Diablo 4 / IV / IIII / Fore / Cope / Seethe


Lord Nagafen Raider
Cool story bro, preordering... a bag of dicks to send to ActiBliz.
  • 3Worf
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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
The Rogue character cinematic was pretty bad, especially if compared to the D4 reveal trailer. The graphics seem a bit unpolished, but the game is still far away from a release. The combat animations look good, and to be honest the clearer difference between D4 and PoE is in regards to combat, the better.
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<Gold Donor>
I think Blizzard needs to become a cinematic company, because their games in the last 10 yrs have been shit, but the cinematics are cool.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Wat? That video didn't do anything to make me interested in D4, but it certainly made me wonder if all of Blizzard's CGI/cinematic staff have moved on to companies that aren't complete shit.
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Obi-Bro Kenobi-X
I'm curious what ARPG games guys are looking at graphically, that think this looks bad. Looks pretty good to me.
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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I'm curious what ARPG games guys are looking at graphically, that think this looks bad. Looks pretty good to me.
They are just being salty. Out of all the other ARPG's I'm aware of, only Lost Ark compares well, graphically, to what D4 is looking like so far. I just think the overall game world needs a bit of polish.


Not Great, Not Terrible
<Bronze Donator>
Looks fine graphically. I couldn’t care any less about cinematic trailers though. Waste of time and money IMO. Just make a good game with that time and money instead. I’m arpg junkie so I’ll try this if it gets good reviews. They’ve completely lost all the goodwill and faith I had in them ages ago. Will never blindly buy anything from them.
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Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
You can't trust their doctored bullshit videos though. Check out this Diablo 3 preview they showed and the game on release was much more shallow and shit looking.

I expect the same from D4 until proven otherwise.
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  • 1Seriously?
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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
You can't trust their doctored bullshit videos though. Check out this Diablo 3 preview they showed and the game on release was much more shallow and shit looking.

I expect the same from D4 until proven otherwise.

Um, release looks exactly like that? The only parts of that video I haven't seen is like the little RPG conversation part, but that might be part of the story campaign I did to get adventure mode initially and don't remember it.

Put me down though for companies wasting so much time/money on cinematics.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
D3 had some simplification of textures so it would (eventually) be more console friendly but its main problem was itemization and skill gameplay being god awful at vanilla release.

Which is something you can't determine through a trailer.


Macho Ma'am
<Gold Donor>
They showed an early D3 vid where the siegebreaker had a finishing move, and bit of the heroes head.


Blizzard later stated:

"Unfortunately we never managed to get these implemented. They were a really cool idea, but a pretty huge amount of work. The one we showed of the Siegebreaker was a scripted sequence we set up specifically for that video. It was never implemented, and never actually worked without someone sitting there typing in a bunch of commands to get it all to fire off properly. It's still something we'd like to do, though."

We showed some scripted shit in a trailer, but it was too much work and since everybody had already thrown their money at us, we just didn't give a fuck anymore. I'll still pretend we do, since that always fools some idiots."
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Ahn'Qiraj Raider

That was shown 2 years prior to release. Diablo 4 is years away from release, and to think that the game will look exactly like it is currently is being really stupid. It could look better or it could look worse. Blizzard has earned a fair bit of disdain, sure, but I think some people here are sucking up a bit too much salt. =)

The game world / objects / models looks really good, imo, as it is now. The color palette seems a bit too drab, and while watching the Hive Queen creation vid, it seemed that this is by design. I would prefer a bit more color than just green / blood / greys, but not to the extent of current D3 (and I like D3).
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Magnus Deadlift the Fucktiger
That was shown 2 years prior to release. Diablo 4 is years away from release, and to think that the game will look exactly like it is currently is being really stupid. It could look better or it could look worse. Blizzard has earned a fair bit of disdain, sure, but I think some people here are sucking up a bit too much salt. =)

The game world / objects / models looks really good, imo, as it is now. The color palette seems a bit too drab, and while watching the Hive Queen creation vid, it seemed that this is by design. I would prefer a bit more color than just green / blood / greys, but not to the extent of current D3 (and I like D3).
What has Blizzard done in the past decade to earn any benefit of the doubt?
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Not Great, Not Terrible
<Bronze Donator>
Nothing, but people will never stop simping for blizzard.
This. I work with an extremely nerd IT dude that will only play blizzard games. I tried getting him to try POE, Grim Dawn, Gwent...nope, nada. WoW and D3 and Hearthstone is all he would play. He’d even state Blizzard is his thing and he doesn’t stray. I don’t fucking get it. These conversations were occurring in vanilla D3 which was fucking horrible.
  • 2Pathetic
  • 1Picard
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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
What has Blizzard done in the past decade to earn any benefit of the doubt?
Nothing, but some of you are voicing doom & gloom over a game that is far away from release. Its kinda dumb. Rant about it when its released and we see if its a pile of shit or not.
  • 2Solidarity
  • 1Worf
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Pathetic Reaction Bot
Nothing, but some of you are voicing doom & gloom over a game that is far away from release. Its kinda dumb. Rant about it when its released and we see if its a pile of shit or not.

You must be new here to expect people here to do any different.
  • 2Faggotry
  • 2Worf
  • 1Moron
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Trakanon Raider
Nothing, but some of you are voicing doom & gloom over a game that is far away from release. Its kinda dumb. Rant about it when its released and we see if its a pile of shit or not.
Alot of people are butthurt here. But yes I wholeheartedly agree to wait when the game is out and bitch about it.
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