
Trakanon Raider
Finals Game 5, PPD has played only Dazzle, and 2 Bane picks for all of EG's games, 11 Dazzle - 2 Banes. On day one on the couch he said dazzle was the best hero that enabled all his strategies. Game 5, VP takes Dazzle in first phase.
I swear Secret feels the same, the hero is crazy and hasn't been nerfed in ages. Extra 5 seconds of life, physical damage spells, spammable heal and Weave completely fucking over any physical dps is a crazy combo.


<Silver Donator>
Weave is definitely one of the bigger parts. Used to be Grave was but I feel Weave is what makes the hero broken later in the game a lot of the time. Most teams can CC whoever gets graved and finish him after or they won't have enough impact during grave duration(Huskar excluded), but Weave is pretty dumb, cause you basically have to win VERY quickly, or you'll probably lose the fight, and if you decide to not fight you have to wait a stupid amount of time before it's over. It's great for Roshan and high ground pushes(both offensively and defensively), plus it can be used to scout and shit which is even more bullshit. Helps that the meta has been centered a lot on physical damage heroes with some armor reduction stacking(SF, Slardar and more recently Venge) so it goes well, and the hero is also surprisingly dangerous early game if you don't watch the creepwaves positionning and shit.

Wouldn't be too surprised to see weave changing back to one of the previous forms, that and/or shallow grave becoming dispellable.



Dota 2 - Balance of Power


Mr. Poopybutthole
Seems like an awful lot of changes to the Radiant side which (mostly) seem more advantageous. I hope I'm just reading them wrong and the Radiant don't have an even bigger advantage now.

Haven't read all the hero notes, but I'm probably going back to Bristle as one of my top heroes.

Edit: Jesus, FV could be a monster with Timewalk. 6 second CD at max, and it negates previous 2 seconds of damage. Hope you have lockdown against him...fuck. Also probably good he's removed from CM now.
Not sure why PA and Pudge got buffs at all. Riki also seems a bit insane now.

Tusk and Undying didn't get nearly the nerfs I expected.

Ouch, not sure I like the change to blademail. The GG branch change is fucking awesome though.

Wow, I may actually start playing support again actually. Courier costs reduced, smoke now only 50 gold, and new wards.


I kind of wish the leak was real and the patch was fake. Some of those changes make me cringe at the thoughts of the coming meta.

Also, I'm glad to see that Icefrog is taking ideas from other games. Now when is he going to take Spellshards from HoN?


Lord Nagafen Raider
Dazzle - needed nerfs

Ogre Magi confirmed unkillable.

OD no longer a lane dominator, I would hazard still unplayble.

Riki, seems unplayable.

Shadow Field - why was he not nerfed

Dragon Lance - why give ranged heroes even more range?? melee carries have serious issues but they are going ignored.

Edit: Shame Aui2000 is out of country for WCA so not likely to see him going over them


<Silver Donator>
Shadow Field - why was he not nerfed
He was massively nerfed by increasing the cost of Raze from 75 to 90. That reduces his early game farming efficiency a fuckton. A lot of SF's strength is his ability to go in the jungle, double/triple raze a neutral camp, go back to lane, raze it twice, drink his bottle, send it back and get it back when the next camps spawn and so on. With the new mana costs, it'll be a ton harder to do(also bottle was nerfed). Unless he gets an arcane rune, then it's farm all the jungle ez.

CM changes are also kinda interesting. Bunch of heroes are out for a little bit, but a bunch were added. Not sure how Oracle is after the changes, seems ok-ish but his ultimate was nerfed a lot by making it not purge stuns constantly the entire time. Earth Spirit also took a severe nerf by removing his ability to lolpull allies out of every ganks, however might still be good for all the ganking potential.

Bit surprised Dazzle and Tusk weren't nerfed more. Meanwhile Wyvern got a large rework.

Not a big fan of the dragonlance shit only working on ranged heroes though. It's a lance, shouldn't it work on melee heroes instead? It looks like it'll make some of the heroes a lot stronger too, like TA with 200increased range? Lina can attack towers from out of range too now I think. Venge carry got a lot better with that.

Anyway overall pretty good shit, and lots of support buff stuff. Everything is cheaper yet again, so that's great. Cooldown on couriers is nice to reduce griefing shit too. I need to check the map changes.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I agree the fake notes seemed better than some of these changes... yikes.

The Pudge Aghs sounds so ridiculous. Hook -> Ult -> Hook. You just took like 1500 dmg.


Person of Whiteness
<Gold Donor>
I agree the fake notes seemed better than some of these changes... yikes.

The Pudge Aghs sounds so ridiculous. Hook -> Ult -> Hook. You just took like 1500 dmg.
Plus it is like 1500? range with the new Aether cast range item. It's clowny but with the 4 sec cool down on KotL Chakra Magic it is a 1500 range, 475 pure damage, 0 cd, and you still have his ult. Not that it is some unique stuff, just a funny combo. Watching a few games and the new jungle looks crazy. Camp pulls everywhere. I usually just like to sit back and watch things develop, but I'm jumping the gun and saying fuck the Aether item. It'll probably take until 6.86c to get it right, like it's the new Glimmer Cape (edit: wtf is a Mystic Cloak ffs).


He was massively nerfed by increasing the cost of Raze from 75 to 90. That reduces his early game farming efficiency a fuckton. A lot of SF's strength is his ability to go in the jungle, double/triple raze a neutral camp, go back to lane, raze it twice, drink his bottle, send it back and get it back when the next camps spawn and so on. With the new mana costs, it'll be a ton harder to do(also bottle was nerfed). Unless he gets an arcane rune, then it's farm all the jungle ez.
Small centaur and small hellbear creeps also have a stacking magic resist aura. That nerfs sf even more, not to mention all the other mids that clear stacks with nukes

Julian The Apostate

Vyemm Raider
Not sure what to think of this patch. I can see a jungle and range meta. Every pub game will have a jungle life stealer or some shit. Also Melee Heros got fucked because spell casters and ranged carries can hit you from across the fucking map now. At least that's my impressions from a 2.5 k scrub.


Potato del Grande
Yeah it definitely seems like any melee that doesn't have a big gap close (antimage) or builds blink dagger anyways (tiny, slardar, sven) is going to be not fun at all to play. Laning against void also seems like it's going to be extremely stupid with the new move they're giving him.