
It's [sunder] an interesting mechanic that adds depth to the game. TB had always been built around his illusions as core mechanic for doing dmg.

There are plenty of ways to clear them. The most important being treating him as a hard carry and punish him early and continue to do so as long as his team lets you. I've yet to see a carry that dies four times in 15 minutes contribute significantly to a win.


<Silver Donator>
Kinda depends, I mean sure if you chain kill him it's nice but if he's not like solo hard lane, ganking him involves the usual risks to ganks, on top of ganking a very strong hero(since metamorphosis is basically an ult you can train before 6, if it's up he can and will rape your face if you don't have overwhelming power during the gank). If you don't shut him down enough though, he doesn't need to super farm to carry, he can instead rush a radiance and splitpush you to death. He suffers from the same "issue" as PL and Naga in the sense that once they have radiance, they can push multiple lanes and farm the jungle at the same time, while being in a relatively safe place making them virtually ungankable. Naga more so I'd say because of song.

There's plenty of ways to clear illusions, early on. Once he has radiance and a heart and maybe one more big item, the illusions will be able to kill supports and be annoying to kill even for strong heroes, and that doesn't change the fact they will constantly proxy push the lanes so you have to send someone who can deal with them every minute and a half in every lane he's pushing.

I don't think it's too much of an issue with the hero than it is with illusions based heroes in general and splitpushing with them. It makes for a fairly boring game and is hard to counter especially in pubs. The hero himself could probably use some nerfs though, on metamorphosis or on illusions damage taken/done, whichever. Not like into the ground nerfs, but some stuff. I think reducing radiance damage on illusions would probably be a decent general change though. Doesn't need to be removed but say it does half dmg on illusions, so they don't push as hard nor can they clear jungle camps as easily.


I disagree. Radiance on illusions is a retarded mechanic period. As is lifesteal and mana burn. I'm fine with +dmg and stats, but the item procs should be removed entirely. An illusion is an aspect of the hero, not their items.


<Silver Donator>
I disagree. Radiance on illusions is a retarded mechanic period. As is lifesteal and mana burn. I'm fine with +dmg and stats, but the item procs should be removed entirely. An illusion is an aspect of the hero, not their items.
Well reduce it first, see how it goes. Also lifesteal doesn't transfer. Like cleave, it displays the effect but doesn't actually work.


You're right. I had to check it to be sure, but I thought aura's still allowed illusions to life steal even though the vlads itself didn't grant it.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I don't think there's been a better streamer in the history of streamers than Merlini. That guy plays at a pro level, and narrates his streams so well that he's the first person I've ever donated to on Twitch. I've learned more from him than anything.

And then you have people like Eternal Envy. I wish that douche would just get electrocuted every time he keyed up to say anything in game.


Draskyl is good too, everytime he plays he says why he's getting something or going a specific build. 'I'm not going to go this because it doesn't scale well, they have YYY hero on their team'.

Really interesting to see him play, plus his radio is awesome.


I feel like I'm missing out on so much by refusing to use twitch. I try and follow reposts on YouTube, but twitch is so abysmal to view on.


<WoW Guild Officer>
I like watching merlini especially when he's drafting.. N0tails the other one that I like watching but your not going to learn much. Still its entertaining as shit and it's also almost a guarantee that someone else with fnatic will be playing with him at one point or another.


<WoW Guild Officer>
notail,fly, and H4nni are playing together on N0tails stream pretty funny listening to them trash on each other


I feel like I'm missing out on so much by refusing to use twitch. I try and follow reposts on YouTube, but twitch is so abysmal to view on.
If you have a Roku or use Plex, there's a Twitch plugin that you can install. I put it on my TV while doing something else on the PC, no ads, no chat, full HD if your connection supports it


Trakanon Raider
I like pros going for it with less than traditional picks, that tournament has definitely been delivering