
Trakanon Raider
Either Liquid has a crazy pocket strat, Envy throws harder than ever before or Secret has this in the bag


Trakanon Raider
The fuck is puppey drafting. If they drag it out to 40, they win by default, stop trying to go for 30 minutes

G3 - exactly.

I like how people were calling for roster changes, kicks etc. on Secret before the event.


Trakanon Raider
Can someone explain to me what was going on with EG's second draft against Liquid? I generally like EG, but sometimes I think ppd takes all the 'I'm a drafting genius' shit too much to heart and outthinks himself into shit drafts. It looked like they let liquid have the exact drafts EG used the previous round to just shit stomp MVP. They left Liquid have a Nature's Prophet so they could first pick Enigma? Is there something my shitty Dota knowledge fails to understand cause it looked from the get go to me like they were trying to give it away.


Molten Core Raider
ppd out drafting himself happens a lot you're not missing anything, but hey at least we got to see some crazy w33haa Invoker because of it.


Person of Whiteness
<Gold Donor>
And it still could have come together, we'll never know though because the whole thing crumbled when the courier got sniped with Zeus bottle which tilted Sumail and then looked like the rest of EG just said fuck it.


Trakanon Raider
I haven't seen the game, but this whole event had some really crazy strats and you could see a lot more variety, instead of teams switching up 1-2 picks. TL's forte had been midgame teamfights, which EG is posed to completely stomp, since their combo is fucking brutal. However, to get there, you need to survive the first 10-15 minutes relatively unscathed and the other team must not be able to fight around your cooldowns. TL got just enough teamfight in phoenix, laning stability in furion and rosh threat in ursa, to be able to react to whatever EG does, for the price that their lineup peaks around 30 minutes, as opposed to EG, who can just keep going. If you have aegis, you have a big advantage, since your strongest hero comes back after you have blown all your big abilities and in theory your lineup can kill people only 2-3v1 instead of those huge teamfights. I suppose Zeus was supposed to help with that, same with Naga eventually and Enigma was supposed to give you early mek, so you could contest rosh, trade towers and take early fights.

Anyway, there is a fine line between genius draft and a flop, so I wouldn't be too hard on them. Puppey has been drafting rock solid this event, but there is a reason we have something called "Puppey draft". This time it was ppd who overshot.


So no one talking about the teams having all their shit stolen by the production company/cleanup crew?


Sure, on Reddit.

I mean, that sucks and is obviously yet another sign of incompetence from Marriott/PW but I don't really care that much.


Trakanon Raider
Yeah, it will definitely make players think twice about attending any tournaments in china in the future, but I it doesn't matter that much anymore.


I'm not following the pro scene nearly at all, but this was supposed to be one of the new big 4 - wasn't it? If that's the case, you don't think it's worth pointing out all the issues of Valve's lack of QA involvement with vetting/underfunding a cornerstone of their fostered Esports environment? A page or two ago you were talking about underpaid/shadily paid casters and a disgruntled icefrog weren't you? You're looking at a major publisher running its "brand" in the mud - even if you just play the game, that should be important to you for the tangential issues of the future of the game's availability/server quality.


Person of Whiteness
<Gold Donor>
The equipment being stolen was like fuck up #205 on a list of probably 1,000 things that went wrong. More stuff will leak now that players and casters are back home and streaming / tweeting. The event is over, the next Major is coming up soon. Nothing to do but wait and see how Valve responds and they've already openly stated to be much more involved in the future.


Trakanon Raider
Hah. They only thought they were getting to go home. China isn't done with them yet.

To provide some clarity, Zfreek came down with some pretty bad food poisoning yesterday. This morning we decided to let him stay one additional day with Josh helping him try to get better. They would fly out 24 hours after the rest.
We made the request to change their tickets and extend one hotel room by a night. I was told it was done, but that our flight home was delayed a bit and we may miss a connection. I said that's fine and we will deal with it if we have to.
When I checked two hours later (always check to make sure things aren't screwy) I saw that it was not just the two flights, but all seven flights that had been rebooked to tomorrow. At first PW's travel agency couldn't even confirm to me that they had done this, but after calling the airline it was clear it had been requested.
The travel agency then said that they made the change because it was likely we would miss our connection, so we should just stay another day anyway. Don't bother checking with us or anything. The airline was kind enough to change us back to today if we wanted to, free of charge, but it would mean we had lost our good seats and would be flying a 14 hour flight in middle seats.
So, now we will depart 24 hours later, hoping we can secure the same quality of seats. Zfreek, swindle, myself, and Josh are all sick. We have Dota Pit in 8 days. We just want to go home.

Kyle Freedman ?@swindlezz 9h9 hours ago
The Marriott has now shut off all our room keys. We can no longer use the elevator and if we leave the rooms we don't get back in lmfao


Molten Core Raider
That sucks, but who expects to make last minute changes to hotel and flight plans and get no hiccups?


Trakanon Raider
Idiot kids.
Actually I presume they said exactly what they wanted to the travel agent or whoever was arranging their flights and he misunderstood, but in grand chinese tradition didn't bother to ask to clarify the details and just did what he thought they asked him.


Trakanon Raider
OD also, his armor is made of paper, self-astral is meh and his hp is below average. He becomes a huge problem only when he gets to bkb, blink and sheep.