
Lord Nagafen Raider
Man bloodseeker's ult does so much damage now.... I really dont want that hero to be popular.

Lina's buff is the only one i see that could make a difference right now. Unfortunately raindrops make that hero a shadow of what she once was.


Trakanon Raider
So I guess 6.89 will come with Wukong few months down the line ? At least Mirana is not such a cancer anymore


Mr. Poopybutthole
Wow, so I missed a day completely on Fantasy Cards and I still finished at 96.7%. FeelsGoodMan.

Also, OG must have had some serious internal issues for that. They won 2 Majors, stuck together for the better part of the year and finished at the top of their Group. If they went out in the Bo1s like Secret, yeah I could see it. But I personally think they could bounce back..... OR NOT
I finished 96.6%, after fucking up on two days with teams that weren't playing. Makes me think as long as you "tried" every day, you were top 10%.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Battle Cup tonight. Anyone at all interested in forming a team up? I'm tier 5 at the moment.


Trakanon Raider
I don't think any game should allow a 4 stack to queue with a solo player, the solo player has such a large risk of getting troll reported or kicked. I always see this happen in CSGO, i assumed it would be a thing here too.

That's a shame... low pri is aids :\

Dota unranked modes are the only place a 4-1 game can occur. 4 Players cannot queue for ranked together, additionally unranked is the only place that people of greater than 2000 mmr difference can party queue. With unranked modes being loose on the mmr difference allowed, allowing 4-1 is fine. This way any group of friends of any party size can actually play dota together. Certainly these games are volatile, but there is nothing that can be done other than to disallow 4 man or wide mmr disparity parties to queue at all under any circumstance.

The one place in ranked that people will infinitely complain about as well is that when in solo queue, occasionally a 2 man party will be in your game. As a solo, the max size party that will ever be allowed in a solo queue ranked game is 2. The problem is that the only way to fill a game with a 2 man party without at least 1 solo player is to find a 3 person party. The wait time for 2 man parties would be enormous if the matchmaker was restricted from using solo players to fill games in addition to the MMR considerations that complicate the issue.


Person of Whiteness
<Gold Donor>
Finally 3* all the WR line and got the alternate set. Lesh one took 5 tries with 2 win / 3 losses and on the one I got still had to do a good amount of jungle farming lifesteal with armlet to keep my health down. What a PITA.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Underlord tomorrow.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Dota unranked modes are the only place a 4-1 game can occur. 4 Players cannot queue for ranked together, additionally unranked is the only place that people of greater than 2000 mmr difference can party queue. With unranked modes being loose on the mmr difference allowed, allowing 4-1 is fine. This way any group of friends of any party size can actually play dota together. Certainly these games are volatile, but there is nothing that can be done other than to disallow 4 man or wide mmr disparity parties to queue at all under any circumstance.

I would disagree, the experience for the solo player is always completely awful. As someone who is solo 99% of the time even 3-stacks in general are bad as typically they all will pick cores and on average 1.5 of them are below the bracket skill often significantly.

The one place in ranked that people will infinitely complain about as well is that when in solo queue, occasionally a 2 man party will be in your game. As a solo, the max size party that will ever be allowed in a solo queue ranked game is 2. The problem is that the only way to fill a game with a 2 man party without at least 1 solo player is to find a 3 person party. The wait time for 2 man parties would be enormous if the matchmaker was restricted from using solo players to fill games in addition to the MMR considerations that complicate the issue.

How come it wasn't an issue for the years that we had that option while queuing? My experience as a solo player is every bit as important as someone who decides they want to stack.
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Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
I finally decided to do my calibrations and uhhh, is regular ranked any better than this? Because these are the worst games of dota I think I've ever played. Holy fuck it's like a parody of itself with people screaming at each other in voice chat in various mud languages, afking/feeding cause they didn't get position 1, picking 4 cores, it's just unreal.

I thought maybe I'd switch to ranked to actually get some sort of team structure instead of everyone just spamming mids/cores, but this has been exactly the opposite of what I wanted so far.


Trakanon Raider
I finally decided to do my calibrations and uhhh, is regular ranked any better than this? Because these are the worst games of dota I think I've ever played. Holy fuck it's like a parody of itself with people screaming at each other in voice chat in various mud languages, afking/feeding cause they didn't get position 1, picking 4 cores, it's just unreal.

I thought maybe I'd switch to ranked to actually get some sort of team structure instead of everyone just spamming mids/cores, but this has been exactly the opposite of what I wanted so far.
My 4k experience in EU is generally pretty smooth sailing, then again I have zero problems playing the support bitch for 4 cores, but it's not happening that often these days. Generally I found the US servers much worse compared to EU, where you have a lot of bitching in russian, but for the most part people play to win.
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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
He is going to be an interesting counter pick to right-click heavy teams, although the aura effectiveness starts to wane after 25 minutes and big damage items start coming out. He has great farm and lane control, for a solo offlaner or mid due to the size of his AE rain. My favorite build with him is quelling blade, tango, mana pot x2. Then build into Perseverance and Battle Fury. Building up Firestorm and Atrophy Aura, get a fast level 6 and TP in for ganks and lane support. People panic and do dumb things once the Firestorm starts falling on them.

I don't think he is going to own the meta, but he is insanely fun to play.


Toe Sucker
He looks really cool, i would have a good laugh if somebody dropped a chrono on top of where 5 dudes are about to land via his portal