
Trakanon Raider
It's always been my mindset that the social dynamic in DotA was a game within itself. W3 Dota's community was probably worse than this though, but that could just be my bad memory thinking that.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
WC3 Dota was worse because of the lack of game mechanics and protocols to keep people in-check.

People would troll before the game even started by leaving the game with seconds left in the start count down. Or, they would leave the game 5 minutes in because they were 0-2. They game didn't have profiles with stats or have any ramifications for cunty behavior or abandons. Ban lists didn't work, because anyone could put anyone else on them. You have a game were you go 3-10 as a support, buy all the wards/courier, let your carry farm, setup kills... but your team loses? Guess what, your a feeder going on the banlist.

It was the inmates running the asylum.


Trakanon Raider
Yea I probably made over 100 bnet accounts to play dota over the years. I also had no idea how dota was supposed to be played and it was really just a glorified hero wars. Good times.


Been trying to get into this and LoL to introduce myself to the moba genre. Mostly get help from friends but try to play by myself now and then to just see exactly how horrible I am. I've noticed a definite trend, however. A correlation that actually corresponds with a completely different game in a completely different genre: DayZ.

Why is it that universally, Russians are absolutely horrible human beings and absolutely horrible socially as far as gaming and online communications are concerned?

Seriously. I can remember at release in DayZ, instantly knowing by accent and behavior that someone was Russian and being utterly and completely fucked over and insulted by them every single time. I thought that game had the worst community possible.

I was wrong. It doesn't hold a candle to Dota 2, and the Russians in this game are just endemic. Eastern Europeans in general, really. Granted, American twats are fucking awful a large percentage of the time that I play, but every. single. fucking. time. I get hooked up with someone from Russia it's just a constant shitfest.

Seriously, what accounts for this? I can't say I have anything against Russian people in general. I've met quite a few in my travels all across Europe, and even the rudest of them paled in comparison to the scum I deal with in Dota 2 almost every time I encounter them.


Trakanon Raider
Just mute people and play through the trolls. They aren't as prevalent in my games compared to what I interpret with complaints in this thread. Maybe past a certain mmr it gets better, I don't know. I have never played in a different bracket than the one I'm in now. Regardless of that - like maybe in 10% of games there is absolutely nothing you can do to win - when people tilt in games like this just mute them. Its annoying in all languages.


Just mute people and play through the trolls. They aren't as prevalent in my games compared to what I interpret with complaints in this thread. Maybe past a certain mmr it gets better, I don't know. I have never played in a different bracket than the one I'm in now. Regardless of that - like maybe in 10% of games there is absolutely nothing you can do to win - when people tilt in games like this just mute them. Its annoying in all languages.
It's not that I can't deal with trolling. I can just mute people, and I do. I just wonder why every time I play with Russians that actually try to communicate they're just awful, and why this spans across multiple games and genres. I'm sure that they may think the same of us at times, but it's like, almost every time I deal with a Russian.


Molten Core Raider
WC3 Dota was worse because of the lack of game mechanics and protocols to keep people in-check.

People would troll before the game even started by leaving the game with seconds left in the start count down. Or, they would leave the game 5 minutes in because they were 0-2. They game didn't have profiles with stats or have any ramifications for cunty behavior or abandons. Ban lists didn't work, because anyone could put anyone else on them. You have a game were you go 3-10 as a support, buy all the wards/courier, let your carry farm, setup kills... but your team loses? Guess what, your a feeder going on the banlist.

It was the inmates running the asylum.


