Doctor Strange (2016)


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
She did a great job playing Gabriel with I imagine the same attitude that she plays this role with. I am pretty sure I will get over what she looks like.


Life's a Dream
I had to spell check Lined into looked. Let me elaborate though.

I've only ever seen the trailer on my computer screen prior to last night. While I didn't see much potential in it, I still have an almost undying trust that Marvel can do no wrong. Well, watching this trailer on the big screen was great. It looked fantastic. I'm not excited about Doctor Strange, more so than just because it's a Marvel movie.


Life's a Dream
So Rachel McAdams in Doctor Strange is playing Christine Palmer AKA Night Nurse... which is all well and good but we already have Rosario Dawson playing a version of Night Nurse (albeit not named Christine Palmer) in the Netflix series. Seems like a giant "FU" to the notion that the Defenders from Netflix will ever be a legitimate part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
Was there ever any intention for the Hell's Kitchen heroes to pop into the MCU? It's clearly the same Universe, but the whole point of the series (aside from more nifty stories) appears to be to tell super hero stories in a small, local scale, which is a direct contrast to the movies all being city, country, or world-spanning arcs.

Maybe the Spider-Man movie could bridge that a little bit I guess since he is focused in the streets of New York as well, at least to start with. As much as it could be neat to see the crossovers more directly I dunno if it makes any sense from a storytelling or grand scheme perspective. Even Agents of Shield is basically not referenced in the movies still and that has way stronger ties to the MCU movies.

Edit: Just looked at Night Nurse on Wiki, it sounds like Claire Temple (from DD/JJ) was originally just going to be Night Nurse but they went with a different name and more of a composite character. So if they're casting a Night Nurse for Dr. Strange, then either they could roll with it as a group of nurse friends or just have Dawson be her own thing.
Bump so this thread isn't lost.


Life's a Dream
I've only ever gone to two smaller comic conventions. Wizard World in Philadelphia in like... '92 or '93 and an even smaller one in a hotel conference room. Little did I know that comics would become a HUGE industry in the future.


Vyemm Raider
Personally never did a comic-con - yet. My kids wanna go to one and/or pax east

i did do EQ fan fests - boston's vegas and one other.

and i did do gen con twice back in the 1980's..had fun. met hickman, weis, gygax and others.

looking forward to the movie. looks good at least so far.


Life's a Dream
Fan Faire's were awesome. I did Vegas, Boston, Minneapolis and um... I forget the 4th. I had so much fun attending them.


Bearded Ape
<Silver Donator>
There's a new trailer supposedly, except I couldn't find any difference with the old.

Meanwhile, in a cumbercrossover:



FPS noob
man that is a pretty badass cast. Jillian Anderson, Kublai Khan from Marco Polo, the black guy whose name I can't even spell, etc. Nice visual effects too, love all those NYC "Inception" shots


Jillian Anderson[...]
Are you confusing Rachel McAdams with [G]illian Anderson?

Anyway, I suffer from a serious case of licensed shit fatigue in general and super hero in particular, but the cast + the architectural manipulation make me optimistic.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Every single previous view of this movie has been pretty bleak/dark vs. the standard humor. The Wi-Fi password bit has alleviated my concerns in that area.