
FV is in every fucking game now, I swear.
Can't wait for him to get nerfed. We talked about this in channel a bit last night. But his list of advantages is pretty ridiculous:
-High base dmg
-Blink ability that slows at the start and end points
-Evasion that works on spell damage and cannot be countered with MKB
-Innate bash

Then you have his ulti....
-6s disable in a massive AOE
-dispels invisibilty
-cancels evasion
-gives him phase movement
-gives him max movespeed
-gives him massive bonus damage every time he crits
-Low cooldown (compared to other mega teamfight ults like epicenter, ravage, black hole

I think if they remove his bonus damage and move speed bonuses in the chronosphere it'd be balanced (basically undoing his recent buffs that made him first pick material). Offlane void is legit without huge steroids to make him a killing machine every minute on top of it. Carry void will still be legit, but you'll be dependent on farm and damage items before you come online.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
If they are going to nerf void, then I need to sell that immortal mace before the price drops. The new meta had caused it to almost quadruple in price ;P


Trakanon Raider
Their first game starts in a bit, so I guess we'll have an idea. Although I could see them experiment with roles for a bit being that their lineup is pretty damn versatile.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I'm still super new at dota, so is (are?) Techies going to be more annoying than Pudge down in noob city?


Since it sounds like he'll be in a day or two, I figured I could share a few tips I remember from playing against him in dota 1, though I'm pretty sure everyone was dramatically worse back then:

-Get out on the map early, at level 1, one or two mines won't kill anyone, it's stacks of 3-4 that kill - and with 25 second cooldown it takes a while to get that stack on the ground. Get to rune spots and your lane early so you can spot obvious traps
-In the lane, if you don't have sentries on an area, don't go where creeps haven't been and you'll be okay (this includes not using side shops). Having summoning or illusion heroes can make laning way safer
-Once he's 6, you need to buy a gem, in particular you need one as soon as you want to star taking towers. It's expensive early on, but if you're smart about holding onto it, it really does turn the game into 4v5. Once you get a gem, stay with your team, don't go uphill into fog of war, juke into spots without vision, etc... Smart techies will see the gem and adjust where he's putting mines

I'm sure other people have better advice, but those are a few basics. Suicide techies are a different battle, just need to be aware, but honestly they cripple themselves by putting more than one point into suicide early, mines techies really the only way to play if you want an impact throughout the game.

I personally remember having a lot of fun playing as techies because it was such a dramatically different type of hero, but I have a strong suspicion that at the 4500ish level, he's going to be really worthless.


Trakanon Raider
Dota 2 - Techies Update

Actual stuff in this update

All Random Deathmatch

It's a fight to the death with an ever-evolving lineup! Each player begins the match with a random hero, and becomes a new hero after every death. But don't wait for your favorite fighter to come along: each team may only lose 40 heroes before their players will cease to respawn. If a team loses all 40 of their heroes, or their Ancient falls, the match is over. Ready to fight what you can't predict?

Gallery of Triumphs

Introducing the Gallery of Triumphs! Now whenever you accomplish certain feats or complete challenges in Dota 2, you'll be awarded a trophy you can show off in your Dota profile. Did you conquer your Fantasy Dota League? Earn a trophy. Finished the Ten Hero Challenge from The International Compendium? Earn a trophy. Of course, that's not all. There are several trophies ready to be earned, with more on the way!

All Hero Challenge

Do you have what it takes to win a match with every hero? Prove it! Open your Dota profile to begin the All-Hero Challenge and be assigned a random warrior to take on the road to victory. Claim glory, and then move on to the next. Each hero challenge shows you the average number of matches it took for all players worldwide to win with that hero, and to complete the entire All-Hero Challenge, so you'll know how you stack up. Finish the All-Hero Challenge to earn a new trophy to display in your Gallery.

Compendium Update

Assured Victory Shout

The game hasn't even begun, but already victory seems certain. Equip the Assured Victory Shout in the Action Item slot in the Global Items section of your Loadout and, before the horn sounds and the battle begins, tell the world that this match is in the bag. If your prediction is right and victory comes your way, you'll earn one point for your Victory Prediction gem. If you're wrong, it resets to zero. Predict correctly to earn enough points, and you'll find a new trophy for your Gallery.

