
Pay to play forum
5k is not even that high. Anyone that plays a lot over a longer period should get close to that. And yes, not giving up or raging because you are 0-4 as a team after 5 minutes helps a lot. I always try to calm my team and help the guy that struggles with a ward or gang.


Trakanon Raider
If Dota 2 is something you focus on and approach it seriously by studying replays/builds, it isn't. If you play other games and play a game here and there, it really is. Experience plays a huge role, if you play a new hero, you have to focus a lot more on what you are doing than what is going on on the map elsewhere. First game after a week of not playing usually goes terribly, since my game sense is off and I'm feeding a lot. Sometimes it's the "space created" kind of feeding, but I know I'm just being bad. Really, the best way to climb MMR is to pick 4-5 not very flashy heroes and focus on being in the right place at the right time, drop any kind of negative attitude and being readyy to adapt to whatever the game brings.

Yesterday I had a game with terrible QW invoker mid who got ganked several times in mid and his sole objective in the game was buying orchid/bloodthorn 30/40 minutes in and chasing kills on any of their overfed heroes, which didn't go very well since he missed his timing entirely and there was fat storm fucking us all. You can't win 4v6 by flaming him, but 4v5 is not entirely unheard of since their major carry was a storm who I was able to shut down quite well with kotl in fights until he got bkb as a 4th item. We still lost though, but it was a lot closer than it had any business being.


Trakanon Raider
5k is not even that high. Anyone that plays a lot over a longer period should get close to that. And yes, not giving up or raging because you are 0-4 as a team after 5 minutes helps a lot. I always try to calm my team and help the guy that struggles with a ward or gang.
top 1% in a game isnt considerded high? lol You sound like a redditor or just completely out of touch with how many people will never come near that level of dota regardless of the time they put in.


Pay to play forum
Maybe I am. I thought 4k was average or something like that. I don't play much, but I am playing since roc dota. So I guess I am out of touch for how long the average player is familiar with this game.


Trakanon Raider
I think like 2500 is average. r/dota 2 is around 3k. It helped me not to rage so much while reading some of the comments on pro plays, moves and strats.


Person of Whiteness
<Gold Donor>
Yeah, pretty sure that was popularized by information released by Valve years ago. It wouldn't be surprising if the average had moved slightly, but then again the playerbase has also increased greatly over 5 years so it isn't like a consistent group is just getting better and the pool isn't expanding.

Any self reporting mmr poll is crap. YASP and dotabuff rely on you publicly exposing your mmr which is more likely of you're higher. Then there is the problem of people reaching their target or goal mmr and not playing ranked / creating a new account out of fear of losing their 4k or whatever.

Not even sure I'd like v Valve to release any details. Things seem to work the way they are outside of a few things like 4+1 stack games, which we've argued about on here. Putting a lot of details out there would just feed the plebs and Reddit 9k memers and not really accomplish much.


Trakanon Raider
I think the idea that the average hasn't moved is based on the fact that you still have normal/high/very high MM and around 75% of games played are normal, which tops out around 3000 ? That info is logged even if people don't have public profile.


Person of Whiteness
<Gold Donor>
Oh here it is:

Matchmaking | Dota 2

Then they have the table showing MMR percentiles:

 5% 1100
10% 1500
25% 2000
50% 2250
75% 2731
90% 3200
95% 3900
99% 4100

But yeah that was 3 years ago and the last 'public' statement.

Is there actually a flag in the API for dotabuff or YASP that shows normal, high, very high? I just assumed the site was throwing a label on there based on the available mmr values of people in the match. I mean I would hate knowing my 'hidden' solo and ranked numbers.


Trakanon Raider
Believe there is a flag for that as they were reporting skill level of the games before the release of public mmr.


Trakanon Raider
It's like Starcraft, these games are really unforgiving for casual audience and they require a lot of experience unique to the game.


Potato del Grande
3 years ago the people who are 7-9k now were 4-6k. Then you have all the people with high mmr running 200000 smurf accounts so they can shitstomp 2k games etc., mmr "averages" don't mean much.


Trakanon Raider
The playerbase has also more than doubled. Really only Valve knows and they aren't interested in telling.


Trakanon Raider
I remember being 4000mmr at some point. I'm now 3400-3600, for what it's worth. I don't think my skill level moved anywhere, as I've been generally playing for fun and not actively trying to improve my gameplay. I realize I'm terrible but also probably well above the average player.


Person of Whiteness
<Gold Donor>
Had my first truly toxic run in with a 4 stack last night. 2 min in mid ogre goes for bot rune so I ping and wheel mid missing because I'm a nice guy. Of course bottom doesn't pay attention and push the lane up to bot T1. Ogre shows up and kills the Bane support. He and his friends start flaming me in chat. Bane decides to come mid and chain nightmare me. I just said "y'all have fun" and abandon.

My low prio game was beautiful. 5 English speakers, team communication, lots of joking around.


Potato del Grande
Had my first truly toxic run in with a 4 stack last night. 2 min in mid ogre goes for bot rune so I ping and wheel mid missing because I'm a nice guy. Of course bottom doesn't pay attention and push the lane up to bot T1. Ogre shows up and kills the Bane support. He and his friends start flaming me in chat. Bane decides to come mid and chain nightmare me. I just said "y'all have fun" and abandon.

My low prio game was beautiful. 5 English speakers, team communication, lots of joking around.

Yeah I get a lot more enjoyable matches in low prio than I do in ranked (still get some bad ones in low prio but i'd say it's probably 70/30 enjoyable vs 10/90 in ranked) even some of the shitstomps in low prio are fun because the team is just fucking around.

On a different note, fucking french are worse than peruvians or russians. I had a 3stack of french retards in a game a few days ago and all three of them were awful.