Dragon Age: Inquisition (Plot Details in Spoilers!)


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Ut: On your complaints.
1) Definitely not true playing a dual wield rogue on Nightmare at all - tactics aren't a concern against common respawning trash but against anything with a few levels on me (even trash) or any sort of boss tactics are a must. And absolutely don't just mash a single button.
Because the entire game is level locked. That has nothing to do with nightmare difficulty. You can do the same and get the same challenge from going outside the level range on any mode. You should try that. With that said, you are holding down your right trigger and not mashing a single button, but one of four - whichever is not on cooldown, with little reason aside from graphical boom effect as to why you would choose one over another aside from a few resists. Combat is pretty mundane and too easy to figure out for me. Target range, then melee. Hold down your right trigger, activate various abilities off cooldown with ruthless abandon unless you see a spell effect you like, quaff potions when low on health, rinse and repeat. For the entire game.

2) Uh, tactical menu does this - occasionally they're locked out for a few seconds because they've already got an action queued but that's fixable by adjusting their AI options to not use long cast time abilities if you find it bothersome.
The point being that a lot of RPG players like to queue many actions for their party members due to strategy of the boss they are fighting.

3) During combat perhaps they're off - I'm not concerned about animations outside of noncombat areas, I've got combat to concern myself with during those times.
When walking about, it is pretty much objective fact that running and walking animations are completely stiff.

4) Not on PC - on PS4 it definitely doesn't happen though - only difference in cutscenes is my face is less "shiny" sometimes probably just light catching the skin differently.
Yes I should have noted this is on PC.

5) Wife is rushing through, I'm spending alot of time on sidequests - if you stick straight to the main story the pacing looks pretty nice, the pacing does seem odd if you focus on completionist stuff while going through each area though. But then again, almost every open world (or semi-open world in this case) game suffers from that to a degree. It's the nature of open world games with a primary story tagged on - the two concepts are inherently at odds to a degree.
Agreed on the last part as I saw the same in Skyrim - however, I would rather find things on my own through exploring, than have 89 pop up markers on a map. What they should have done was breadcrumb it a lot better instead of instant information map quest overload.

Oops missed the DA1/2 thing - that's pretty much true, very little would confuse you outside of just learning about the world in general. Red lyrium is the only real specific thing and that's covered quite well if you chat with Varric at the first opportunity.
Yep. That was in response to a poster here who stated to someone else here that they should play through DA:O and DA2 first before playing DA:I when asked about the story. Which obviously, is quite false and I wonder why that would even be posted.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Second the running animations being stiff. I like the dwarf animations a lot, but the taller characters, especially with sword and shield, they do run like stiffs.


Remember when it was cool to hate on kids that wanted graphics over gameplay? You're walking that thin line, is the game good? Or are you the kind of person that didnt play SNES games because of those 16bit graphics. Pretty sure all SNES caharacters were pretty stiff. Somehow because its 2014 that is no longer allowed and god damnit you need that 120fps with trailblazing graphics, fluid WoW-shaming animations AND a storyline that rivals even the best.

Get a fucking clue :\

Bitching about character animations and having to press buttons is absolutely hilarious. What the fuck did you expect? Take a look at some of the games that really took animations to the next level, like Assassins creed and Shadows of Mordor, amazing fluid combat but in the end its all the same button presses and the gameplay is so one dimensional it hurts.

I think if you're going to assume the role of a "gaming critic" you need to sit the fuck down and re-think priorities in a game because you send a clear message that graphics and fluid animations is the end all be all, without those even a game with amazing content/story isnt worth playing in your opinion.

Talking about the downfall of gaming and blaming the companies making them but in the end it's clearly the players fault for not knowing what they fucking want and being so vocal in every venue available to express their disapproval of certain aspects of games that they very rarely tell anyone what they do like, if ever.

Guess it's easier to ride a bandwagon hating something than to look past the bullshit and enjoy something that in a year or less, nobody gives a shit about but for that moment you had fun, passed some time and that is all games were ever supposed to be NOT to devote your life to and live inside every day of your life.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
I am pretty damn angry.
Fluid animations, in this game, would mean a lot because the backdrop of the world itself is absolutely gorgeous. So yeah, that does make a difference when playing a game for me that is supposed to replicate an immersive world. The gameplay mechanics themselves do exist, albeit very loosely. Combat has been dumbed down to the lowest denominator, and that gameplay you talk about has vanished because tactical combat in DA:I has been dumbed down to the point of uselessness against monsters and boss encounters which hold very little relevance to the core combat systems, because all you need to do is hold down your right trigger and pound cool-downs. With that said, difficulty is based on levels so that holds little relevance either. And it never really has in what most term as a challenge in an RPG.

You touch on amazing content and story. Objectively, the game itself has about 80% of it's content as mundane side filler. I may have missed the memo that computer generated side content to make up a majority of the content of a game spread across various level maps without any rhyme or reason to them, is now termed as amazing content and story. Aside from story being subjective, the story itself falls completely flat and doesn't use the strengths of the character story building from the previous DA:O. This is also remarked better than I could do it in the giant bomb review.

