Dragon Age: Inquisition (Plot Details in Spoilers!)


Tranny Chaser
Polygon noted lots of bugs, including some crash and game save trashing bugs related to the 2.0 PSN update, and are thus witholding their score for the PS4 version. They did give it 9.5 on both Xbone and PC though.

EA apparently told them the patch to address the 2.0 stuff was coming from Sony before Inquisition releases.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Where are all the cool bros that sworn to never buy a Bioware game after ME3? or DA2? or a EA game after getting burned by the SimCity abomination?
Fucking Hopium addicted gamer fags.
/rant off


<Silver Donator>
Where are all the cool bros that sworn to never buy a Bioware game after ME3? or DA2? or a EA game after getting burned by the SimCity abomination?
Fucking Hopium addicted gamer fags.
/rant off
You haven't looked much? They're on this very page. Obviously the last few posts are positive since they're about the reviews that just popped and the reviews are positive. Some people never swore off Bioware or whatever so objectively, based on reviews, this looks like a good game. On the other hand, reviews aren't everything so still waiting to see what's up.

Also that multiplayer review video very much sounded like the guy wanted to say it was shit but didn't want to anger anyone so he didn't say it directly. So yeah, doesn't look like they'll repeat the Mass Effect multiplayer thing.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Where are all the cool bros that sworn to never buy a Bioware game after ME3? or DA2? or a EA game after getting burned by the SimCity abomination?
Fucking Hopium addicted gamer fags.
/rant off
Me3 had citadel and the fantastic mp updates . Da2 was a welcome change for some and disliked by others. I personally welcome the experimentation .


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Dyvim, I'm right here. They'll need to hit this out of the park to get me to pay $ for it.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
Yeah, no way in hell am I preordering this. I'm looking forward to it, but I'll wait for the reviews here first.


Unelected Mod
Sounds like a very long game. Reviews saying they had 70 hours, 100 hours, 90 hours and still had plenty of content left.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Someone kindly remind us about the "reviews" for DA2 please.
No doubt.

After button mashing for about an hour, with a complete lack of combat strategy needed for mobs, I'll be interested to hear what folks think. Game length being stated in some of these reviews is very dishonest. It would be a kin to saying Skyrim has 1,000 plus hours of content because of a never ending dynamic side quest system.


Avatar of War Slayer
Where are all the cool bros that sworn to never buy a Bioware game after ME3? or DA2? or a EA game after getting burned by the SimCity abomination?
Fucking Hopium addicted gamer fags.
/rant off
not posting? I've been pretty clear. personally, I am pretty much done with Bioware/Blizzard. And, I think any sane person would wait for user reviews, 2weeks-2months.
Its pretty clear these days, pre-release reviews are not trustworthy.

But, certainly have no need to obsessively rant about it. What kind of person spends so much time on something they don't like?


<Gold Donor>
Reviews coming in are excellent - not that it means much. Still, it sounds like the kind of game I've been yearning to play for a while now - I just hope they fix the PS4 freezing issues before next week. Going to wait until the holidays I think to pick this up as I reckon we'll be pretty busy in WOD, but still, positive vibes are never a bad thing.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Here are some review comments from a poster on SA named ImpAtom that has a fairly good track record of posting. He is well trusted in the community.

On Game Length. Looks like walking from place to place counts as gameplay for EA.

I skipped a bunch of dialogue, didn't finish every sidequest and in general rushed through a lot of areas and it took me ~45 hours to finish. If you do everything in the game it could take that much time, if just for all the walking back and forth through areas. It could also take a lot less if you don't do but the bare minimum sidequests though.
On Plot - Hardly anything to do with the original DA:O as I stated a while back.

As for the plot: This isn't the ending to a trilogy like Mass Effect 3. Inquisition, regardless of what their marketing fluff said, isn't an ending at all. It's basically its own story that happens to have some callbacks. The plot is weak because of this. It's just a regular (if epic-sounding) adventure in the Dragon Age world, not the climax. It even has a Marvel-style post-credits stinger for a future plot. it feels decidedly mundane for all the buildup they give it.
Is it a cool game?