Squint and Laugh Taunt for Techies

It's one thing to face an enemy. It's quite another to face Techies. If you purchased this year's Compendium for The International, you'll be granted a special taunt for the troublesome trio. Once equipped, you're a button press away from laughing at your enemies. Want to rub it in even further? Each time you kill a foe, they'll get a special view of Techies' giggling faces.

Battle Glory Kill Banner

The enemy flees while one, two, three heroes fall before you. Triple Kill! Those who purchased this year's Compendium for The International will be able to enjoy a new type of multi-kill banner effect that celebrates their most deadly plays. Equip the Battle Glory Kill Banner in the Custom Kill Banner slot in the Global Items section of your Loadout, and then see your screen shine as you fight your way to a Rampage!

The International 2014 Music Pack

Hearing the right song at the right moment can often turn the tide of battle. Owners of this year's Compendium for The International will have access to epic new music composed by award-winning artist Chance Thomas. Once you equip The International 2014 Music Pack in your Music slot in the Global Items section of your Loadout, you'll be ready to ride off into glorious battle!

Additional Changes


Removed waiting for spectators in private lobbies


Increased low-priority ban rate for players who receive high numbers of reports


Added many new loading screen tips
Fixed and adjusted several tooltips and ability descriptions
Alt-clicking on an item in an enemy hero's inventory now informs your teammates that the enemy has that item
Alt-clicking on the buyback button or your gold will notify your team of your current buyback status
Items may now be dropped from the stash while dead
Fixed replay highlight reel transition graphic getting stuck on sometimes
Fixed a bug in the Coach UI where the help text sometimes overlapped the student checkboxes, rendering them unusable


Players can no longer drop or take other players' unsharable items on the courier
Players can no longer store other players' unsharable items in their stash
Items on heroes controlled by players who have disconnected, but not yet abandoned, can no longer be dropped from their inventories
Fixed a case where picking up an item owned by another player triggered an item combine, using items from the owning player's stash. If the item was owned by an enemy player, this would combine and steal the whole item.


Side towers are now always Invulnerable


Added new Bot AI for Riki
Added new Bot AI for Pudge
Added new Bot AI for Axe
Bots in solo bot matches will wear your equipped cosmetics


Increased the size of the importer preview
Added particle system attachment point editing as part of the submission process for certain wearable items (like Drow Ranger's bow)
Fixed a bug where sub model pages weren't being flipped back to the first page when opening a model that only needed the first page
Fixed the attachment list not being initialized properly, which was leading to the default selection being blank
Fixed a bug where lighting in the preview would darken after the portrait editor was opened
Updated text to make it clearer that model budgets are in triangles, not polygons


Several new features for Third Party compendiums. Documentation atDota2 Compendium Scriptfiles - Valve Developer Community
Fixed test_local_compendium not precaching images the way the download path did, which resulted in subtle differences in some cases.
Fixed compendium video elements not working if they weren't using the legacy element path.
Source:Aug 29 update: ARDM, All-Hero Challenge, Techies next week


<Silver Donator>
Interesting that they changed item usage restrictions. I totally see why, I guess it means now trolls will only be able to get the courier killed with the items or brick the courier with branches(since you can't remove them, courier becomes useless). Seems like a change for the better though.


Trakanon Raider
Now I wonder when 6.82 is going to land, especially with tournaments being in full swing again, but I guess they will release it whenever it's ready, just not during major LAN. I'm not particularly fond of the metagame they are adding with all the trophies

Totally doing this in pubs:Dazzle, best Techies counter! - Gfycat


<WoW Guild Officer>
Anyone buy the starladder ticket? Trying to make up my mind on whether or not i want to buy it or just watch on twitch. also whats everyones thoughts on team secret? I feel like they have the potential to be one of the best teams out there but it depends on whether or not a. they can come together with one style (vs. that first game where it literally looked like they where drafting half navi half fnatic) b. puppy finds that old spark because i can't believe he's magically lost all the skills that made him a top tier support in 6 months and c if fly can become a solid carry player. Hell he doesn't even need to be an elite top 5 carry with the talent of the 4 players around him just needs to be decent.


Trakanon Raider
Too early to tell, I think it's one of the teams that's going to profit the most from 6.82. I certainly hope so, because Puppey can pull out some pretty crazy shit and Kuro is one of the nicest players out there


So as a new player with about 70 matches played, I can't really find a reason not to pick vengeful spirit every single game while I'm solo queueing. Such a badass kit for a support.