
So I usually play off lane heroes, and I've recently added Centaur into my lineup. Good god is he a beast. Really fun to play.

So far my off lane lineup includes (from best to worst)

Dark Seer
Elder Titan (don't play him in the current meta all that much though)
Bounty Hunter

and now Centaur.

Any other suggestions for good off laners? I know pretty much anyone can off lane in the new patch, but what are some unconventional ones that you guys have had success with. Was thinking about doing Slardar off lane.
Add Windrunner (err, windranger) for flexibility in being damage (phase/force/Deso or MKB) or support (arcanes/MEK/Force), Nyx Assassin for ganking (build into arcanes then a fast blink, or Mek if your other supports are struggling) and Lifestealer for off-lane semi-carry (phase/drums). Those three, plus your current kit, will let you pick up whatever your team needs.

quick edit: Phoenix is also a great pickup, as well. I expect to see nerfs to that hero soon, though.


A lot of heros can off lane, but only hero's I'd consider good at it are the one's that still push the game regardless if mid/bot struggles or fails.

Dark Seer (towers/push)
Bounty (track gold)
Nyx (carry/support explosion)

Outside of that you need to be lucky or steam roll your lane to do anything major.


<Silver Donator>
Bat is there too. Can easily catch up if your supports stack the jungle. Prophet can also offlane, use treants to divert creeps, if you can't do anything you can generally still go jungle, eventually catch up.


Bounty has fallen off significantly in the meta because of the changes to dust (e.g. if you are dusted, you run 10% slower while invis) and the ease of getting XP. He still has his place for sure (in fact, put to good use today in the Na'Vi / Alliance Bo5), but wouldn't put him in the top 3. I guess it depends on how often you see dust bought up in your games :-D

Bat is also great, though usually a better fit for mid or jungle (especially radiant jungle). Pyros is right about NP, but since he has no real escape or stun, it can be dangerous if you get caught out of position (Nyx is similar, but has super high HP regen and a couple of defensive options).

Weaver is another very good offlaner, as are Beastmaster and Bristleback. Abbadon is also very tough to kill and can solo reasonably well. Lastly, Lich is a phenomenal offlaner, since you can deny your own creeps before they get into XP range (giving you XP!) and keeping the wave close to your tower.

There are so many really strong offlane picks right now, it is really a lot of fun (I usually play offlane or support and these last couple of patches have made QoL so much higher).


<WoW Guild Officer>
Pucks actually a decent offlaner as well because of all the escapes he has.(at least at my mmr 2700) i've had alot of fun hitting 6 then the mid coming up and going after the other teams carry. I really like playing bristleback offlane but you actually have to be really careful with him early on because he has very few escapes.


Trakanon Raider
Really, you can get away offlaning with almost any hero because the most valuable resource in the offlane is xp along with not dying. If you ward the pull at like sub 4kmmr, it probably gets dewarded 5% of the time. That combined with a good block from the rax to the lane will get you at least 2-3 levels and given that opponents at that low tier probably aren't very good at lane control means that its pretty safe. Even starting with a set of sentries (thats 8 minutes of block time) is well worth it when pubbing. Get some levels, roam use your ult and get some kill xp/gold and then you can be effective all game from there.


As a player in the sub 4k region I think you're lowballing the chance of a pull deward. I've seen more pull blocks dewarded than actual vision dewards.


Trakanon Raider
You can always block the medium or large camps, without those spawning the denial rate of creeps is much lower. If you're pooled a vision ward like happens often, instead of using it to block put it in a location that lets you safely see the rotations of the supports to leach as much as possible. With a sentry blocking the large/medium camp you'll see a lot more waves hit the tower and if they ever pull without a double stack on the small camp it will just push towards you.

What % do you think is accurate for dewards? There are some more obscure places to block some of the camps that really help as well, in addition many people don't really know where to sentry ward to check and end up blocking the camp for you with their deward attempt. Don't give them a freebie and just put it smack in the middle of the pull.


Why would you be a dick and post results without spoilering them? Some of us watch the replays later on dotacinema.


Blackwing Lair Raider
As a player in the sub 4k region I think you're lowballing the chance of a pull deward. I've seen more pull blocks dewarded than actual vision dewards.
You just have to use different block spots. I use these 2 spots and they only get de-warded once in a while.
