
Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
I think most people, while hyped about just no character development and running around gunning shit down with no recourse, when Doom was Doom and Quake was Quake, it was a fucking Shareware title. Not 60 bucks.
I'd rather pay 60 bucks then spend 8 hours downloading the 4 meg shareware on my fucking dial up.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Wasn't the shareware version of doom just an extended demo?
Yeah but it cost 9 bucks to register and get the full game.

To each their own. I just find it funny when we can compare the stark contrast of some recent releases (Battleborn, DOOM) and then you have something like Uncharted 4 or Witcher 3, selling at the same price. The latter has EXTREME amounts of effort, the former are cash in's on lazy ass shit with limited content/no effort spooge. They should make this game Shareware. Register the thing for $14.99 (Adjusted for inflation) and call it a day.

I'd rather pay 60 bucks then spend 8 hours downloading the 4 meg shareware on my fucking dial up.
Dude, all you had to do was ride your lazy ass on a 10-speed to Software Etc and pick up the free 3.5" floppies.

(PS: Heathen. I had a USR 14.4k HST/V.32/V.32bis external US Robotics modem. Thing ran 900 bucks. Downloaded Comanche overkill in an hour


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Yeah but it cost 9 bucks to register and get the full game.

To each their own. I just find it funny when we can compare the stark contrast of some recent releases (Battleborn, DOOM) and then you have something like Uncharted 4 or Witcher 3, selling at the same price. The latter has EXTREME amounts of effort, the former are cash in's on lazy ass shit with limited content/no effort spooge. They should make this game Shareware. Register the thing for $14.99 (Adjusted for inflation) and call it a day.

Dude, all you had to do was ride your lazy ass on a 10-speed to Software Etc and pick up the free 3.5" floppies.

(PS: Heathen. I had a USR 14.4k HST/V.32/V.32bis external US Robotics modem. Thing ran 900 bucks. Downloaded Comanche overkill in an hour
Fucking guy pays 900 for a modem which is like 2k now but moans about a $60 game. Just UT things.

Also do you have any idea how cool it was to download a game for mother fucking free back then? Plus I was banned from Egghead for tricking the employees in giving refunds when I would buy a cheap sidewinder joystick and the expensive force feedback one and returning the cheap one with the expensive ones receipt.

NM, that was Best Buy later on. Egghead was for switching price tags lol.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Fucking guy pays 900 for a modem which is like 2k now but moans about a $60 game. Just UT things.

Also do you have any idea how cool it was to download a game for mother fucking free back then? Plus I was banned from Egghead for tricking the employees in giving refunds when I would buy a cheap sidewinder joystick and the expensive force feedback one and returning the cheap one with the expensive ones receipt.

NM, that was Best Buy later on. Egghead was for switching price tags lol.
Dude, I was 14 when that thing came out. I didn't buy it. I used my emerging prowess as a creative thinker. My mom owned a real estate company with 2 others and I told her that her MLS listings downloading faster would improve her productivity by 500% if we had a faster modem. Pictures would download faster, and she would be able to beat everyone to market with revolutionary speed.

Course, I also had the bonus of working for Software Etc at 17. We had a 30 day demo period to become "More knowledgable" about games. Then we would just bring the thing back, shrinkwrap it, and put it back on the shelf. I was an insider while you were trying to get a refund on putting an Adlib card in the soundblaster box and seeing if you could get away with it.

Jesus. Have I owned you since birth? This is getting embarrassing.

PS: CH Flightsticks. While you were in Alcatraz after your newegg mafia heist gone south, I got one for free.

Also, let this forum know, I was the worlds first interactive streamer. Nintendo paid me to play their games with an Apron on and answer questions and be personable. $5.00 an hour, for an entire weekend. Beat that buddy! I sold a record amount of Super Castlevania 4's that weekend and also got a free lunch. A&W Hot Dogs and more.

PS Abe, remember THQ, INC, PWA, etc? All those old courier warez folks?


This game is fun, but it really doesn't look that great at max settings.

Feels like PC is once again at the mercy of the console gaming...


Looking at the price of gaming on Google, and in the 80's 90's we were spending close to ,or over 100 dollars per game if it was adjusted for inflation.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Looking at the price of gaming on Google, and in the 80's 90's we were spending close to ,or over 100 dollars per game if it was adjusted for inflation.
Most everything was pirated back then. And if it wasn't pirated, nothing was kept because most stores had 30 day return policies. Copy Protection schemes all you had to do was Xerox the manual, if that. I used to feel guilty, and I do not do that any longer, but now I do not feel guilty since the shit they are releasing today with rip off DLC makes me feel vindicated I sucked them dry when I was a kid.


I didn't really grow up in the era you guys are talking about. Mine was the n64,Saturn, PS1 generation, and at that time PC gaming wasn't doing well.

It was also really tough to pirate anything. Not sure if they even had commerical CD burners,BUT they had Blockbuster, and millions of other Rental stores where you could rent games for a week for like 3 bucks.


A Mod Real Quick
I didn't really grow up in the era you guys are talking about. Mine was the n64,Saturn, PS1 generation, and at that time PC gaming wasn't doing well.

It was also really tough to pirate anything. Not sure if they even had commerical CD burners,BUT they had Blockbuster, and millions of other Rental stores where you could rent games for a week for like 3 bucks.
You kidding man? All the cool kids put mod chips in their PS1 and burned pirated copies of games at 1x/2x/4x write speed


Are you sure youre not talking about the ps2? I never really got mod chips till the xbox came out. They weren't readily available in the south like they were on the west coast, and you had to solder it yourself.

Pretty hard to explain to your parents you need them to order you a mod kit from something you found in the back of a magazine when you are a little kid lmao.


A Mod Real Quick
Yeah PS1 had mod chips to at least play international titles. I can't remember when CD Burners were a "thing", but we definitely had an early burner


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Ut it is almost lunch time, have you picked this up yet?
Haha! It is lunch time. I picked up a pizza. I MAY redbox this thing. That's about it brother. I am too knee deep in a real game like uncharted 4.

Mario Speedwagon

Gold Recognition
<Prior Amod>
I think Ut might be the only person on earth to actually take time to complain about not enough story or character development in a fucking doom game.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
I think Ut might be the only person on earth to actually take time to complain about not enough story or character development in a fucking doom game.
Dude. Doom 3 and its expansion were awesome and set a new bar. If I wanted to get back to throwback lazy ass development under the guise of a 1992 shareware title being sold for sixty bucks, and fool the massss by saying its Doom, I'd go work for ID software because the new gimmick for a two stop start game in development hell for 8 years now means you can rely on mechanics from 1992, from an IP that evolved ten years ago, call it a throwback and fuck some wallets.

"Guys. We really fucked the development on this". "It's ok guys! Doom is all about shooting! Well market it that way and hope no one knows the bar hasn't been raised since the Atari days".

Fucking sheep.


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
This game is almost as good as Brutal Doom, which means it's actually pretty fucking awesome.

60$ awesome is a bit of a hard sell considering Brutal Doom exists, but it's quite good.