Diablo 3 - Reaper of Souls


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Yes +fire dmg makes a big difference if you rune them but you should be using +fury on hit anyhow.
Is it really that big a deal? I seem to have unlimited fury as it is with Wind Shear and IK 3pc. Depending on the SoH nerf it may be better to move over towards the lightning runed HOTA since that should have a 100% proc rate.


They're insane now, by the way. I think they used to be affected by the pet critdmg cap which was removed in the latest patch. Mine are hitting for several million, and if I use the fire rune which increases their damage to 360%, they hit for like 3-4 million with zero fire skill damage items. IK set is absurdly good.


A nice asshole.
Is it really that big a deal? I seem to have unlimited fury as it is with Wind Shear and IK 3pc. Depending on the SoH nerf it may be better to move over towards the lightning runed HOTA since that should have a 100% proc rate.
It is all gear dependent, I can use WW with firerune+ancients with fire rune and be good on fury, but I find it better to just use reaper wraps and use rend instead of a builder.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
It is all gear dependent, I can use WW with firerune+ancients with fire rune and be good on fury, but I find it better to just use reaper wraps and use rend instead of a builder.
Ah do you not have a SoH? You're basically locked into Wind Shear for that. Although I could see using Ancients w/ fury gen and boulder toss being a good build. Need some way of dumping that fury. Right now I just spam BattleRage/sprint to dump fury to reduce the CD on my Avalanche.


Deathwing, for cryin' out loud sir just make a broken exploding palm support/tank monk and rake in the rewards (check one in my prof).

I left demon hunter for this andcannotbe brought to look back.

Unless of course a tank/support monk starts rolling with us.... which won't happen because it doesn't have 2million paper dps.

If your group kills ONE of the palmed mobs, everything dies.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Yeah no SoH, was waiting for 300 spear to use boulder again.
I was running SoH + 300 using Boulder Toss but my fury gen wasn't quite where I wanted it to be to feel it being useful. Since SoH isn't so broken anymore I may get a tad more excited about 40M crits that boulder toss was allowing me to pull off.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Deathwing, for cryin' out loud sir just make a broken exploding palm support/tank monk and rake in the rewards (check one in my prof).

I left demon hunter for this andcannotbe brought to look back.

Unless of course a tank/support monk starts rolling with us.... which won't happen because it doesn't have 2million paper dps.

If your group kills ONE of the palmed mobs, everything dies.
I'm not full tank like that but I can't not run with Exploding Palm: Flesh is Weak if I'm grouped. Or even solo, really. The damage is INSANE. Plus I have +EP% damage on a couple items, and I'm trying to figure out if Mythic Rhythm boosts the explosion damage or not (it seems like it does but it's hard as fuck to test when I don't care that much anyway :p)

Edit: I guess I swapped out the gear that had the exploding palm bonus on it, lame. Still totally worth it though.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Does exploding palm become less effective as you increase on torment tiers like Corpse Explosion did in Diablo 2 when difficulty was increased?

50% a mobs HP, modified by physical% and other %damage boosts seems like an absurd amount of damage on T6 and begging for a nerf.

Does the flesh is weak proc before or after exploding palm damage is dealt?


Luckily for you guys I've fully researched every facet of exploding palm (minus 2 at bottom that I'm sure work).

+exploding palm on gear doesn't impact the explosion just the damage from the dot.

Things that do impact the explosion are +% physical (see my doom bringer cuz no fist drop), +% to elites (they take more damage from being hit by explosions), the strong arm bracer pull in debuff works insanely well, conviction (overawe even still at 6% worth it)...

Mythic rhythm does not impact the explosion, just the dot like +EP on gear.

Only thing I don't know if they work are faith in the light from flash of light and blazing wrath.. but I am pretty certain those work as well. I run the 6 second blind because... I mean that is fucking ridiculously strong when you pull shit together.

I'm getting mighty blows of like 40 mobs cuz I'll work my way thru a pack with dashing strike in huge clumps to make sure everything has exploding palm where possible. Best mighty blow was like 4 elite packs all died cuz ONE of the white minion mobs in the elite pack died... though I think one white mob killed the rest of the whites which triggered the rest of the chain reaction. Who cares it was OP asfawk.

I don't think builds like this will get nerfed because the monk basically can't solo like this... but anyone with a functioning brain should be able to find AT LEAST torment 3 groups.

The helm I use is also pretty fuckin crucial for spirit on demand (I used air ally before... which had twice the cooldown).. so is affixing arcane resist (or your highest) everywhere that I can for one with everyone.. I'm chillin on like 1300 resist all. I have my paragons maxed into resist all (duh) and rest in life regen. That rogar's is no fucking joke if you can get the regen stacked up. The rape that occurs with +% physical strong arms is hilarious.

I can discuss more in depth if people are interested by PM..

ie: like why I use rising tide instead of breaking wave for another 10% dmg. You need tons of spirit to constantly pop overawe+cyclone strike (I use mantra active every time after a pull in and have to keep both debuffs up) so the crit on gear isn't for damage... but for massive spirit regen.

It's basically like being an unkillable tai'chi master. Prob best spec in game after shard of hate nerf atm.


Lord Nagafen Raider
My friend (the one that survived me in HC) hit 70 and before hitting Paragon 1 he got this ring. We're still pretty nooby so what (if anything) is worth an enchant? the LoH to crit damage, maybe? And you guys keep talking about 'perfect' items, is there a place to see what constitutes a perfect of each item? Rings/armor/etc.

