
Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Xyclopz was casting on Beyond the Summit this weekend. How? I have no idea, lol.

He had people laughing so hard they were pissing themselves. Anyone else catch that?

Jackie Treehorn

<Gold Donor>
Had a fun game today where our Peruvian PA started to feed on purpose. So he stops feeding...then farms long enough to build a divine rapier to give to the other team. He ends up dying to creeps somewhere (I wasn't looking at the map where he was) and the other team never got the rapier.

So then he starts feeding again, ending up with 20 something deaths.

We were playing against a team with a juggernaut who built his own rapier. Our FV picks up the rapier and we proceed to win the game. We were still dominating (despite the PA running into his death every spawn) even before he got the rapier, but that just ended things even faster.


Trakanon Raider
6.82 is teased on the main site, so it's probably this week or the next if they give it some time on the test realm.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I think I'd be 5k by now if I could just hold back flaming dumb teammates. Its funny because I don't rage in any other game.

Here's my typical game: I am 3-0 in offlane as Batrider and have tranqs/bottle/Blink at minute 10. Our mid tower is gone and our safe lane is a combined 0-5, the void I killed has time to recover and we lose at minute 30.

I think the problem is I'm not a mid player and only play carry on occasion, because it doesn't matter if you own as the offlaner if your cores have down syndrome.


<WoW Guild Officer>
Not much of a spoiler but ppy enigma is so sick. he ended up jungling and getting 70 cs in 10 minutes..... isn't 82 the max you can get in lane?


Lord Nagafen Raider
Not much of a spoiler but ppy enigma is so sick. he ended up jungling and getting 70 cs in 10 minutes..... isn't 82 the max you can get in lane?
Well, that's kinda just what Enigma does...

Anyway, Seeing Xbox die to ganks without using a single button makes me sad. It seems like he's turned into a non button pusher. There was a time when Xbox would get every last bit out of every fight, now he just gets run down by a gank without doing anything other than trying to outrun it.


<WoW Guild Officer>
Well, that's kinda just what Enigma does...

Anyway, Seeing Xbox die to ganks without using a single button makes me sad. It seems like he's turned into a non button pusher. There was a time when Xbox would get every last bit out of every fight, now he just gets run down by a gank without doing anything other than trying to outrun it.
I know enigma farms well in jungle but every time i see ppy get a hold of him its just another level... as to xboct, ya it seems like he just gives up anymore. It's sad because even in a game like this he's still finding a ton of farm but he just doesn't seem to use it like he used to. maybe the next patch we'll see him come back to form but i'm not sure


Trakanon Raider
Some of these changes - are insane - I'll transfer the map

Dire OL T1

Dire OL T2/Secret Shop

Radiant OL T1/Secret Shop

Radiant OL T2/Secret Shop

Radiant SL Jungle Side Trees

Radiant SL Side Shop Trees


Trakanon Raider
Rosh Pit

Reworked how All Pick works in Ranked Matchmaking

Picking starts after a 35 second strategy period.
Teams alternate picking. Whenever it is a team's turn to pick, anyone on that team can pick for themselves.
Teams have up to 30 seconds to pick a hero. If the timer expires, each player that hasn't selected a hero will lose 2 gold per second. The selection will stay on this team until a hero is picked.
Once a selection is made, it immediately switches to the other team to pick.

Additional Notes:
Initial starting team is random, but known at the start of the strategy period.
If a team has not picked and continued losing gold for more than 30 seconds, a player that hasn?t picked will be assigned a random hero and the turn will resume to the other team.


<WoW Guild Officer>
How do people feel about the new rune or the changes to i think its blood seeker and pl? I'm also surprised terrorblade is going into captains mode because i thought most pros felt he was still pretty op

Asshat Brando

Potato del Grande
Interesting in that with runes spawning in both rune spots you don't need to use your wards at specific spots for rune control as you're guaranteed to get one. The new rune should in theory speed up the game depending on how big of a gold/xp bonus it gives you.

Edit: Actually I do have an opinion as this change to Chen sounds hilarious:

Aghanim's Scepter now allows Holy Persuasion to target Ancient Creeps (maximum 1 Ancient Creep per level of Hand of God)

Jackie Treehorn

<Gold Donor>
Yay tinker nerf, but I don't think it went far enough, or did it? I wish they would have lowered the radius of march too or otherwise force tinker out of the trees some.

That Bane aghs thing is pretty cool.


Trakanon Raider
I think this will be interesting. A few things stick out to me.

No more bottle crow mid, but there are two runes in the river every time. Technically both mids can refresh their bottle. I think the bounty rune + 2 runes implies another goal. I think they are trying to get supports into the rivers at 2/4/6 etc time to contest every rune. There are three incentives. First you deny the enemy a bottle refresh, second secure your mid a bottle refresh, and third you can aggressively contest the second rune to "deny" the enemy mid their bottle charge. The bounty rune gives a bit of gold and xp - that I think is probably about comensurate with a stack/pull by the support. Curious how this will play out.

The t1 fortification resets + the total tower gold changes definitely weaken hardcore deathball/push. We'll see if it removes their viability or just challenges the execution which is what I expect. I think the new tree jukes in and around the offlane towers will make them easier to defend by giving defenders more fog placement to set up and retreat through.

It appears the Dire Mid can possibly stack ancients with the same commitment as a radiant mid with the new geometry around the roshan pit and the dire secret ship.

Tinker nerf is a good place to start. - They also nerfed Dagon - its mana cost is now fixed at all levels.

Some aghs upgrades look really fun to play with. I think Treant and Puck (maybe a new item build) look really fun.

The new vanguard upgrade item that serves as almost a "physical" pipe I think has some reasonable potential for some heroes that can take the most advantage of an early game vanguard.

These look like pretty legitimate changes. I'm daunted by the scale.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Lol @ Chen Aghs change. Army of Black Dragons inc.

Blood Seeker change is a huge one. Blood Rite sounds kind of meh, though, except for area denial/defense. 3 seconds before it kicks in and they can see it? IDC about PL because F that hero haha.

Searing Arrow not being considered an attack modifier is huge for him, since you can now stack good stuff like deso and still get the bonus fire dmg.

So many changes, though. Huskar gets more buffed (rape in pubs). Phoenix Aghs change is interesting...and also ripe for trolling. Glad they also readded the pugna ult healing allies...I seem to recall that ability in DOTA1. Ditto on Treant getting Eyes in the Forest again. Riki getting invis as a base ability is nice, since he gets destroyed badly early game and that would help his survivability.


Trakanon Raider
I'm curious how these formula's that give xp and gold will play out in actual games, a lot of the armchair math I've seen doesn't necessarily reflect real game conditions.