It isn't a bad game although it's very much a Bioware RPG. Lots of doing errends for people, lots of quirky characters with silly dialogue, lots of hamfisted moral choices. There are some pretty likable or interesting characters and there is Sera who I wanted to shoot out of a rocket into the sun. The main plot suffers a bit from its blandness but that isn't entirely its own fault. It was trying to be a regular RPG and not the EPIC ENDING OF A TRILOGY like everything else these days and so it kind of inevitably comes across as a bit flat for it.

The combat is fun although a bit repetitive, as you'd expect. Same problem as DA:O basically where fights got a bit samey after a while. The combat is better than in DA2 and lacks the repeated waves (aside from Fade Gate fights where new enemies teleport in, but even there it's fairly clear where they're coming from) and in general fairly enjoyable. I personally found the Tactical mode kind of worthless but YMMV.

My biggest complaint is that there is very little in the way of actual urban environments. You will spend an absolutely absurd amount of time in various huge wilderness areas dotted with ruins and only a brief period of time anywhere with people. There is a cool mission where you have to attend a fancy party but otherwise there's like one town (which is small and mostly empty), your stronghold and then a few villages here and there. I hope you like dungeons and wilderness because that is what you're getting.

The Multiplayer is basically ME3's multiplayer in Dragon Age. I enjoyed what I got to play of it but I don't feel I got the best experience with it because getting other people to play with was a pain in the ass due to the limited number of copies out there. If it turns out to be as good as ME3's in the later-game, it'll be great, but I just honestly can't tell you.
More on previous story hooks. Which are irrelevant now.

It's more like a D&D quest to kill a big bad. I think people who are honestly expecting it to resolve all the plots they left dangling in DAO and DA2 are gonna be disappointed.
There are things he does like about the game too. Like some of the characters. I won't go into it here so it doesn't need to go into spoiler land.

Anyway, if you haven't ordered yet, don't get suckered into it because of some very marketed websites. Sites which continuously are known for spin doctoring. Wait for folks here to play it and read what they have to say about the game after a week or two. There is plenty enough to purchase in my opinion this time around. (Obviously just my friendly Utnayan advice) Jooka will go buy the collector edition because he thinks it makes me upset. Which is a whole new discussion for retard syndrome on the internet.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
That review actually sounds pretty positive. I generally hate urban environments haha.

45 hours if you're semi-rushing on a first playthrough is a respectable playtime. If after 45 hours the combat is only a bit repetitive it must be decent.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Some of these bugs sound hilarious. I hope someone here can grab a video.

The gameplay is supported by visuals that, to me, weren't particularly impressive. With the processing power of the current generation of consoles and PC's, I saw way too many visual errors in my Inquisition experience. It was truly odd. It was like the character models and environments were from the last generation of consoles, with a fresh veneer of visual effects laid over them. For example, shadows and lighting effects were excellent and functioned near flawlessly, but the character animations were stiff and uninspired, showing detail in some situations and looking lackluster in others.

Add to that screen tearing between cutscenes and gameplay sequences, as well as odd world glitches (I literally saw NPC's falling from the sky to land on their designated spots in the world at several points) and what you have is a game that could have been visually breathtaking, but falls just short.
Player: "Hmm... Where is the NP..."
(Random NPC falls out of the sky and lands on his spawn point)
NPC: "Oh Hi! Sorry I'm Late!"


<Silver Donator>
Well if the guy played the entire game for 45hours and only has some fairly minor complaints, I'd say that's a pretty decent game. Doesn't sound like GotY material but not being as bad as DA2 is already a pretty solid step forward. The story being its own thing is interesting though, I hadn't heard about that before, expected to be more like the ending of the trilogy then for DA4 just a spin off which would have worked fine, but guess they didn't want to do the ME3 debacle again.


Molten Core Raider
Where are all the cool bros that sworn to never buy a Bioware game after ME3? or DA2? or a EA game after getting burned by the SimCity abomination?
Fucking Hopium addicted gamer fags.
/rant off
If you're really curious go check out the thread and crosscheck it. There's quite a few of us not posting in this thread, or buying this game on day 1.


Trakanon Raider


Vyemm Raider
Aside from IGN and GI who didnt give it above 8.5 most of those listed review sources are pretty meh. I guess i feel less burnt since i never bothered to play DA2, sounds like i came out on top!