
<Silver Donator>
Omniknight tends to be played as a support, he is average but I wouldn't say very easy to pick up at first.

During the initial phase of the game called laning, which generally lasts 10-15mins but can be shorter or longer depending on the flow of the game, your primary goal is farming up. If there is a good opportunity(as in you just killed the 2 enemies on your lane), you push the lane to take the first tower on that lane, or you can go gank mid(but you need a hero that can actually contribute to a gank and generally you only want to gank if you're playing support). The fighting is more localized to your own lane instead of being teamfights and the main focus is getting experience and gold, not pushing, so you shouldn't be "fighting" the creeps, you should simply be last hitting them as attacking them other than last hits will push the lane, which then makes it harder to farm safely(the closer you are to the enemy tower, the further you are from yours and the more expose you are to a gank). At high levels of plays there's a lot of timing, rotations and ganking happening but at starting levels it's mostly stay in your lane, fight 2vs2, focus on last hitting/harassing and just wait it out until your power level is high enough to take towers efficiently.

As for melees, they're fine but they need to be played accordingly. There's a lot of complexity in the game so can't make a sweeping statement like melees suck or they don't. They tend to suck if you lane without a good support against 2 ranged heroes with stuns, unless you're Naix(Lifestealer) but they compensate generally by having better starting stats, better stats growth, better skill sets and so on. They are not the easiest heroes to learn with though overall, besides maybe Tidehunter. There's some guides about what hero to pick to start with and such. As a general rule if playing a melee in a side lane, you'll want to pick up a Stout Shield as one of your starting items, to reduce harass damage, and buy at least 2 items to heal up(generally 1set of tangoes and 1 healing salve, you use tangoes to heal up harass damage and salve if you get burst down but survive to heal up faster).
So, for the first X minutes I should be farming and focusing on 'last hits' and being cautious? I was being cautious but also pushing and trying to kill creeps. Essentially this is more of a gear up game then anything actually tactical? That's a bit disappointing.

Do melee suck as bad as they seem based on my initial impressions? I was using the omniknight and he just seemed... awful.
Melee is fine, it's tougher as a new player though. You get punished easier and it feels more difficult to do anything, but that is just getting used to the game. On that note, Omniknight is not a normal melee hero, he is a support hero, you shouldn't expect to be bashing people's heads in with your hammer. The idea there would be to help teammates do stuff, he can't really do much on his own.


Omniknight is not a good beginner hero. For the truly beginner stages, you just want to learn what all the heroes can do, get a feel for the flow of the game, learn the shops and that sort of thing. The main thing to pick up at this stage is, essentially, "How to Not Die: Level One" (you'll learn more advanced ways to not die later). Lich is a good hero for this.


Molten Core Raider
so ive been experiencing this bugSound Bug - Crackly Audio After Latest Patch

since the patch anyone else?

for me its when doombringer casts scorched earth, and I attempt to use voice chat the game drops to about 5 frames until I let go of the chat button.

my system shouldn't lag at all, its a newly built system running a gtx 780, was wondering if anyone had this and maybe fixed it as there does not seem to be any help on that forum.

golem - YouTube

video of it happening.


Tranny Chaser
so ive been experiencing this bugSound Bug - Crackly Audio After Latest Patch

since the patch anyone else?

for me its when doombringer casts scorched earth, and I attempt to use voice chat the game drops to about 5 frames until I let go of the chat button.

my system shouldn't lag at all, its a newly built system running a gtx 780, was wondering if anyone had this and maybe fixed it as there does not seem to be any help on that forum.

golem - YouTube

video of it happening.
Played Doom yesterday and had crackly audio with scorched earth, frame rate was fine though. My pc is considerably older than yours (I have to check device manager because I can't even remember)

Athlon II X2 255 3.1gz
16gb ram
AMD 7700


Molten Core Raider
its happening all across the board with doom, warlock and brewmaster skills, don't think theres been any info from Volvo.

it even happens when I have twitch on my other monitor, if the sound is off its fine.

Julian The Apostate

Vyemm Raider
What helpful console commands do you guys use? Right now i use dota_force_right_click_attack 1, dota_disable_range_finder 0, and dota_minimap_hero_size 800.

Can't live without right click deny since I didn't play original dota. Range finder I don't find to be that useful since its kind of hard to see and will probably stop using it soon. I do love the slightly larger mini map hero icons.


Ok, Lich seems far easier than Omniknight. I guess patience is a huge virtue and I haven't even gotten out of bot games...

How does one join a community channel? More specifically, where's the FOH/rerolled one?


Trakanon Raider
go to FoH channel and some people who idle there should invite you, just say your forum name

Basically, if you play carry, you have 3 goals:
Farm as much gold as possible - farm lane, if it's pushed past river, go farm jungle, if you can't farm jungle, tp to a lane that is pushing in. Rice and repeat
Don't die, ever, because you can't farm while dead
Join every big teamfight at your tower.

