Dr. Cliff Huxtable was a mega rapist


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
I think you must have been listening to a different radio station bro. The one I heard it on made it pretty clear no one died. But they kept saying it was a playboy mansion party and when a caller asked how under-aged kids even get into the playboy mansion, they did not correct her.


I picked the wrong week to stop sniffing glue.
One of the NEW accusers is saying her incident happened in 2008

Maybe charges will be filed and he will get his day in court....
Or not...because all of this shit is 100% made the fuck up


what Suineg set it to
The one, whatever, who knows but the other chick wrote a book about the encounter and is now claiming it was a rape? El Oh El. Let me guess, the house of cards will fall at some point, maybe he was too drunk with a couple and a creeper or something but all these ridiculous claims will start unraveling. And for lying they'll get... well even more interviews but no charges.


Only 3 out of 8 of those had anything to do with the legal system, and the remaining 3 are just her being upset that the accused rapist isn't just shot dead instantly on her word. What a shitty article.
Cracked article titles tend to be awful for exactly that reason. Still, paints a pretty disturbing picture of what a rape victim has to go through, and in her case it was pretty much best case scenario. At the very least, it makes it easier to believe why many rape victims don't pursue legal action against their aggressor at all.

Edit: I also think your numbers are wrong.


what Suineg set it to
So, if reading this spurious article correctly, they were both drunk and performed oral sex on each other and then she woke up being banged having not remembered the middle part? She didn't dispute the truth in that, she just kind of claims that was 'part of the defense'. Maybe that was untrue, but if she is being so defensive about the whole thing, why not mention that it was a complete fabrication and she had not even talked/met the guy? If you consent but don't remember is it still rape? Why do rape apologists point to ridiculous circumstances of questionable credibility to claim how the PANDEMIC is out of control?

I don't know the facts of this case enough to say this is an example, but at what point does a victim have some culpability? It's not like you can't be an accessory to theft for leaving your car running and unlocked. Or guilty of negligent homicide if you whip your camera phone out instead of calling an ambulance and/or helping your drowning kid out of a pool. There has to be a line somewhere between 'wearing a miniskirt' and 'actually raping a man but blaming him anyway' where mistakes were made and maybe a victim is part of the chain of causation and not just a completely random target of an otherwise normal act that mitigates the rest of the facts. If you're having sex, can she 'fall asleep' then claim it was rape because she stopped consenting by 'falling asleep'? What proof can you offer against that? What about if she 'consented' but only did so because she didn't want to 'upset' her 'attacker' or other party goers? At what point is there no culpability, just after the statue of limitations expires?

Why are all these shitty cases always 'well we were basically just fucking BUT THEN!!!!!111one'? Apparently there's nothing grey between 'stranger attacks woman in park and brutally beats/rapes her' and 'I regret this sex so it is now rape' for SJWs.




Millie's Staff Member
I'm surprised the Howard Stern tapes haven't been brought up where Janice alleges to this happening over a decade before he was accused.
yeah saying something happened only 30 years after an incident is much more legit than saying it happened 40 years earlier.


yeah saying something happened only 30 years after an incident is much more legit than saying it happened 40 years earlier.
Not sure if that is sarcasm ,or not, but I have no idea when that show actually aired other then it was a very long time ago.

She almost details the exact events that these women are reporting today, but she doesn't say outright that there was any rape only alleges to it.
Janice was in Rehab when she said Cosby started his advances on her.

If I hadn't listened to those tapes via Howards show, I'd give him the benefit of the doubt. Not any more tho


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
I'm glad I had my sexual experiences in a time where no paperwork was involved.


What's really funny is he has a comedy bit about drugging women in one of his original comedy tapes.

Not that makes a difference because comedians say all kind of outlandish shit, but a tad creepy in retrospect

Also part of the really long interview with Janice about Cosby when she was on the show for her tell all book in 2006



Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
I'm glad I had my sexual experiences in a time where no paperwork was involved.
So, you're done having sex then? How old are you?

What's really funny is he has a comedy bit about drugging women in one of his original comedy tapes.

Not that makes a difference because comedians say all kind of outlandish shit, but a tad creepy in retrospect
1969 routine, and the drug was spanish fly. No where near the same, and it's intellectually dishonest to equate aphrodisiacs to roofies.


Actually I listened to this recently on Howard's show ,and the routine is about giving women spanish fly so you can have sex with them.

Cosby doesn't know what Spanish Fly actually is in the routine, he just knows that his friends use it for easy sex.

That really has nothing to do with this case tho, Like I said it's just creepy to hear him talk about it knowing what hes accused of today.


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
lol, it's not creepy. He clearly knows it makes women horny. He makes a crazy sound to indicate women who have taken it, not a snoring sound. It's still funny because I remember being 13 and hearing the same stories. Although, in my case, they might have all come from that routine. So, Cosby might be that 1000 year old man who looks 13 and travels from city to city telling young boys about spanish fly.

OK, that last part makes it sound a little creepy, but that all came from me.