That theme of ?competent but not excellent? extends to the actual personalities of your companions. Their individual quests are often entertaining, but beyond that they feel like a rather withdrawn group of fantasy archetypes rather than real people, without a truly memorable Wrex or Minsc or HK-47 to provide moments that you?ll fondly recall well after you finish the game, although the immature rogue Sera comes close. As if in tacit acknowledgement of this, a notable character from the first two games pops up midway through the adventure, but even their appearance is muted by your inability to actually add them to your adventuring party.
I still to this day remember Wrex and HK-47. Because they are fleshed out and amazing characters/content. I remembered HK-47 10YEARSafter I played the game. I do not have any of those moments anymore, and I used to have them quite often when Bioware was Bioware and the story pillar was more than a marketing term used by EA, and the Bioware logo wasn't a cash in on previous successes. When the people that made the place, well, were still at the place!

Talking about the downfall of gaming and blaming the companies making them but in the end it's clearly the players fault for not knowing what they fucking want and being so vocal in every venue available to express their disapproval of certain aspects of games that they very rarely tell anyone what they do like, if ever.
The downfall of gaming is having publishers try to mirror success based on what they think a customer wants instead of using the creativity and genius they employ with their developers and allowing them to create regardless of the last market research article. Or having another meeting on accessibility or how pressing X is more user friendly than pressing Y. How about they make the game they want? Which is why Indie has firmly grabbed a strong following.

Guess it's easier to ride a bandwagon hating something
If you like button mashing, with limited combat, poor tactical strategy, without much of a challenge and a mediocre story with forgettable characters, and you just want mindless "something" to sit there like a zombie (in my opinion about the game when compared what I will now call Real RPG's) then go nuts. That's your deal. I highly recommend not purchasing the PC version because it's fucking horrible. And if that's your only avenue, grab a controller.

You speak of SNES games, hell Act Raiser had more depth than this. So what does that say for the state of the industry for advancement in the last 20 years.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Sad to say but Ut does bring up some salient points about the game however it is still a good game marred by some technial issues. In my opinion most of the critiques can be traced back to using frostbite 3. It really just does not lend itself to making an open world RPG. But I honestly don't care about tactical view since I have never played DA in that manner.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Sad to say but Ut does bring up some salient points about the game however it is still a good game marred by some technial issues. In my opinion most of the critiques can be traced back to using frostbite 3. It really just does not lend itself to making an open world RPG. But I honestly don't care about tactical view since I have never played DA in that manner.
I agree with Frostbite 3 entirely. And while it does some really great things with scripting map events with Battlefield, the technical issues also stopped it from functioning well for about 7 months in BF4.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I hope Dice and Bioware get their shit together 'cause ME4 is going to be on frostbite as well. I remember Bioware devs stating in past interviews that they were having issues with the engine.


I know where your coming from Ut but not every game is meant for you.

The downfall of gaming is having publishers try to mirror success based on what they think a customer wants instead of using the creativity and genius they employ with their developers and allowing them to create regardless of the last market research article
The #1 goal for anyone that enters the gaming industry is to make their game appeal to people, its a fancy term for "fun" and the hardest part about being creative and a "genius" as you would say which I can't recall a single person in the industry that is a "genius" in any department, is that one persons idea of fun is entirely different from other people and in my personal view, the animations, items and spells are a vehicle for you to see the game and what is happening and not the game itself.

It is the #1 reason why some games are fucking god-tier like WoW and others are pieces of shit that you want to get your money back for. The reality is no game will ever be fun to everyone, even WoW is like poison to most people, they wouldn't play it if they were paid to.

Of course there is also the reality of dead-lines and resource management, shareholders and whatnot which is its own problem.

My guess is ut, you have had some amazing fun in some games and really want those feels again and again, where every time you put your hard earned money towards something it better be worth it. Which isn't a bad thing but at the same time the only person thats losing is you, you're losing out on enjoyment because you can't just brush these things off your shoulder and chalk it up to the devs doing what they could with what they had. After all hind-sight is 20/20 and nobody can see the future.

I can guarantee you, no dev ever said at a meeting "how can we make shitty content that nobody likes".


Mr. Poopybutthole
I can guarantee you, no dev ever said at a meeting "how can we make shitty content that nobody likes".
I can guaranteee you plenty of devs have said 'How can we get the most money while sinking the least amount of effort into our game'.


Person of Whiteness
<Gold Donor>
Well that was probably the CFO / Marketing group. The Dev tried to speak up at the beginning and they told him to shut up.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
I know where your coming from Ut but not every game is meant for you.
That doesn't automatically mean that generically designed games are automatically meant for all the others, either.

