unless I get items with some regen, while if you have heals scaling off max health, it's a lot easier to itemize since all you need is vit, which seems to be much more common as a stat.

Think I might replace my belt though, it's pretty good it procs an aoe blind basically for 4secs and procs pretty often(I wanna say 10-12secs cooldown or so) but at the same time it means I can't use mantra of retribution cause it wastes so much damage. Wish my thundergod belt was higher lvl, it's only 51 so the stats are kinda meh. Need a Thunderfury too, atm using the hooking axe and azurewraith so get a lot of single target CC out of these but I'd rather get the thunderfury proc.


Toe Sucker
my wizard has ~160ish paper DPS now, but he also has almsot +45% lightning damage from storm crow + triumvirate and bracer.
I wish they were cold damage though


<Bronze Donator>
Thanks for the advice, I'll try and test what works - there is the Dodge Fists of Thunder rune to use if not enough does. I think the items do trigger it - Thundergod's Vigor and Thunderfury at least.

I was using MoR before I added the dodge theme, Backlash is there becaue it adds Dodge not because it's the best DPS.
Keep in mind that dodge is diminishing returns. I wasn't joking, your dodge rate will *never* approach that value. You'd have to severely gimp your dps to dodge that much stuff.

I can currently stand in most shit so it's not really a big issue but I assume in higher torment levels I'd have issues unless I get items with some regen, while if you have heals scaling off max health, it's a lot easier to itemize since all you need is vit, which seems to be much more common as a stat.
They're closer than you think. Let's take the barb's rend heal, which I've never seen anyone spec. You hit 10 enemies, so you get 5% max life per second, sounds pretty good. At my current health, that's 4k per second. If I spec Transcendence with 0 globe health(if the enchanter was available, that wouldn't be 0), one cyclone strike gets me 2.5k life. One lashing tail kick gets me 1.5k life. And I pump those out at almost 2 per second.

You have a point about OWE and gear selection, but I still like that. That means more possible stat combinations on a piece of gear is valuable. Globe health and single resists on secondary are no longer "darnit...". That really just leaves thorns and pickup radius. And maybe elemental and skill damage in primary. I'd much rather have more valuable stats than have healing key off vitality.

Question about the enchanter: you can reroll one stat only, or one primary and one secondary?


Are there not that many legendaries right now or something? I keep seeing people posting the same ones with the same special affixes. Where's the huge diversity of the affixes we were seeing in the datamined stuff? Is there going to be more in the expansion?


Lord Nagafen Raider
You can only reroll one slot. Once you reroll that slot, you are locked into that slot only.