Trakanon Raider
News - Dota 2 Update - 6.82c
The "stop picking all the popular heroes you fuckwits" patch
* Buyback cooldown increased from 6 to 7 minutes
* AoE Gold NWFactor reduced from 0.06/0.06/0.05/0.04/0.03 to 0.05/0.05/0.05/0.04/0.03
* AoE XP XPFactor reduced from 0.3/0.3/0.2/0.15/0.12 to 0.23/0.23/0.2/0.15/0.12
* Mystic Flare damage is now dealt over 2.4 seconds instead of 2.2 seconds
* Ancient Seal cooldown increased from 11 to 14
* Crypt Swarm damage rescaled from 100/175/250/300 to 75/150/225/300
* Exorcism cooldown increased from 135 to 145
* Juxtapose max illusions reduced from 6/8/10 to 5/7/9
* Bloodrage now only amplifies for half of the value when the dealer and the receiver are over 2200 range apart
* Primal Split cast time increased from 0.4 to 0.65 seconds
* Primal Split delay after cast time (while invulnerable) reduced from 0.85 to 0.6 seconds
* Ethereal Blade projectile speed increased from 1100 to 1200
* Song of the Siren cast point increased from 0.65 to 0.8 seconds
* Guardian Angel no longer provides HP Regeneration
* Metamorphosis movement speed reduced from 315 to 290
* Conjure Image damage intake increased from 300% to 425%
* Sunder no longer interrupts the target
* Sunder cast range increased from 250 to 325
* Haunt illusion outgoing damage decreased from 40% to 30%
* Spectre movement speed reduced from 295 to 290
* Chronosphere cooldown increased from 120/100/80 to 130/110/90
* Eye of the Storm Scepter interval increased from 0.55/0.45/0.35 to 0.6/0.5/0.4
* Static Link cooldown increased from 25 to 32/30/28/26
* Flaming Fists damage type changed from Magical to Pure (pierces Spell Immunity)
* Flaming Fists damage reduced from 100/150/200 to 80/115/150


Trakanon Raider
Anyone keeping tabs on the Dreamleague drama ? That tournament is such a joke, they apparently announced all their qualifiers like a week in advance which keep every top team busy for at least 3 days even though everyone's schedule is packed like a month ahead. Their admins have no idea how to schedule and gave Team Tinker defloss despite being told they don't play anymore games that day. Then on top of that, they apparently force teams to use same amount of standins despite one team having the full squad ready.

And they placed Fnatic, which is Hanni+4 right into the league.

I'm waiting for the ESEX article.


Lord Nagafen Raider
You just can't give away TB without a plan. Seeing a single stun lineup try to play against that hero is so awkward.


Person of Whiteness
<Gold Donor>
Anyone want to poverty tier? Been doing way too much watching and 0 playing. Hope I get matched up with some Peruvians.


<WoW Guild Officer>
Zaphid, did you see the response from dream league? 1. I think a 10 year old could've written a bettter statement and 2. if you're trying to run a professional business coming off that arrogant isn't really the way to go. I feel like this highlights the biggest problem dota has in the professional scene at the moment. Right now anyone with the money to seed a prize pool is able to run a tournament and make really good money doing so. Hell if you don't have a lan final the cost to you outside the prize pool is almost nil it seems. This leads to way to many people putting together overlapping tournaments (and putting people in charge of them that really shouldn't be). I feel like the scene almost needs an organization that oversees all of the tournaments and makes final decisions on matters such as the dream league issue because right now tournament officials can do what ever they want and teams have little to no recourse. I don't know if this would be a good idea or not but i'd like to see valve or someone step into that role, then if you want to host a tournament you have to go through them to get approval for the dates etc so we don't constantly have all these scheduling issues and tournament organizers are actually held to a certain standard otherwise they won't be able to host another event.

Is it just me or does the eu scene look really weak right now. Outside of secret and maybe team tinker no one really seems really strong and with secret right now I feel like its kuro s4 and n0tail playing out of their minds, puppy being so so and fly, well i can't tell if he just needs more experience in the role or if this is the best he's going to be in which case he's their weakest link.

Also can we please stop calling a forfeit a "defloss" theres no such thing as a defenseless loss and I can't figure out where that word came from. You watch or play any sport and its called a forfeit when your forced to lose a game without playing.