I think people should watch a competitive game or 2 to get an idea how the game should flow, but i have no idea which one, because atm there aren't really any casters that patiently explain the lingo and ideas behind the strats


go to FoH channel and some people who idle there should invite you, just say your forum name

Basically, if you play carry, you have 3 goals:
Farm as much gold as possible - farm lane, if it's pushed past river, go farm jungle, if you can't farm jungle, tp to a lane that is pushing in. Rice and repeat
Don't die, ever, because you can't farm while dead
Join every big teamfight at your tower.

I think people should watch a competitive game or 2 to get an idea how the game should flow, but i have no idea which one, because atm there aren't really any casters that patiently explain the lingo and ideas behind the strats
Merlini remains a good caster to watch for normal games, he will more often than not explain what hes doing and why while hes doing it.


go to FoH channel and some people who idle there should invite you, just say your forum name

Basically, if you play carry, you have 3 goals:
Farm as much gold as possible - farm lane, if it's pushed past river, go farm jungle, if you can't farm jungle, tp to a lane that is pushing in. Rice and repeat
Don't die, ever, because you can't farm while dead
Join every big teamfight at your tower.

I think people should watch a competitive game or 2 to get an idea how the game should flow, but i have no idea which one, because atm there aren't really any casters that patiently explain the lingo and ideas behind the strats
The biggest problem a lot of carries have is not taking advantage of the space created by their team. The most frustrating thing in the world of DotA is when you crush a game on an aggressive early game hero like Axe, end up creating a ton of space for your carry, but still end up losing because the dipship just wastes the advantage by dicking around missing last hits and ignoring the jungle.


<WoW Guild Officer>
I tend to cut people a lot of slack in captains mode if the carries fail at last hitting because honestly last hitting consistently is seriously one of the hardest (imo) technical skills to master in this game.. I don't know why but I'm hit or miss all the time last hitting it's embarrassing which is why I used to like off laners more until I realized because you only get x amount of creeps you better get all the last hits possible. I used to do the sf no item thing to work on last hitting but it's honestly to character specific and while the last hitting training thing is good some of the matchups are not very good if you're trying to learn the hero.


Trakanon Raider
It's mechanical skill until you get your first item, after that it's mostly an issue with the knowledge of game flow or just plain not being lazy. Sure, it effects how fast you can get it, but I have seen so many times where people get caught farming at the river with 5 people missing from the map, that no amount of mechanics is going to save them from being behind anyway. Offlaning is even more dependant on hero choice though and the heroes you are against, if you pick slark vs 2 ranged heroes, you are going to have a really bad time, just like playing weaver or mirana vs competent treant, they are just going to deny everything.


I've also found that plain patience pays big dividends. If you are too eager to hear the gold sound or make up lost ground you will start throwing out last hits way earlier than you should. Just consciously be aware of that bias and put your focus on getting the last hit, not the gold.


<Silver Donator>
I'm only at about 70 games but my progression was Crystal/Sniper -> Death Prophet -> Blood Seeker. I love me some Blood Seeker. I find him fairly easy to be successful with in the single queue games if you have a decent team. On the other hand if (like I had recently), you have a really shitty lane support that starts feeding at about 1:00 and you're trying to hold down the lane against ranged with a really good Crystal, well that sucks balls.

Death Prophet I have had some success playing in a duo with someone I know. She's not too hard to play and her ultimate is a nice, brainless area-spam. Good for pushing too.

Honorable mention for pure fun goes to Tusk. I've nearly pissed myself laughing many times playing duo BS/Tusk with my cousin.

Problem for me now is that I'm in this shit tier purgatory where I am just good enough at a couple of heros to bitch about people being stupid but no way am I ready for playing I just queue .... wait for 9 people to say they are ready ... timeout ... wait for 10 ... get into the game ... wait on the 10th person to timeout ... re-queue... and bitch about some support last hitting creeps.


Trakanon Raider
Come on, if you can't outlasthit your support, how do you expect to succeed against the enemy doing the same?

Go play jungler/mid or solo offlane depending on your team picks, tthat will probably save you a lot of frustration, because it sounds like you need to switch roles in solo q.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Come on, if you can't outlasthit your support, how do you expect to succeed against the enemy doing the same?

Go play jungler/mid or solo offlane depending on your team picks, tthat will probably save you a lot of frustration, because it sounds like you need to switch roles in solo q.
Well if your trying to out last hit a treant...


Molten Core Raider
try to at least play with 1 other person so you can somewhat guarantee a lane victory, if you can come out with a big advantage from shitting on your lane, maybe mid didn't do so well and the other lane lost you can kinda keep your team in it.

im always down to play ranked or un ranked, im only at 3k rating.