Doctor Who


Potato del Grande
Times Lords were reduced to just future humans really, why no other tardises fighting and soldiers being exterminated and then regenerating? 3 sonic screwdrivers kills a time war dalek, so Time Lords didn't have that tech lol?


The last 10 minutes were incredible. The Tom Baker stuff was worth it alone. Oh, and seeing Capaldi for the first time. Seems we might be getting an interesting darker Doctor.
The asshole doctor.

I laughed when Clara was looking at the bulletin board of the DW timeline in the "Dark Vault" and stopped and stared at Susan's picture and played with the tumbtack. Moffat knows how to troll the audience


Molten Core Raider
Times Lords were reduced to just future humans really, why no other tardises fighting and soldiers being exterminated and then regenerating? 3 sonic screwdrivers kills a time war dalek, so Time Lords didn't have that tech lol?
Yeah, that part was kind of "what" I guess. But I still loved it. And YAY, we got to see Capaldi!

And is it me, or
does it seem like distant future Doctor can pick up old regenerations with the whole Tom Baker thing? Even though apparently going back to an old regeneration causes aging.


Times Lords were reduced to just future humans really, why no other tardises fighting and soldiers being exterminated and then regenerating? 3 sonic screwdrivers kills a time war dalek, so Time Lords didn't have that tech lol?
That along with the unresolved Zygon plotline leaves something to be desired and me wanting more explaination. Maybe it will be on the DVD or be released soon ala Night of the Doctor and The Last Day


Golden Squire
It seems to me that the Zygon thing was just a catalyst for getting the Hurt Doctor to push the button.


Molten Core Raider
Yeah, that part was kind of "what" I guess. But I still loved it. And YAY, we got to see Capaldi!

And is it me, or
does it seem like distant future Doctor can pick up old regenerations with the whole Tom Baker thing? Even though apparently going back to an old regeneration causes aging.
I think it was a nod to Cartmel again. The future Doctor will be Godlike or able to choose regens at will.

But in a real world sense it was just a way to get the Dad's and Grandfathers watching the show to say "See! Even the Doctor says he was the best Doctor!"

Zygon stuff really didn't make a lot of all. Just another classic villain we hadn't seen in ages, that was a huge fan favorite in the day. Could have been anyone. When I saw the destroyed statues I thought Weeping Angels though. I'm not complaining the Anniversaries are meant to be "fun". Itzena hit it on the head, it was fun. Lots of good jokes too.


Potato del Grande
Watched it again and it is making more sense now as I missed a few things.

I guess I can reconcile future future doctor as using Tom Baker as a disguise or some shit to keep the timelines fine for a self indulgant trip back, it's scifi there is more than one way to change your appearance.


Molten Core Raider
The asshole doctor.

I laughed when Clara was looking at the bulletin board of the DW timeline in the "Dark Vault" and stopped and stared at Susan's picture and played with the tumbtack. Moffat knows how to troll the audience
AND having her teach at Susan's school. Yeah he does. Fucker.


Musty Nester
So many giggle moments

400 years, and we may have our differences but you have to admit we are frighteningly clever!
.... How'd you get in?
Wasn't locked.

Americans with the ability to rewrite history?! You've seen their movies.


I think the fallout from changing things will play a huge part in the coming seasons.

Will we get to see the nightmare child finally?


Musty Nester
Probably. Gotta be some repercussions for just waking the Bad Wolf.

And are they going to keep Clara on for the Marble Selling Doctor? The Clara in that special seemed different than the Clara we saw from the last seasons. I mean, she seemed smarter and less like an echo of Amy, basically.


Molten Core Raider
Probably. Gotta be some repercussions for just waking the Bad Wolf.

And are they going to keep Clara on for the Marble Selling Doctor? The Clara in that special seemed different than the Clara we saw from the last seasons. I mean, she seemed smarter and less like an echo of Amy, basically.
Clara is staying. And she has the memories of the previous doctors faces. I'm guessing Capaldi will be the Searching for Gallifrey Doctor. Hope it's like The Key to Time arc. I'm really excited to see what they do with him. We also got a small teaser for next months ep. Here we come Trenzalore and The Fall of the Eleventh


Golden Squire
They didn't wake the Bad Wolf. The Moment was pulling in an image from the Doctor's mind. It initially hits on Rose Tyler as the projection but then changes it to Bad Wolf.


Musty Nester
That's good, I really do like Clara the impossible girl. And them toning down her flirtyness (just the impression I got) is also good. Wouldn't fly with an older Doctor... that shit would just be weird.

She felt more like his Nurse in that story. The Doctor and his Nurse!

I mean she may not be a time-lord (OR IS SHE? DUN DUN DUN) but Clara... well, Clara has seen some shit. Even if she can't quite remember it all at once.

Edit: The interface called itself both Rose Tyler and Bad Wolf -- and then the non-Hurt doctors heard Hurt call it Bad Wolf and went, "Woah -- wait? Bad Wolf?" just for a split moment. So yeah, they didn't do the horrible thing. I didn't mean that. "Waking the Bad Wolf" is just engaging the interface. I mean just touching the damn thing with even a conflicted intent to use it. If it's the most powerful weapon the ancients ever devised, a sentient artifact with a will of its own -- that's the sort of thing that it's best to not even look at. It's like how you don't say "Demogorgon" just for fun. That's just standard Bad Juju with Armageddon-inflicting artifacts of inconceivable power.


Molten Core Raider
As for "The Interface". My theory is that in the original timeline he pressed the button and after the Moment, the Interface went into the TARDIS. Rose later absorbed it and it continued it's job "Ending the Time War". The Doctor even explained that it was the power of a God and should a time lord absorb it, it would become a vengeful god. So why did no Time Lords use it? It didn't exist until the 8th unlocked it. Heart of the TARDIS = rule #1 The Doctor Lies.

In the special, the Interface used Rose Tyler as it's Shell only to discover the Bad Wolf now existed. They are one and the same imo. The ultimate Deus ex Machina that can open Time Locks, zap shit, and mock the Doctor


Musty Nester

I don't know if she could pull off the mustache though. And all respect to the blonde guy, but The Master is not the Master without a bitching-mustache. Blonde zombie master was ok for being a zombie -- but with the mustache? He would have won.

Running Dog_sl

Ahh the Master with moustache... and goatee *edit and time locks* ;-)

The 3rd Doctor vs The 1st Master 1972 - YouTube

Loved the 50th ... a lot to think about in that and I don't think it will all make sense (like what happens to the Master now...) but for the sheer fun they had with Hurt,Tennant and Smith ("oh you're his assistants..." "sandshoes and grandad") it was great. And it sets up the search for Gallifrey.

Nitpicking but Gallifrey has been hidden before like that. But right now I don't care ;-)