
Trakanon Raider
The skill of last hitting, is easily the important thing you can invest your time in right now. The simple version is that in a lower skill Dota game, kills, structures, and assists will tend to be a much larger percentage of the total gold in a game for all heroes. Watching TI, I'm sure you noticed that often the core positions 1/2/3 often had substantially more gold than the supports as a percentage of the total gold in the game. Pro teams are extracting virtually all gold and experience possible from the map every minute, so the question becomes one of distribution vs acquisition.

In your game you averaged a bit over 15cs/10min. For perspective, with no jungle creeps included, there is roughly 80 possible last hits in the first 10 minutes in lane. This value is not all that useful without context. Things such as, what lane were you in, what hero were you, what opposition did you have are all relevant to keeping this stat in perspective, but when you do end up in a game with similar circumstances you merely want to try and out perform yourself. If you are playing the 1 position or the 5 position, you should always take every cs'ing opportunity as practice. Raw mechanics are the basis to rest of the game, and right now you have a lot of information to learn (hello 400+skills disregarding the item shop). But regardless of how shit your allies might be, you can only blame yourself when you miss uncontested CS. Just 1 cs more per minute, you would have cracked the century mark in your 40 minute game.


If you do give wraith king a whirl I highly recommend buying a wand or soul ring for that last-second burst of mana to make sure you can reincarnate. Don't be afraid to try a variety of items on him

Another great starting melee hero is Juggernaut. A great lane bully, easy early kill potential when paired with a stun/slow, and super easy to cs with due to his fast base attack time. Finding some poor support in the jungle with your ultimate off cooldown is a lot of fun.

With melee's in general grabbing a quelling blade early will really help your last hitting.


Blackwing Lair Raider
If you do give wraith king a whirl I highly recommend buying a wand or soul ring for that last-second burst of mana to make sure you can reincarnate. Don't be afraid to try a variety of items on him

Another great starting melee hero is Juggernaut. A great lane bully, easy early kill potential when paired with a stun/slow, and super easy to cs with due to his fast base attack time. Finding some poor support in the jungle with your ultimate off cooldown is a lot of fun.

With melee's in general grabbing a quelling blade early will really help your last hitting.
If you want something that can give you that last-second burst of mana to make sure you reincarnet, just buy a mango. It's super cheap and gives 150 mana (ult is 160).


Mr. Poopybutthole
So apparently with the tutorial, you have to play 10 rounds with limited heroes. The only caveat is if you play with someone else (I went with Intrinsic for an full hero match).

I'm a little annoyed by that, but I guess they want people to get a hang of the game before subjecting the masses to their suck.

The really obnoxious part for me is that these tutorial groups are VERY hit or miss. The group I just drew was atrocious. They left mid empty, so I went with Lich. We got absolutely dominated because they were all off doing their own thing. We did get screwed a bit by someone quitting, but how badly we got beat doesn't reflect that. My teammates had 1, 2, and 1 kills, and 14, 10, and 14 deaths each. I had issues myself (7 kills, 9 deaths), but a lot of that was bad matchups for a support hero (Lion wrecked my shit).

So hopefully tonight if I play any, I can find a way to do a non-tutorial match.



Trakanon Raider
Many players trying out dota 2 aren't going to last very long. Keep in mind that as you play more and more games, abandonment, and lack of game understanding diminish compared to where you are now. You're in the trench everyone has to tolerate where people are still deciding if they actually want to invest their time in Dota. Just to piggy back off a few suggestions above. I think as a new player you should always buy the magic stick (200g) at least on basically any hero in any situation as long as you have an inventory slot. The reason is that inventory item use is a very big thing in Dota. Snagging a stick lets you have an active inventory item that is very strong and useful and you are prompted to start using it in lane and all game until you sell it. Its great for active item use practice.


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
Can someone explain to me what the point of Ember Spirit is? I'm not sure any amount of items will make him actually do damage. Even double battlefury daedalus he still feels limp wristed in teamfights, his r blink is suuuuper slow, and i'm pretty sure I'd always rather just pick a hypercarry like AM/troll?

I like the idea of him, his W is cool, his flame shield is nice in lane, but man he just does not seem to work.


Vyemm Raider
Can someone explain to me what the point of Ember Spirit is? I'm not sure any amount of items will make him actually do damage. Even double battlefury daedalus he still feels limp wristed in teamfights, his r blink is suuuuper slow, and i'm pretty sure I'd always rather just pick a hypercarry like AM/troll?

I like the idea of him, his W is cool, his flame shield is nice in lane, but man he just does not seem to work.
You didn't watch any of TI5?