Blackwing Lair Raider
You just can't give away TB without a plan. Seeing a single stun lineup try to play against that hero is so awkward.
He's just so stupid easy to counter before he gets items it's just teams ignore him for some reason. Even with how frequently he's being picked lately you'd think you would see some people that counter him like OD or SD, but no teams still refuse to be imaginative in their picking strategies and just go with the same rehashed shit that fails. He's not even your traditional carry that has escape mechanisms like Naga sleep, AM blink, Slark pounce/ulti, etc. He's got NOTHING.


Trakanon Raider
Right now anyone with the money to seed a prize pool is able to run a tournament and make really good money doing so.
I'm not supporting Dreamhack's incompetence, but they have been around for a long time. Most of the Western Esports events for Dota in tier1 are all being run by long time Esports companies who are diverting more money to Dota 2 than before. The Summit is a home grown event - but Starladder does more games than Dota. I don't think its just "anyone with the money" as far as the big name tournaments are concerned. There are definitely far more tournaments open to tier 1 teams, but part of that stems from the fact that the biggest tournaments are turning global instead of regional. There's 3 western leagues, and 3 eastern leagues - and they all run qualifiers in every region because its better Dota when you get that global mix going on. Two years ago no Chinese team could qualifier for Starladder behind the great wall, likewise Western teams weren't going to Chinese lans at all. Global qualification really filled up the schedule.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Anyone keeping tabs on the Dreamleague drama ? That tournament is such a joke, they apparently announced all their qualifiers like a week in advance which keep every top team busy for at least 3 days even though everyone's schedule is packed like a month ahead. Their admins have no idea how to schedule and gave Team Tinker defloss despite being told they don't play anymore games that day. Then on top of that, they apparently force teams to use same amount of standins despite one team having the full squad ready.

And they placed Fnatic, which is Hanni+4 right into the league.
They give a by for pre-qualifiers to organizations that previously made it to the main event, should really be based on a percentage of maintained players. I guess I can see the argument that they don't want a couple/few pros grouping up with a couple scrubs and jumping into the pool, but it also doesn't make sense for teams like Tinker & Secret to play a bunch of bo3s against unknowns.

Also can we please stop calling a forfeit a "defloss" theres no such thing as a defenseless loss and I can't figure out where that word came from. You watch or play any sport and its called a forfeit when your forced to lose a game without playing.
I assumed it was a Default Loss. Usually a no-show is considered a default


<WoW Guild Officer>
I'm not supporting Dreamhack's incompetence, but they have been around for a long time. Most of the Western Esports events for Dota in tier1 are all being run by long time Esports companies who are diverting more money to Dota 2 than before. The Summit is a home grown event - but Starladder does more games than Dota. I don't think its just "anyone with the money" as far as the big name tournaments are concerned. There are definitely far more tournaments open to tier 1 teams, but part of that stems from the fact that the biggest tournaments are turning global instead of regional. There's 3 western leagues, and 3 eastern leagues - and they all run qualifiers in every region because its better Dota when you get that global mix going on. Two years ago no Chinese team could qualifier for Starladder behind the great wall, likewise Western teams weren't going to Chinese lans at all. Global qualification really filled up the schedule.
I misspoke when I said that, because looking back on it I had forgotten most of these organizers are bigger company's overseas. Personally i love that its going global but the fact remains I think they still need some sort of oversight to help coordinate with these tournaments as well as set a set of standards for all tournaments to subscribe to. We've seen drama in 2 of the events so far? I feel like we're coming to a critical juncture in esports. On one hand its popularity is skyrocketing and theres more money coming into it and we're at a point where its even starting to get recognized as legit entertainment if not a legit sport. On the other hand the scheduling issues and the drama with the tournaments coupled with unprofessional responses as seen with Dreamhack is an issue I could see stopping it from growing. Its especially aggravating when you set time aside to watch one of your favorite teams and the games either substantially delayed or suddenly rescheduled.

lol I just figured when they where saying defloss they meant defenseless. Either way its a forfeit not a default or defenseless loss!