Doctor Who


Molten Core Raider
Well... that was something... A dose too much of Moffat incoherence to make it a great episode, but interesting nontheless.

Time Locks and Gallifrey lore mean shit once again however.
Of the leaked scripts, this was my favorite. Definitely worth a download so you can see what was going through the characters heads (unspoken) when Moffat wrote it.

Seems to me it lends a LOT of weight to Moffat subscribing to the Weave/Creche stuff. And likely somewhere nearby, in that house, is the young Master.


Molten Core Raider
I mean the Loom. Loom, Weave, whatever

Also noticed in the preview for next week there was a ton of Easter Eggs in the computer showing "Criminals". Two that really stood out were Captain John Hart from Torchwood, and..Abslom Daak. I'm sure quite a few of the geeks wet their pants at that one. He's never been canonized in the show. Pretty cool.


Trakanon Raider
What is this Loom/weave/creche stuff? I found the wiki entry about Gallifreans having a Loom for reproduction, but I don't see how that fits in at all.

Question about episode:
Also, while I still think this was easily the best episode of the new season so far, when Clara visits him and seemingly ends up being the reason for everything.. Then, wtf was the thing in Rhupert's room? The rest of it could just be a figment of the Doctor's imagination, put there from Clara's visit, as implausible as that seems, but they all saw that thing. There's no way it was just in his head.
I'm hoping it's a pseudo cliffhanger, and we'll revisit the idea later on. The season long story arcs are my favorites, with tons of callbacks and references. I liked the 'crack' and River's storylines the most of recent seasons.


Molten Core Raider
From my point of view and it's just mine...Seemed like the Doctor was being raised on a boys farm on Gallifrey outside of the Citadel. Backs up the theory that the race is sterile, born in a loom, sent to live on farms where their only choice is the army or in very rare cases the Academy. It helps we also saw the Easter Egg of Daak in the preview. So either Moffat is a big fan of the expanded universe or just fucking with us.

edit: Just saw the wiki entry you're referring to. It's too specific and misleading to say they're all spit out as adults. That was only mentioned once, and forgotten. Both the Master and Doctor in the EU had childhoods and both were Weaved/Loomed. Again, it's expanded universe shit, and each writer takes a little from it, but not all. And much of it never factors in. Davies loved and used quite a bit of the novels, and "Blink" one of Moffats best episodes was a Doctor Who book written by another person altogether and changed around for the TV show. I'm not saying they're using it wholesale. Just it leans towards children not being raised by their parents, or maybe the Doctor was just an orphan. But I doubt it.


Avatar of War Slayer
From my point of view and it's just mine...Seemed like the Doctor was being raised on a boys farm on Gallifrey outside of the Citadel. Backs up the theory that the race is sterile, born in a loom, sent to live on farms where their only choice is the army or in very rare cases the Academy. It helps we also saw the Easter Egg of Daak in the preview. So either Moffat is a big fan of the expanded universe or just fucking with us.

edit: Just saw the wiki entry you're referring to. It's too specific and misleading to say they're all spit out as adults. That was only mentioned once, and forgotten. Both the Master and Doctor in the EU had childhoods and both were Weaved/Loomed. Again, it's expanded universe shit, and each writer takes a little from it, but not all. And much of it never factors in. Davies loved and used quite a bit of the novels, and "Blink" one of Moffats best episodes was a Doctor Who book written by another person altogether and changed around for the TV show. I'm not saying they're using it wholesale. Just it leans towards children not being raised by their parents, or maybe the Doctor was just an orphan. But I doubt it.
They showed the Master as a child looking into the schism.


Trakanon Raider
Yea, he referenced that in his post. They can be made as children, not necessarily babies. I guess I see the connection in that point. But, it's still too vague obviously. He could just be a orphan, and you'd think even if they were Loomed, they are taken care of by their adult 'cousins', so it's still a family. That had a very orphanage type feel, but the dialogue was too short.


Avatar of War Slayer
I might be tired, and misreading. but I thought he was saying, they were children in the extended universe. and moffet might use that in the show. I was confirming we already saw the master as a child, in the modern version of the show itself.


Molten Core Raider
Nah, I'm just nerding out and making up my own theories that fit. As with anything with 50 full years of lore: TV, Radio, Novels, comics, etc... nothing is set in stone. And hell, with all that information we could argue the Doctor is actually an escaped clown from Hoth, and his dad is Darth Vader. Half-joking aside, it could be as simple as that being his actual family, and his dad is just a dick. For all we know we just saw Ulysses, also from expanded novels.

