Dragon Age: Inquisition (Plot Details in Spoilers!)


<Silver Donator>
On my last reroll, I went to Val Royeaux after only doing a few things in Hinterlands, and damn it changes everything. First you get like a level from codex entries shit, which helps with the "slow leveling" thing and not having enough skills. Second important thing, you unlock A LOT of companions from just doing that. That's a big plus cause I wanted to switch up my party. I switched from 2H war to 1H tank, kicked Cassandra out(though I kinda like her) and added Vivienne. She has some fucking great dialogues too so that's nice. Kept Solas and Varric, I didn't like Sera so Varric is my archer and I kinda want two mages, Solas is like full Spirit atm with the much better barrier and shit, only spell other than that he has is the Freeze one he starts with, which does shit dmg but the constant freezing is useful. I made Vivienne Lightning based since I figure the AI wouldn't be able to use the fire aoes correctly anyway. Really like this party.

The AI is so garbage though, really miss DA:O setup. Like Solas has dispel right, but he uses it completely randomly if I set it to active. He'll often pops barriers with it which is nice, but he'll also try to dispel animals and obviously he always has it on cd during rifts when a new wave spawns so fuck that. So I have to turn it off and do it manually. I also have 2 mages with barriers but they overwrite each other all the time instead of waiting for barriers to be down before recasting. I'd also like for them to only barrier me(the tank), and not barrier themselves when they're not even taking dmg. I also had to take stealth for Varric since I want to get knockout powder for stray mobs/rogue mobs/teleporters etc, and the idiot will often stealth then wait until it's over to attack again. Had to turn it off, he doesn't try to use stealth for damage like ever. Oh and they often randomly decide that they need to fire their spells/crossbow from melee range, because why not, so I have to move them away constantly. I can get it when I push a mob into LoS, but quite often it seems completely random, mob is perfectly fine and they'll still run in melee to do whatever.

But eh, game's really fun regardless. The combat is a lot more interesting as a tank than as anything else so far, since you have the shield block stance thing that you need to time correctly, then attack a bit, then block and so on. It's very fun, and surprisingly, tank damage is actually good so you don't feel completely worthless. It's not like super high damage, but it's pretty good.

One question, on specialization, once you unlock specs, do all your companions also unlock theirs? Are they set to certain specs or can you pick them?


Golden Squire
Yeah, I really don't think Bioware intended for you to stay in the Hinterlands for a bazillion hours before going to Val Royeux.


Trakanon Raider
What is a good method to make $?
Can "cheat". War table "gather gold" mission. Start mission, alt tab to your pc clock config, set clock ahead one hour, ok, tab back, collect reward, start mission, alt tab, forward another hour, and so on.

Even with only 100g per mission, you get the gold as fast as you can alt tab and click ok.

No idea if gold becomes more abundant later, but I have access to vendors with loot (not that good either) that cost 4000+ gold. I play like Mist, and I spent around 30 hours before I got to the new base. At level 12 the loot that drops still only sells for 10-60g. Can't really afford to buy anything.

Not killed any dragons yet. Finished most of Hinterlands, Storm and the fallen something. In Oasis now.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
PSA: Don't bother spending an hour looking for a place to change your clothing in Skyhold, because there isn't one.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Ok so the general feeling I am getting across the interwebs is that Knight Enchanter is OP because it can do Melee damage, restore its barrier and tank dragons like a boss. All well and good except I was getting my ass handed to me on non-boss fights maybe 1 out of 10 times. Now I don't mean I was wiping because Blackwall specced full tank/aggro is a BEAST and Dorian + Sera also weren't bad but even so I found myself having to carefully micromanage some fights because of the number of things that could happen to me.

This included getting stunned, staggered, dispelled, shield blocked, (rarely) having more damage done to me then I could get back with spirit blade and finally being unable to catch something to hit before my barrier ran out... again. On nightmare some of the spirits will kite the fuck out of you so I was using my Fade out and frost step thing like crazy while my party was killing everything. Didn't feel more effective then just a basic mage build I was using pre-specialization. And if you are wondering I had all of the KE tree minus the very last talent. The spirit tree barrier, Fire tree up to the cooldown reduction and frost tree up to barrier explode.

So I had a save right before I turned in KE and decided I'd go back and run through the Rift Mage line and give it a go. Itfeelsstronger. The spells aren't super showy but you can cast those stacking aoe's often and just weaken everything and watch it all melt. If Rift mage weaken stacks I'm going to spec Solas into it and see if I can break the game.

Anway I'm going to try and play the Rift mage through a semi full zone run and see if I still feel the same way after.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
How do you get the specializations for party members to unlock? Only 3 of mine have it.


Lord Nagafen Raider
How do you get the specializations for party members to unlock? Only 3 of mine have it.
Assuming you have done to Skyhold quest to unlock yours just take the party member out with you on a mission. That seems to do it for most of them.


