Doctor Who


Musty Nester
Not that I'm a Karen Gillan expert. I just get the impression from watching her interviews with Craig that she didn't have to stretch her acting talents too much for Amy Pond.

She really is a whole lot like that.


Hi guys can't we stop updating this thread with news about Karen Gillan's fucking stupid ass new show?

When I see Doctor Who on the frontpage I get all excited for new news only to keep seeing this shit.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Because internet. Ever read the comments over at Some of the most joyless, jaded fucks on the planet populate the comments sections there.


Molten Core Raider
I didn't like Amy much, but thought "Good for her" when she got the Marvel deal, and a new show. It's not often a young model makes a transition to TV like this.

And while I don't really like her, I'm not about to write a 43 page essay on why she sucks. All companions come and go, and were not going to like them all. Compared to Mel, Amy was awesome.


Musty Nester
She's tall, she's pretty, she's sorta vapid, she's pure kitten. You would have to be pretty joyless to hatepost Amelia Pond.

Which is different than, "Meh. MEH." I didn't care for Martha Jones, myself. I would have liked her even less if she was tall, redheaded, and scottish. Just... MEH.

We're not gonna like them all. It may not be the biggest audience there is in the world for a television show, but it's plenty big enough. They gotta do different things.


Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
She was a shitty companion with a good backstory. Rory was more interesting than she was. Modern era, Donna Noble and Jack Harkness were head and shoulders the best companions.


Molten Core Raider
^Exactly what I was going to say Phazael. Shitty companion with a good backstory describes it perfectly. Loved the mindfuck with her pregnancy, but her constant drymouth and "uhs" and other hallmarks of shitty acting got to me at times. Gorgeous lady though, no doubt.

edit: Also in real Doctor Who news, the Day of the Doctor won the Radio Times Audience BAFTA. Basically the "viewers choice" award. Pretty cool. Gatiss semi-faux documentary on Doctor Who lost in the drama category, a big surprise. It was really, really good.


Millie's Staff Member
i should have said that amy and rory were the best companions as a package, but i do love me some amy pond so im heavily biased. before that was donna and capt jack although donna is an aquired taste. she had to grow on me. i liked her gramps much much much better.


Molten Core Raider
i should have said that amy and rory were the best companions as a package, but i do love me some amy pond so im heavily biased. before that was donna and capt jack although donna is an aquired taste. she had to grow on me. i liked her gramps much much much better.
Everyone has very different tastes in companions. I loved Donna, fuck it made me tear up at the end when the Doctor basically killed her or rather who she really was inside.

That's what is so great about having tons of companions, people fight more over them than the Doctors. Except Sarah Jane. If you don't like Sarah Jane, you're a fucking Communist.


Millie's Staff Member
yeah sara jane is a given, i started watching during the tom baker era, so even if she sucked i still favor her due to nostalgia


Musty Nester
I loved Doctor Donna.

I think if it was an american network, they would have forced her to lose 30 pounds before they turned the camera on. It was just nice seeing a real woman. She's not obese or ugly anything like that, it's just she's not freakishly thin like Tenant was. And her life was shit. Not magical like Amy's, not young and incomplete like Rose's... just completely mundane and completely shit. And then the Doctor had to take it away from her, but give her a little bit of happiness in return.THOSE FEELS.

In america, she would have been freakishly thin.

Edit: And yeah, that Hartnell mock-u-mentary really WAS good. I mean shit, I started watching that thing expecting it to be sentimental, self congratulatory, and basically terrible. It surprised me a lot. It could actually stand on its own legs as an interesting story for a not-fan.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Every time someone say Donna I can't help but think of Donna from Suits and get the mental image of her being a companion.


For me: Rose Tyler > Clara Oswald >> Amy Pond. Never really liked Donna at all. Martha was creamy as fuck, but she got jacked on the writing.

Amy Pond was great for a while, but she became the whiny housewife in the last third of her bits. No fault of her own, but I wasn't sad to see her go.

JLC is just epic in every way. I'm a sucker for skirts, what can I say. Pic of her nice motorist's gloves:



Here's how I'd bang out the story:

Capaldi and Coleman zip about doing universy things until Tennant's daughter Jenny (played by Chlo? Moretz) needs some saving of her own before she can save the universe (she is a Time Lord, after all). Something immobilizes the Doctor and his Companion, so Jenny needs to save the day.

4 episodes of Chlo? Moretz being awesome as Dr Who (she IS the Doctor after all), before getting in the shit and Capaldi and Coleman have to save her. Boom boom The Silence battle. The Whos barely win. Chlo? Moretz rides off in her parts car Tardis (that ep where the aliens lured Time Lords in to use them as parts...she built a new old Tardis from all that wreckage). Capaldi used all of his Whoness to win, and now he dies... regen as the new Dr Who played by Richard Ayoade with Emily Blunt as his companion.

...and it turns out, the Tardis hates Clara because because Clara is the old physical manifestation of itself before it became a Tardis.


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
Hi guys can't we stop updating this thread with news about Karen Gillan's fucking stupid ass new show?

When I see Doctor Who on the frontpage I get all excited for new news only to keep seeing this shit.
If Jack harkness counts as a companion, then he was the best. If not, then I think martha was the best by a longshot. It's a shamed she didn't last longer. I guess they felt she was too strong and stealing the show from the dr? Anyway, Amy has been the cutest companion.

So Gillian was a model before this? What did she do? Was it nude?


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
If it was nude, I'm sure the pictures would have surfaced by now.

Anyways, with the new Who companions, I liked them all. Martha I think suffered the worst because they really didn't know what to do with her. The whole Rose <3 Doctor stuff was built up way too much, then you bring in a new girl and can't exactly do the samething...but they tried anyways.

Donna worked because they didn't try to pull another Rose and made it more platonic.

I did like how they eventually settled on Amy/Rory acting as a surrogate (and eventually real) family to The Doctor. Rory was one of those characters you didn't really like at first, but he really grew on you over time.

Clara is...pretty. But I dunno...kind of like Martha, she gets stuck with following some popular companions. I'm curious to see how the addition of a new companion next year works out. I'm sure said companion will ultimately be the reason Clara leaves the Doctor at somepoint.

And ya, can't beat Capt Jack. Too bad he didn't come back to the show after that last Torchwood abortion.