In short, I personally think this ep all but confirmed (for me) that children of Gallifrey are artificially created for the most part, and sent to live in cr?ches/farms until they're old enough to enter the Academy or join the Army...or go rogue and live as a simple Gallifreyean as we saw a lot during the 4th Doctor.

edit: You can also make the argument that they're not keeping with Davies continuity in which Tennant's Doctor and the Master claimed as Time Tots (they were certainly not dressed for the Army) they were taken at the age of 8 to stare into the Untempered Schism. The kid was not 7 or younger imo.

What is this Loom/weave/creche stuff? I found the wiki entry about Gallifreans having a Loom for reproduction, but I don't see how that fits in at all.

Question about episode:
Also, while I still think this was easily the best episode of the new season so far, when Clara visits him and seemingly ends up being the reason for everything.. Then, wtf was the thing in Rhupert's room? The rest of it could just be a figment of the Doctor's imagination, put there from Clara's visit, as implausible as that seems, but they all saw that thing. There's no way it was just in his head.
I'm hoping it's a pseudo cliffhanger, and we'll revisit the idea later on. The season long story arcs are my favorites, with tons of callbacks and references. I liked the 'crack' and River's storylines the most of recent seasons.
Yeah, if they don't explain the sheet thief or the last planet door knocker then this season will suck.


Potato del Grande
It was just a kid playing a joke then getting freaked out by the doctor and freezing/not leaving, followed by the air bubble starting to collaspe and cause noise. Unless it ties into the finale, they had a few seed things like that with the cracks in time thing.



I'm fairly certain I remember Tennant mentioning in one of the episodes he'd been married and had once had children in connection with him looking after a child in one of the episodes which would support the theory they're just born normally. Not all Gallifreyan's become Time Lords anyway, just the ones who have the aptitude for the training and who don't go batshit crazy when they look in the schism.

With regards to the episode, I thought it was pretty lacklustre. Maybe a large part of that is due to being sick of Moffat but I'm also growing fed up with the companions playing such a large part in the Doctor's life. He's lived for a few thousand years now (used to be 900 - not sure where they squeezed the rest in) and has seen infinitely more than the little Earth primates can begin to fathom and yet, week after week, they continually pull something out their arses that the Doctor would never figure out. I watch the programme to see him not Tardis passenger 57 save the day.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Why did the episode end on the note that those are all dreams and not real when in the first part in the orphage we very fucking clearly saw that there is in fact something... that was far more interesting than the dating nonsense.


Trakanon Raider
Its either a) there was a creature there or b) it was supposed to be a manifestation of fear, mind playing tricks.

My guess would be A. I doubt we've seen the last if them. They are going to be the new weeping angels.

Now as far as companions go, I think the doctor said he's almost 3,000 years old now. I know matt smith was in the 1200 range before he spent all those years on Trenzalore. Not sure where the other 1000 came from. Now being that old and infinitely smart you would tend to see the universe differently. The companion grounds him and thinks in more simple terms. Do they go overboard sometimes... Yeah... But then you could argue that the Doctor inspires greatness from the companions and other humans... Which is a recurring theme in this show.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Yeah I don't see how fear could have manifested itself given Clara was completely without fear until the bed sunk in.

It was a pretty scary thing, I do hope you're right and this gets more episodes.


Molten Core Raider
Hmm. I just assumed this ep was about the Silence creatures (confessors?). Creature seemed to have big black eyes too. Just assumed it was a smaller version.

Maybe it's a new monster altogether. That'd be interesting.

Edit: speaking of which I really hope Moffat doesn't do a backwards story again with Missy being the proto Papal Mainframe and offering the creatures a place in her new church.

Running Dog_sl

...Maybe it's a new monster altogether. That'd be interesting.
From one of the comments on the episode in the Guardian:

Moffat was reviving a concept he wrote for a story called 'Corner of the Eye' for the 2007 Doctor Who storybook (got it for my daughter but it creeped me out). The creature was called a 'Floof'. Here's an excerpt: 'A Floof can stand in a bare room full of a hundred people, all looking in every direction, all searching for it - and find the one spot no one's looking at... People get used to it, think it's normal. They hear a creek, and they say it's the house settling... They get a prickling on the back of their necks... '
Doctor Who recap: series 34, episode four - Listen | Television radio |


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Hmm. I just assumed this ep was about the Silence creatures (confessors?). Creature seemed to have big black eyes too. Just assumed it was a smaller version.

Maybe it's a new monster altogether. That'd be interesting.

Edit: speaking of which I really hope Moffat doesn't do a backwards story again with Missy being the proto Papal Mainframe and offering the creatures a place in her new church.
They didn't forget about it when they looked away. Has to be something new. Also it was much smaller than the Silence dudes.


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
Don't think it was another kid playing tricks unless he was deformed. Anyone get a screen cap of when it started to remove the blanket right behind them?