Trakanon Raider
So whats the deal with the upgrades for Skyhold? Anything special in particular or do they just give you a little bit of what they state they give? Like the garden is either money or herbs. Is it rare herbs? A lot of them? A lot of money?

I'm thinking of adding the Chantry for money.. then I can easily buy those tomes for Inq Perks. The expensive ones add 3000 Influence.


Mobile Game Hunter
Had a giftcard to bestbuy that I had forgotten about, so picked this up for free on the PC... but Origin is having server trouble and won't let me register it. Bastards.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Yup origin looks to be down. Guess I will disconnect the interwebs to play DAO. Why doesn't it just default to an offline mode? This is stupid.

And I completely agree with Pyros on the party AI. They really dropped the ball there. In general I have noticed the idle party animations pretty bugged. They all walk around into each other as if high speed. It's hilarious. The AI was really great in the past, you could instruct them to stay back etc. Guess having an open world and the new engine made it tough for them to get it right.


Silver Squire
Yea, the ai completely sucks ass, so on more difficult fights, I tend to just leave it in tactical mode and use ctrl or right trigger to control the flow of time. That way I can continue to give order and move them out of aoe. It's not the greatest method, but it beats them bathing in fire and dying over and over.


<Silver Donator>
Yeah well took knockout powder on Varric, surprise, he fucking runs in melee range to go sleep shit I'm fighting instead of only keeping it when shit gets on his ass, so I'm gonna respec him out of that too. I kinda wanted to spec Solas into cold stuff too to get mines as defensive measures but he apparently never casts mines, or ice wall on his own. I could use them tactically but I said fuck that, instead I'm gonna get the fire aoe, it's good damage over time for bosses and shit with the 2pt in it and the passive for longer burns.

Kinda running out of stuff to get though, at this point it's all pointless shit. I guess I should advance the story to unlock specializations, I'm lvl 9 and almost done with Hinterlands, only the lvl 12 rifts, the dragon area and a bit of redcliff left. Sadly I look at those collections shit and most of them aren't done and I feel like I must have missed stuff, it annoys me.


Vyemm Raider
Ive yet to bother picking up any of those crystals in any zone - any reason to do it?


Lord Nagafen Raider
And I completely agree with Pyros on the party AI. They really dropped the ball there.
This lack of AI competence you guys keep talking about has me worried. I remember FF12 party AI being amazing in terms of telling your party how to behave and they actually did it well without having to micromanage every fight. I guess I'm going to be spoiled by FF12 (a game I haven't played in 8 years...the gambit system I think?) when I get my PS4 and DA:I. Unfortunate but still looking forward to trying Inquisition.


<Silver Donator>
This lack of AI competence you guys keep talking about has me worried. I remember FF12 party AI being amazing in terms of telling your party how to behave and they actually did it well without having to micromanage every fight. I guess I'm going to be spoiled by FF12 (a game I haven't played in 8 years...the gambit system I think?) when I get my PS4 and DA:I. Unfortunate but still looking forward to trying Inquisition.
DA:O and FF12 had very similar systems, you set up a "line" with an ability, a targetting scheme and a conditional and you unlock more slots as you go, which lets you customize multiple situations kinda like a script(if you have x mana then use this, if an enemy is close, then use that etc). I assume it takes a while to make so that's why they removed it.

Wouldn't be a problem if they designed the AI to not be fucking retarded. I mean it's playable most of the time but it's really annoying to see the same stupid stuff in every game. If a char is ranged and a mob goes out of line of sight, the way to get back in line of sight should be by circling around the object while staying at range, not running closer, but they simply reuse the pathing for "move to melee range" which will solve the line of sight problem at the same time and save time coding an actual system. Abilities being misused isn't even an issue of not properly coding and more an issue of not properly tagging abilities.

For example Solas has Mind Blast or whatever which is a pbae knockback. He only uses it when enemies get close to him, he never runs into melee range to use it. That's what you'd expect. However Varric runs into melee range to knockout powder stuff, even though they're basically the same abilities, defensive crowd control. I assume it does because whoever coded it didn't bother adding a ranged weapon/melee weapon conditional, so it behaves assuming you're melee(the tree is stealth based, which is kinda melee oriented, though works fine with ranged too). Some abilities just aren't used properly by the AI(for example charging bull is terrible since the AI doesn't turn during it and tends to cancel it super late).


Vyemm Raider
I noticed the tactical menu can be pretty annoying, at one puzzle in Exalted Highlands you need to position your minions to each do something, but everytime i had them start something they'd just run back to me after even if i put hold position. I eventually got it through various juggling but it was still a pita that you cant issue more tailored commands.

Now im L22 w/ 14 perk points used? something like that. However im 58 hours in and still havent done the story mission about the Abyss or w/e. After i kill the last dragon and bang josie i think it will be time to conclude this. My Archer is just about 50% crit w/ 120% crit bonus, he does some pretty nice dmg w/ his skittles.

Its good to make sure you kill alot of mobs and find fade touched items, i found one that cast hidden blades and everytime i AE i see copies of myself stabbing bitches - its very enjoyable.