
<Silver Donator>
so is there a reason Win % with Abaddon is so high?

Since he came out I've gone something stupid like 22-5 and managed to clawback 15 wins to finally get a positive win/loss ratio
I would assume that's in the lower tiers if you win rate was negative? Abaddon is very strong there because urpdurp have to switch targets when the horsey guy turns green but instead keep attacking and heal him to full. The thing however is he's very strong at higher tiers too, not because people attack you, fuck the last few games I think 95% of my ults only heal me for the damage I can take from walking into shit(macropyre yay!) and the death coil I throw. He's still strong because the support potential is off the charts if you have a decent carry, because of the disable removal that generaly fucks initiation(roar, dismember, grip, arrow or any other basic stuns really) and massive amount of "healing" you do between the blocks and the death coil.

You really need very strong burst to kill people Abaddon is supporting and even then you have to expand more than usual to kill his target, all the while taking constant aoe damage(6secs cd 200dmg large area nuke via the shield). Oh and once you get the levels, the Frostmourne debuff is like motherfucking bacon tits for the carries, it slows, it increases attackspeed, it increases move speed, like all the carries have a small erection thinking about the buff. And the usual "fix" for annoying supports, which is blink on him and kill him instantly at the start of the fight doesn't work well with Abaddon.

You still lose obviously every once in a while, but I got 22 Abaddon games and out of these I'd say a solid 6-7 games we were losing lanes/early midgame and when we started 5vs5 we turned that shit around because they couldn't kill anyone once I maxed Death Coil+Shield and I could heal the entire team up in 20seconds of spamming coils and urns to push right after a fight. He has a pretty big impact in teamfights in my opinion. 65% winrate which I'm fairly happy with, need more games for it to even out but I'd say it'll probably stay at 60-65%.


So much rustling going on if you even hint at matchmaking being bad at the moment! lol, some of u fellas seem to have some repressed issues about vhigh players calling you bad or something.

The fact is that currently matchmaking pits new players with very little games played (under 100) with veterans over 2k games played (that are actualy good and queue at the level of "pros" quite often) a lot more often than it ever did. It's not a coincidence that they messed with matchmaking in the last patch along with the influx of new players. The game is actualy not really fun in its current state if you dont run a full stack. Before, you would get people of varrying skill but of similar experience. That was fine by me in 99% of the games. Now everygame seems like theres at minimum one guy who is way out of his bracket.

TLDR: Matchmaking is not like it was 3 weeks ago, go suck a fat dick if you are still defending it like a moron when the evidence is everywhere.


So much rustling going on if you even hint at matchmaking being bad at the moment! lol, some of u fellas seem to have some repressed issues about vhigh players calling you bad or something.

The fact is that currently matchmaking pits new players with very little games played (under 100) with veterans over 2k games played (that are actualy good and queue at the level of "pros" quite often) a lot more often than it ever did. It's not a coincidence that they messed with matchmaking in the last patch along with the influx of new players. The game is actualy not really fun in its current state if you dont run a full stack. Before, you would get people of varrying skill but of similar experience. That was fine by me in 99% of the games. Now everygame seems like theres at minimum one guy who is way out of his bracket.

TLDR: Matchmaking is not like it was 3 weeks ago, go suck a fat dick if you are still defending it like a moron when the evidence is everywhere.

Matchmaking is worse. Under 50 games played with 2k games played. And my winrate is fine, I'm saying matchmaking is shitty.

Just played against a 5 stack. One person on my team was too new to understand warding. Or blinking AFTER he ults as sand king. The rest of the team had over 1000 wins. Versus a 5 stack. That shouldn't happen.

Furthermore a few weeks ago this never happened. I was in a place where everyone pretty much understood what lane to go to, what the positions were, and had a general idea of what was going on. Not so anymore. And before the valvedefenders get all crazy anal, this isn't a "I lost because there was a BH with 29 wins on my team" but "Matchmaking is shit" and it's terrible when I'm against that too.


<WoW Guild Officer>
Whats a good hero to practice mid with? From what ive seen so far maybe nyx skywrath or shadow fiend?


Whats a good hero to practice mid with? From what ive seen so far maybe nyx skywrath or shadow fiend?
Outword Destroyer, Queen of Pain, Puck, Shadowfiend, Skywrath.

Being a good mid does take a bit of finesse, and you have to really land the key last hits on your own creep while denying the enemy his, while keeping an eye on the rune, while making sure you're ready to gank sidelanes (in pubs).


<WoW Guild Officer>
What does it mean to practice mid?
basically play bot games until i feel comfortable enough with both the hero and mechanics to try going mid in pub games. Guess i could've said that better lol. thanks for the response weaponsfree I'll try those guys out and see which one i like best to start learning next.


<Silver Donator>
If you want to play mid exclusively you should also practice melee heroes, see how they work out and shit, plenty of good melee mids. Current trend is Dragon Knight and Alchemist(nuking build max the stun first instead of the gold passive), but Panda Brewmaster, Nightstalker or Beastmaster are also iconic mids from a while ago. For the ranged, THE mid hero is considered Shadow Fiend, even though he's not played that much anymore and not always mid he's basically what dota players consider the basics of playing mid, how strong your SF is and shit. Another skill based mid that not used anymore is Invoker but wouldn't recommend if you're learning the game as he has an extra layer of complexity, worth checking out though to see why dota heroes are cool. And Templar Assassin, used to be all the rage, still pretty decent mid.

Also to note, you can play a ton of heroes mid. Some benefit more than others and some make better side laners but still. I'd say like half the heroes make pretty good mids.


<Silver Donator>
I have the Kunkka "immortal" weapon and would like to trade it for the abaddon "immortal" weapon. Please PM me.
Pretty sure you could get the Abaddon weapon + one or two rares for a kunkka one, it's the most valuable, in fact it's the only one that's worth more than the box itself, at least when I checked yesterday.