
Ahn'Qiraj Raider
No, they're notthatmuch better than the top western teams. I mean, he said "if we don't make fools out of them, then their strategies are decades ahead of ours". That level of arrogance is just obnoxious and it makes me want to see them lose as badly as they did in G1. Zero humility and how their shit never stinks because they are eastern.

Just like how they dismissively waved their hands at Wisp because Chinese players never get caught out and 5 man dota beats Wisp.....etc. Watching YYF get picked off like 3 times in 8 mins by allowing Ck+wisp to get through was awesome to watch. I cant stand that level of arrogance in dota or real sports, like Rex Ryan guaranteeing a Super Bowl win preseason last year....just makes you want to watch them get their shit pushed in for being so brazen.

Chuan post G1

Do you think you can win TI3 this time?
We can win for sure. If we can't win then we won't go.
Other than Alliance, which other teams will threaten you?
DK and LGD.
No western teams?
As I said, it's because we don't understand them. However, after we arrive there, in a LAN game situation,they shouldn't pose much of a threat.

^That is the kind of obnoxious shit I cant stand. God I hope they get dominated worse than they did in G1, as unlikely as that possibility is.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Mah Wakandan talkin about the patch changes

I'm pretty anxious to try out Legion Commander, looks like the type of hero that I love support but can 1v1 people (Visage top played currently).

Same for Oracle, the Earth dude straight up looks like Trundle from League of Legends though and I don't like that one bit.

No, they're notthatmuch better than the top western teams. I mean, he said "if we don't make fools out of them, then their strategies are decades ahead of ours". That level of arrogance is just obnoxious and it makes me want to see them lose as badly as they did in G1. Zero humility and how their shit never stinks because they are eastern.

Just like how they dismissively waved their hands at Wisp because Chinese players never get caught out and 5 man dota beats Wisp.....etc. Watching YYF get picked off like 3 times in 8 mins by allowing Ck+wisp to get through was awesome to watch. I cant stand that level of arrogance in dota or real sports, like Rex Ryan guaranteeing a Super Bowl win preseason last year....just makes you want to watch them get their shit pushed in for being so brazen.

Chuan post G1

Do you think you can win TI3 this time?
We can win for sure. If we can't win then we won't go.
Other than Alliance, which other teams will threaten you?
DK and LGD.
No western teams?
As I said, it's because we don't understand them. However, after we arrive there, in a LAN game situation,they shouldn't pose much of a threat.

^That is the kind of obnoxious shit I cant stand. God I hope they get dominated worse than they did in G1, as unlikely as that possibility is.
Would you say that bothers you more or less than Mike Wallace saying the Dolphins can win the Superbowl?


<Silver Donator>
Trundle? Are you drunk? How is it anything like trundle, at all. Trundle skillset: Activate to increase damage on next attack and steal attack dmg from enemy, large ground aoe that increase move and attackspeed for trundle while standing in it, Raise a pillar that slows enemy around it and blocks them(kinda like tuskarr icicle shit) and ultimate is a debuff that steals damage/armor over time from the target.

Earth panda toolset: Can drop rocks all over the map to empower his other abilities but the rocks do nothing, can knockback enemy or rock in the facing direction for damage or silence, can roll towards a direction hitting first enemy on the way, can pull target ally closer or pull a rock to create a line stun, ultimate is an aoe dot that refreshes when targets run by a rock.

Like there is literally no skill that is even close to one another. Unless you meant looks as in, design wise, but it's the fucking earth panda from the panda split, like Storm spirit is the storm one and Xin is the fire one. It's a panda, trundle is a troll.

Both the new heroes are broken as fuck as will probably get nerfed into oblivion before they're even close to being ported. The panda will probably get scaling/number changes, his toolset is very strong but not insanely so, so it should be fine, the fact you can move both enemies and allies around makes him a super great teamfight hero however and he should be able to dominate mid fairly easily because his combo is basically guaranteed gank kills and very strong potential for solo kills too. The duration on the silence/stun, duration of the ultimate, aoe aspect and damage numbers are probably what is going to get nerfed.

The int hero ultimate is like the pinnacle of retardation however. It's a 9 secs buff that prevents all damage for the duration(similar to shadow grave but doesn't need to reach 1 hp, meaning you're not open to axe/AA counters) however it also doubles healing for the duration(so double healing from meka and double healing from his own super strong stacking 44/secs regen buff) meaning unless the enemy massively commits, you'll repop with full life at the end of the spell instead of low health like when shallow grave stops. Even if they commit they need a large amount of physical dmg to outdmg the healing because magical dmg will be entirely absorbed anyway by his 2nd skill(physical does 50% more though). Now this in itself is already a powerful ultimate, but that's not all. The mana cost is 100, the cooldown is 20(TWENTY) seconds, the range is 1500(50% more than highest rank of shallow grave, basically 1screen and a half away). But that's not all, for the cheap price of nothing, it also removes all negative debuffs from the target. What, is that all you ask? Well no my dear friend, for the entire duration it also provides Slark ultimate active to the target, making them invisible and not breaking on actions.