<Silver Donator>
So apparently with the tutorial, you have to play 10 rounds with limited heroes. The only caveat is if you play with someone else (I went with Intrinsic for an full hero match).

I'm a little annoyed by that, but I guess they want people to get a hang of the game before subjecting the masses to their suck.
It's only 10 games, it's not much. Might sound like a lot, but if you're serious about dota, you'll play thousands of games over the courses of several years, and you'll still have stuff to improve. Limited has a decent pool of heroes too, simple heroes and stuff. You learn these, and then you play against(or with if you're feeling adventurous) the crazy heroes. A bunch of them weren't played at TI so you might not know them, but Invoker has 10spells, Meepo has permanent clones of himself and can farm in different places on the map and teleport to his clones and vice versa, Lone Druid has a permanent(well until it dies) pet that he can equip with items, Earth Spirit has half a dozen of sub effects on everything and can do a ton of stuff, Ursa can solo kill anyone that stands in melee range in like 3seconds flat, Riki has permanent invisibility when not attacking, Terrorblade has 2 ultimates, Furion can teleport anywhere on the map at lvl 1 and so on.

Consider the first 10games as a good way to familiarize yourself with the items and the map, as well as a few simple heroes. Once the whole roster is unlocked, you'll see a lot of fucking weird heroes.

As for groups being hit or miss, that's dota all the time. And every game in the genre. Half the time you'll have retards on your team or on the enemy team and close games are the exception rather than the norm. Quite often you'll be winning for 40mins until your carries act like fucking retards and lose you the game. Quite often, you'll be losing until their carries act like fucking retards and win you the game. Sometimes you'll play terrible and still win, sometimes you'll play well and still lose. That's just how it is, even pros in solo queue don't win that much, and even in premade stacks they don't win all the time(though they win a lot when really stacked).


Person of Whiteness
<Gold Donor>
Can someone explain to me what the point of Ember Spirit is? I'm not sure any amount of items will make him actually do damage. Even double battlefury daedalus he still feels limp wristed in teamfights, his r blink is suuuuper slow, and i'm pretty sure I'd always rather just pick a hypercarry like AM/troll?

I like the idea of him, his W is cool, his flame shield is nice in lane, but man he just does not seem to work.
In my potato MMR opinion, you have to think about Ember Spirit more like a nuker and not like a right click hero / carry. He's a nuker that scales with auto attack / r-click damage items like Battlefury or Deadalus, etc.., but he's all about abusing Slight of Fist, Searing Chains, and his positioning with Remnants. You sit outside of the fight and spam your Slight to maximize the Battlefury spread damage and exercise control with your chains when you need to. Remnants allow you to be all over the map, escape, or return to the fight quickly after a buy back, TP, or whatever.

Ember Spirit has like 4 of the top 10 hero damage dealt during TI5, so apparently the items are helping him do some damage.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I may have just had the match that got me hooked. To start, I used sniper and really got the hang of last hitting (think I had 300ish last hits, and 40 denies). We were doing really well, and then took a series of untimely deaths. It looked like it was basically over (they were attacking our radiant and we had 4 dead), but somehow the one lone guy repelled them enough for everyone else to revive and push them out. I think half of us said 'gg' while they were in our base.

We ended up pushing all the way to their base and had some awesome team fights. After two pushes, we were able to kill them and fight them 5 on 1/2 until game was over. All in all it was like a 65 minute match I think.

It was a fucking blast!

I went back and watched the replay and I fed them way too much. I did a lot of overextending that I think had I not, may have never given them a chance to come back.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Hilarious reading the last seven pages with almost everyone here ripping on EG, "calling it", and being so full of shit at the end of the day.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I may have just had the match that got me hooked. To start, I used sniper and really got the hang of last hitting (think I had 300ish last hits, and 40 denies). We were doing really well, and then took a series of untimely deaths. It looked like it was basically over (they were attacking our radiant and we had 4 dead), but somehow the one lone guy repelled them enough for everyone else to revive and push them out. I think half of us said 'gg' while they were in our base.

We ended up pushing all the way to their base and had some awesome team fights. After two pushes, we were able to kill them and fight them 5 on 1/2 until game was over. All in all it was like a 65 minute match I think.

It was a fucking blast!

I went back and watched the replay and I fed them way too much. I did a lot of overextending that I think had I not, may have never given them a chance to come back.
It's an Ancient bro, your team was the Radiant.

DOTA = defense of the ancients.


Vyemm Raider
Hilarious reading the last seven pages with almost everyone here ripping on EG, "calling it", and being so full of shit at the end of the day.
Well I don't know about yall, but I predicted EG to take first in my compendium predictions.