Also, he's spent a little time running me through some of my level bounties, and he gets an insane amount of legendaries. The most was 3 in 25 minutes. None of them were anything special, but still, orange lasers! He also gets a shit ton of weapons, so much so that it's become our running joke. Even before my Crusader died, he passed at least 2 weapons to me because even with Dex as the stat they were upgrades at the time.


<Silver Donator>
Does exploding palm become less effective as you increase on torment tiers like Corpse Explosion did in Diablo 2 when difficulty was increased?

50% a mobs HP, modified by physical% and other %damage boosts seems like an absurd amount of damage on T6 and begging for a nerf.

Does the flesh is weak proc before or after exploding palm damage is dealt?
The explosion isn't affected by skill or elemental damage, at least that's what I read. It is however affected by the monk legendary that makes it do 75-100% of a monster's hp instead. This is basically necessary to farm T6 at a decent speed in a group I think, and makes a huge difference. Oh and it does scale fine with torment, there's no penalty or anything, it does the monster health. However I don't think it works with multiplayer health, so even with 100%explosions it won't kill shit instantly in a group(but other stuff like mantra of conviction, marked for death, piranhas and what not could easily fix that, plus the random aoe flying around anyway).

As for your other question, not sure what you mean before or after, exploding palm is a dot anyway so it's not like it does really big damage. Because it's a dot you'd need to hit something with 1hp to be able to tell if it's applied before or after, but I assume probably before just because. Doesn't really matter though since it's a dot even if it's after by the time it's applied you've only done very minimal damage from like 1/10 of a second of the dot.


Confirmed Male
Fuck you Jabberwhacky, like salt in a wound


The explosion DOES get effect from +% elite damage and +%physical but not +exploding palm. I have confirmed and tested (so have others in the few and far between posts on the matter).

Add me to a game if I make it on tonight and I'll show you how 3-4 white mobs can blow up an entire screen.

Just work your way around with dashing strike to ensure maximum exploding palm debuffage.


Toe Sucker
change the LoH to crit damage. I guess LoH is still nice to have in HC but meh, gimme dat trifecta gurllllll


You guys are making exploding palm sound OP, brace for nerfs!


One other thing... the death watch mantle applying the resolve passive to every mob I get near is just the icing on the damn cake.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I managed to pick up the EP fist (rolled well 96%) again at 70 and it has been pretty fun when grouping. Strongarm CS and EP's does make for lots of fun explosions.


Molten Core Raider
Luckily for you guys I've fully researched every facet of exploding palm (minus 2 at bottom that I'm sure work).

+exploding palm on gear doesn't impact the explosion just the damage from the dot.

Things that do impact the explosion are +% physical (see my doom bringer cuz no fist drop), +% to elites (they take more damage from being hit by explosions), the strong arm bracer pull in debuff works insanely well, conviction (overawe even still at 6% worth it)...

Mythic rhythm does not impact the explosion, just the dot like +EP on gear.

Only thing I don't know if they work are faith in the light from flash of light and blazing wrath.. but I am pretty certain those work as well. I run the 6 second blind because... I mean that is fucking ridiculously strong when you pull shit together.

I'm getting mighty blows of like 40 mobs cuz I'll work my way thru a pack with dashing strike in huge clumps to make sure everything has exploding palm where possible. Best mighty blow was like 4 elite packs all died cuz ONE of the white minion mobs in the elite pack died... though I think one white mob killed the rest of the whites which triggered the rest of the chain reaction. Who cares it was OP asfawk.

I don't think builds like this will get nerfed because the monk basically can't solo like this... but anyone with a functioning brain should be able to find AT LEAST torment 3 groups.

The helm I use is also pretty fuckin crucial for spirit on demond (I used air ally before... which had twice the cooldown).. so is affixing arcane resist (or your highest) everywhere that I can for one with everyone.. I'm chillin on like 1300 resist all. I have my paragons maxed into resist all (duh) and rest in life regen. That rogar's is no fucking joke if you can get the regen stacked up. The rape that occurs with +% physical strong arms is hilarious.

I can discuss more in depth if people are interested by PM..

ie: like why I use rising tide instead of breaking wave for another 10% dmg. You need tons of spirit to constantly pop overawe+cyclone strike (I use mantra active every time after a pull in and have to keep both debuffs up) so the crit on gear isn't for damage... but for massive spirit regen.

It's basically like being an unkillable tai'chi master. Prob best spec in game after shard of hate nerf atm.
Have you tested to see if the +10% damage buff from Combination Strike affects EP? What about the +10% damage buff from Fire Ally?

EP hasn't been taken off of my bar since I was level 60; it is incredibly strong and fun to use. After looking at your profile (non-sweeping wind build) I can see your point in using in using Crippling Wave, but unless I copy your build and build full tank, I don't think I can give up WotHF: Fist of Fury. The amount of damage from the DoT is insane and it's proc coefficient is second only to Deadly reach iirc. But if I can get in a more or less static group that wants to farm T6 I will for sure try your build. As of right now, its hard to give up 729k damage for some good tank gear. I also just got the Daibo that reduces the cooldown of SSS by 50% so I am going to try testing a SSS build if I can every get another Monkey King set piece.

Also, a clarification about +elemental damage as it pertains to WotHF: FoF

I assume that +physical affects the base skill damage and not the holy damage DoT component. Does +holy affect the DoT component or no? Are either of these affected by the damage type of my weapon? (i.e. if I use a black weapon (physical damage) or a weapon that gives +holy damage)

Hit me up for T2+ rifts.
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