That's basically the single most overpowered ability in the game, maybe ever. It's like 2-3ultimates rolled into one. The low cooldown and high duration means the uptime is ridiculous and can be used for tons of purposes like initiating(invis) or healing up after fights(double healing) and basically the only viable counter is to purge it, you will absolutely require a purge to deal with it. Assuming it's purgeable I haven't checked, but should be. I guess that can be considered a fair balance point, but some of the shit in that ultimate simply needs to go, it is still way too good. The invis would be a good start, why does it even need to be slark invis anyway, why not just potm invis.

Edit: Scratch that, it can't be purged. Balance yo.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
If the duration were 3,4,5 I think it would be more balanced. Even then though, the invis thing is stupid. Hi Lifestealer!


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
I honestly don't know how that ult even got out of closed testing. Maybe damage is applied before the healing so if you focus the ulted person they're going to die before they're healed? Of course you'd have no idea how much damage was "enough" to kill them until the effect was over...


<Silver Donator>
I honestly don't know how that ult even got out of closed testing. Maybe damage is applied before the healing so if you focus the ulted person they're going to die before they're healed? Of course you'd have no idea how much damage was "enough" to kill them until the effect was over...
I actually haven't tested enough to figure out the order of the spell or if it's applied as a sum or what. The problem is yeah as you said you can't judge the damage you do at all, plus you have to take into account the regen from his other spell. Now mind you if you want to do that you need almost all your cooldowns and spam them only on one target(most likely your carry) so it's not always going to happen, but still it's pretty retarded. Just the fact that you get double meka power from it, and the synergy with other healing heroes. Have an abaddon or an omniknight on your team too? That's going to be like 1.5k healing during the ult... What boggles my mind is the invis on it, how was that even remotely needed.

Also his first spell seems either buggy or the description is very confusing. The purge that is applied based on the duration of the channel is a 100%movespeed reduction as far as I could tell. I was too lazy to check darkseer's surge/haste to see if you could still move, but without these you basically cannot move for 3secs if he does the full channel. That's pretty damn strong, since it's an aoe(albeit a very small one) and also nukes+purges.

Still I love the concept and once the ult is thoroughly nerfed I think he'll be a very fun hero, his spells synergizes in such a way that there will be a huge difference between a shitty oracle and a good one.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I like Merlini when he casts since he usually has good insight to what's going on as compared to his co-host. But he gets so mad when pubbing... it's hilarious. He raged on Select in a pub once and made him leave their potential team at the time.


Merlini has always been a raging try hard fag. Reddit just randomly selects people and elevates them to e-celebrity status for no reason. See: Eternal Envy


Blackwing Lair Raider
Except Merlini actually has a huge Dota 1 background and EternalEnvy put together a really really good team... he just isn't a great play caller which is why he now plays the carry role with Kaipi.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Try hard. The worst insult ever made. Hey your really good at what you do, try hard.


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
I always thought people using the phrase try-hard were diming themselves out as no-talent fags. For example, the first instance off the top of my head where someone called me a try hard was when I played earth shaker with a stupid combo top lane (dire), I think it was like jugg + veno; I don't remember exactly. We hid in the side shop, got a double kill first blood and the victims of said gank said "fuck u tryhards" or something along those lines.

I honestly don't see how that is insulting at all. I guess they're saying they don't want to win so bad that they will use good tactics to win their lane early?


Trakanon Raider
I guess, I got called tryhard for dewarding jungle camps so I can pull as support, for buying sentry off the bat vs offlane broodmother or BH and so on... Come on, you pick a hero that relies on invisibility and then complain when people buy detection ?

I've been dicking around with support Skywrath, the guy is awesome. His nuke has almost zero cooldown, costs 70MP and scales a bit. Then his silence has pretty respectable range and if you ever gank with Storm, QoP, Puck or basically anything that does magic damage and holds people in place, so you can unload everything you have, including ulti. Shame it's so mana intensive though, clarities won't cut it, so you will make a lot of treks to base at least until you get Arcane boots and even casual voidstone is godsend when you are pushing. Basic combo is to start with your main nuke, then the slow and when either of those is going to hit, silence for the amplified damage and ulti once they are slowed down. He is surprisingly strong against AM and Pudge, because they tend to underestimate that magic damage amplification, silence stops blink and especially pudge like to stand in one place.


try hard is actually the best insult, just look at how much dumb shit you are typing because i called a guy who meta picks in premade pubstomps a try hard. That's the literal definition of try hard. I bet you pick Slark


Blackwing Lair Raider
If you're better than me, you're a try hard, if you're worse than me you're a noob.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
try hard is actually the best insult, just look at how much dumb shit you are typing because i called a guy who meta picks in premade pubstomps a try hard. That's the literal definition of try hard. I bet you pick Slark
^ The amount of 12 year olds (or who act like it) like this kid that play dota is staggering. Try hard......ffs