Diablo 3 - Reaper of Souls


Molten Core Raider
teck#1602 add me, got to be friends or on recent played list for me to invite, unless someone knows another way to just invite to clan.


<WoW Guild Officer>
just hit 70 on seasonal crusader... and logged off. Now to grind out gear! Yeah!

At least I got a RORG already.

Any suggestions on what to gamble or what bounties to run?


Get 5/6 Akkhan first through gambling (for helm go leorics crown) Then do shield and hope for phalanx or condemn ones. All the while pray for a BoP/FotF/Darklight/Furnace while you grind shards.


Willing to trade PLing to 70. I have a T6 capable Wizard. Is Cursed Cellar still the way to go or what? Non Seasonal Non HC. Must like short walks along beaches infested with undead and women that resemble your fat, unpleasant Mother In Law. I'd like to run a WD, Barb, and Monk to 70. Doesn't have to be all at once (spread out over weeks is ok). Send inquiries to[email protected]/* <![CDATA[ */!function(t,e,r,n,c,a,p){try{t=document.currentScript||function(){for(t=document.getElementsByTagName('script'),e=t.length;e--;)if(t[e].getAttribute('data-cfhash'))return t[e]}();if(t&&(c=t.previousSibling)){p=t.parentNode;if(a=c.getAttribute('data-cfemail')){for(e='',r='0x'+a.substr(0,2)|0,n=2;a.length-n;n+=2)e+='%'+('0'+('0x'+a.substr(n,2)^r).toString(16)).slice(-2);p.replaceChild(document.createTextNode(decodeURIComponent(e)),c)}p.removeChild(t)}}catch(u){}}()/* ]]> */or pm me here.


Trakanon Raider
msg me on here silence or PM me in game. Gametag is below. I have a DH/Crusader to get to 70 and I can Pl you with my wizard who is rolling t6.


Lord Nagafen Raider
had a quick question for some of the higher end guys. I've got a non-seasonal wizard with about 200 paragon.

Icarium - Community - Diablo III

I've got a question on weapon options:

I've got a decent Sparker (no socket), a decent Sankis (no socket), a decent Maximus (has a socket) and a decent Thunderfury (has a socket and currently using). Currently running 6 piece Firebirds with a RoRG so I've swapped out gloves for a decent Magefist. I have 2 Gifts so I can add sockets to either the Sparker or Sankis. I also have the ability to make a Devastator from the Blacksmith.

I was hoping to get some insight on which weapon would be best for the Firebirds setup without having to burn gifts to see.

In case it matters I don't have any friends left playing, so I just play solo right now, so no synergies with other classes / builds atm. Currently running T3 and roasting that easily. I haven't "reforged" anything yet as I've been farming up a RoRG but now I'm ready to push a bit tougher.

Thanks for any help / suggestions on not just the weapon but other gear pieces as well


Greater rift 35+ when we cleared it every time dropped like 2 legendaries... and the sets aren't on the ultra rare list.

That said fastest way to get an ultra rare is to take hot shits on t6 rifts... can clear em in like 3 mins with optimal setup. Then mash gambles. Only took seeing some of the top Koreans inventories with like 600 greater rift stones and perfectly rolled WH/calamities and shit for that cat to get outta the bag.

Wasn't even with all m6 DHs either... had 2 wizards, me and TeCK. Just drop fire rains/sentries and keep runnin'.. shit dies so fast.

If anyone needs me, I'll be making out with my hellfire amulet under the bleachers.


Dunno if its 25+ or 35+ or just coincidence regarding grift level but the greater rift bosses definitely puke legendaries compared to regular t6 rift bosses.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Grifts in general tend to be a steadier legendary drop rate for me, but it really depends on your situation. For characters that can barely do T1/2/3 effectively, G rifts is a great way to farm items. If you can do T6 regular rifts, you probably want to run a bunch of those. I alternate between doing G rifts on my monk, to regular rifts, and sometimes will play super casual and just slow farm g rifts on my shittily geared characters.

It does seem like the lego drop rate on low-tier great rifts dropped off a little in my experience, not sure if that's another stealth hotfix I missed or just a streak of bad luck though.


<Bronze Donator>
Dunno if its 25+ or 35+ or just coincidence regarding grift level but the greater rift bosses definitely puke legendaries compared to regular t6 rift bosses.
Where are the Koreans on this? With no chests or elites dropping loot, I'm willing to chalk it up to some sort of lootsplosion bias as to why some people might think grifts are better than rifts for loot. Sparsely populated grifts don't help either. But, I'll admit I have no data to back this up.


Trakanon Raider
had a quick question for some of the higher end guys. I've got a non-seasonal wizard with about 200 paragon.

Icarium - Community - Diablo III

I've got a question on weapon options:

I've got a decent Sparker (no socket), a decent Sankis (no socket), a decent Maximus (has a socket) and a decent Thunderfury (has a socket and currently using). Currently running 6 piece Firebirds with a RoRG so I've swapped out gloves for a decent Magefist. I have 2 Gifts so I can add sockets to either the Sparker or Sankis. I also have the ability to make a Devastator from the Blacksmith.

I was hoping to get some insight on which weapon would be best for the Firebirds setup without having to burn gifts to see.

In case it matters I don't have any friends left playing, so I just play solo right now, so no synergies with other classes / builds atm. Currently running T3 and roasting that easily. I haven't "reforged" anything yet as I've been farming up a RoRG but now I'm ready to push a bit tougher.

Thanks for any help / suggestions on not just the weapon but other gear pieces as well
When you say decent what are the stats? Sparker with 2x Hydra will probably net most dps but it depends on how close it is to the other items. Post pics and we can help.


Where are the Koreans on this? With no chests or elites dropping loot, I'm willing to chalk it up to some sort of lootsplosion bias as to why some people might think grifts are better than rifts for loot. Sparsely populated grifts don't help either. But, I'll admit I have no data to back this up.
I can take u thru some tonight and show you, draw your own conclusions but I'm set in my thinkins. Gotta level my Zei's for pushing trials to the limit


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I'm peasant tier loot where I can really only efficiently farm T1 but gearing via GRifts is far, far quicker than normal rifts. I assume that can be extrapolated to higher tiers.