The #1 goal for anyone that enters the gaming industry is to make their game appeal to people, its a fancy term for "fun" and the hardest part about being creative and a "genius" as you would say which I can't recall a single person in the industry that is a "genius" in any department, is that one persons idea of fun is entirely different from other people and in my personal view, the animations, items and spells are a vehicle for you to see the game and what is happening and not the game itself.
Which is understandable. The problem comes into play when detail is given to a world such as this and completely broken when systems/animations are horribly designed. It defeats the purpose of the work done on making it an immersive world to begin with. To be fair, the same is given to the older TES games on Gamebryo (Even though I thought Skyrim was better in this regard, the underlying engine was still and always will be Gamebryo no matter what they want to call it) adding the combat system which is dumbed down. You spoke about gameplay mechanics. I said if you liked button mashers, this game is just for you - fire off a bunch of spells while holding down an auto attack key without any reason to think about what you are doing other than if range mobs come in, make sure to kill those first, and time your healing potions. I fail to see the gameplay in that. I do agree, if the intent is to make an acid trip out of combat in DA:I with impressive visual effects, it did it's job. But that doesn't equate to gameplay.

It is the #1 reason why some games are fucking god-tier like WoW and others are pieces of shit that you want to get your money back for. The reality is no game will ever be fun to everyone, even WoW is like poison to most people, they wouldn't play it if they were paid to.
I cannot even get on my server still
But WoW has the basic components a lot of games are missing today. Art, animation, UI, and responsiveness - are CORE to the game. Without it, you don't have a fluid game to base your gameplay mechanics around in the first place. WoW is successful because Blizzard realizes this.

Of course there is also the reality of dead-lines and resource management, shareholders and whatnot which is its own problem.
Obviously. Which boil down to producers who have overrun their stay in the industry, why folks without game industry experience should not be an executive in the game industry, and everything else revolving around that. I know we agree on that one.

My guess is ut, you have had some amazing fun in some games and really want those feels again and again, where every time you put your hard earned money towards something it better be worth it. Which isn't a bad thing but at the same time the only person thats losing is you, you're losing out on enjoyment because you can't just brush these things off your shoulder and chalk it up to the devs doing what they could with what they had. After all hind-sight is 20/20 and nobody can see the future.
In the year of our Lord 2014, I have purchased a PS Vita, Vita TV, PS4, BF4, Need for speed, Child of Light, Flowers, Shadows of Mordor, Tomb Raider Definitive, GTA 5, Destiny, Diablo 3, MLB the Show 14, Murdered Soul Suspect, Black Flag, and close to another 90+ games I am not able to recount off the top of my head across 3DS, Wii U, PC, Xbox 360, PS4. I have played just about anything and everything out there. So I am not missing out on much of anything. However, I have seen countless other games do it much better than this one, and afgter having played this one without paying for it, seeing the waste of potential due to EA and the falling of Bioware to nothing more than an IP, yes that does suck. Because I remember ME1, 2, KOTOR, Jade Empire - and had they been left alone, the docs would most likely be there and we wouldn't have bi yearly rehashes under an engine designed for first person shooters, which doesn't even do THAT job correctly.

With all the mistakes made time and time again, that hindsight 20/20 should be seen before concept art is drawn. It isn't. Which brings me back to the relic employees again that have no business still being here in this day and age.

This is getting way off track. Carry on with the game. I just want to make sure to even out Mist's propaganda here with fairly objective facts.

I can guarantee you, no dev ever said at a meeting "how can we make shitty content that nobody likes".
One last thing: No. What was said was how can we develop as much content as possible and make it seem like a lot of care was put into it when the goal was to smash in as much content as possible to write on the back of a marketing box in an RPG called DA:I - which is seen as mediocre by players every time because they also see the glimpses of the story content which was hand crafted jammed inside of it, and can easily make the distinction.


Vyemm Raider
The graphical issues must be pretty hit or miss, had a 7 hour session yesterday with no issues but friends were having multiple issues. The beach area in storm coast looks pretty amazing on ultra ive still yet to run into button "mashy" combat. Yes you do hold down your attack button and cycle through your cooldowns but even then youre still not constantly pressing the next asap due to CDs and STA.

I did notice my squad get stuff behind geometry once leaving me to have to manually move them all during a fight but have only had it happen once since i started.

Not being able to lock my compass on N is kinda infuriated, i pull up my map every 30sec to make sure im heading in right general area.

The combat complaints are interesting, if you removed D:OS from being turn based youd be spamming buttons like no tomorrow, but when DA does it i guess its criminal. This game is not the 2nd coming but its a very fun and quite addictive experience so far and for how much time you can put into it, the $45-70 is well spent. You arent going to find any Dark Souls level dungeon crawl but you will find alot of cool areas littered with tons of objectives to keep you busy.

So far this game is still 9/10 for me, and if i didint have work and class id likely sit down for another 10 straight hours.


I'm Amod too!
My biggest complaint so far is I wish that herbs/metals would show up on the minimap after you did a search. Having to stand there panning the camera around for several minutes trying to find what you just pinged can get a bit annoying.


Molten Core Raider
Do I need to do anything special to get the pre-order armor? I got the deluxe addition but I don't see any items when I start the game.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Did you check origin for the download links. Most of these kinds of adds are usually additional downloads for Bioware games. They got rid of that ancient bioware site and now do everything directly from origin.