Duel of Champions (Might @Magic F2p CCG)


Similar to what others have said I am enjoying this over Hearthstone but keep in mind that I have only just finished the campaign. I have played Magic since Revised and over all I have not been one for constructed and enjoy limited far greater. Any word if there is a draft or sealed type event coming down the pipeline?


<Silver Donator>
Alright bit weird question but should I be opening the early packs? I picked the fire deck thing, it looks decent enough, I opened one pack and got a few more cards to switch the shit I didn't like. Still have 2 packs, but I noticed there isn't an actual opening thing or pack selection, are the packs already selected to be only a certain type, or can I for example unlock one of the expansion shit then open them for a chance to get expansion cards?

Also thanks to this thread I found out there was a campaign, shit's not obvious at all, there's the tutorial but it never drops you back on the campaign screen to select the real campaigns and I forgot it even was there after doing the tutorial.


Avatar of War Slayer
im not sure what you mean?
If you have packs yeah. open them. no reason not to.

In the "cards and decks" tab, open packs is down in the bottom right. no you can't pick and choose, which you want to open. they just open one at a time.

There are certain types yes.
you can look in the marketplace to see.

Small pack is not cost effective. but you might get one or two from achievements.
it will have 2 cards from the basic decks. (not sure if you can get heros)

Reinforcement pack is the one you should be buying most early.
it is 12 cards. 8 common, 3 uncommon, 1 rare/epic. From the basic decks.

Heroic pack. costs more then reinforcement.
1 hero from base set. 2 common from that heros faction. 1 uncommon from that faction. +random cards. 1 hero/7cards total.

Void risings gives 12 cards from the First expansion. Void rising. same common/etc ratio as reinforcement. Chance for heroes with each random.

Herald of the void. same deal. Second expansion.

Forgotten wars, same deal Third expansion. Costs seals.

In order to buy cards from the alter of wishes, you need 100 cards of that expansion. so you need 9 packs of Void rising, in order to use wildcards to buy void rising cards. (not sure if dupes count)

"premium packs" are just "foil" cards. not even as fun and animated like heartstone. really not worth it.


<Silver Donator>
Well my question was that you need cards from the expansion to be able to get them with the altar and I was wondering if having cards from the expansion would let me get expansion cards out of the reinforcement packs they gave me, but I guess they're just set as normal packs from the start so they always give vanilla cards.

Doing the campaign but the death decks are pretty fucking retarded, server going down so will try again after.

Btw the daily it says it gives better rewards if you wait, but for the 3rd say it does +1 gold? Is it fucked up until you get to the last day(which has a seal icon so I guess it gives seals then)? I've been saving them for now since I wasn't sure and don't mind logging in once a day anyway.


Avatar of War Slayer
ah then no. Emelio's pack is random from basic, and first 2 expansions though. costs more per card though.

gold boost, not one gold. (x2 or x.5 gold for 5 games iirc dont remember which.)
You get like 60-75 seals for the final day.

Also resets at 7pm eastern btw.


<Silver Donator>
Ah great I picked the right time to start playing, 2days before they remake the decks.


Avatar of War Slayer
how the heck does melee shooter work? haha. wonder what will have that tag and thematically make sense.


Molten Core Raider
I see there's gonna be new starter decks. I'm level 5 or 6, is it worth rerolling ? I wanna do it for the alienware code as well (120 cards if your uplay account is less than 6 hours old).


<Silver Donator>
I see there's gonna be new starter decks. I'm level 5 or 6, is it worth rerolling ? I wanna do it for the alienware code as well (120 cards if your uplay account is less than 6 hours old).
What's the alienware code?

And for melee shooter was reading it's just a shooter basically that can deploy in front line(so like a flyer) and benefit from melee bonuses if you have any.


Avatar of War Slayer
says it can be placed in front row and back row. And yeah, benefits from things that boost melee and shooter.


Buzzfeed Editor
I have no idea about new decks but theres a few different strategies I've seen for getting started. (PS Always grow your daily rewards out to the full week, you can get over 100 seals sometimes (I got like 130 once).

Some day use your seals and buy gold/xp boosts and just power your way up to level 10,15,20. Those milestones give a lot of gold/cards. Then once you are there can worry about spending your amassed seals now that you sorta know what you want from opponents smashing you. (Don't rush up ELO early, just puts you at a wall at 500 and 1000 ELO vs decks that will clown on you.)

The other is just depending on the deck you are trying to play, focus early on buying reinfocement packs for the base set, or for certain factions, buying box/packs of the newest void. If you are really patient it's more cost effective to save up to get the 1000-3000 seal box's especially on special. Don't run multiple accounts because you'll just end up with awesome orange cards all split out and you can't decide which account to love on.

It is quick enough to blaze a new account through campaign and grind multiplayer to hit like lv 5 and have enough for a box or two, and keep doing that until you get an account that had a good draw from the boxes. (IE the right rares/legends that are for the faction you'd like.)

The forgotten wars I think will be gold not seals for packs after todays new expansion release.


Buzzfeed Editor
After reading patchnotes... damn despite being lv 9 and a lot of time into one account, I may have to try these new starter decks. (Better versions of the existing, + sanctuary starter deck <3.) Sanctuary is really strong and kinda FOTM with crazy creature abils, I hadn't made a deck as I hadn't unlocked void in the wildcard area yet and hadn't drawn many of their cards for shit to even begin to have a deck.


Trakanon Raider
I think I'm going to start over as well. I started as necro, but I'm not a fan of how necro creatures are overall slow / low dps. I also wasted my entire collection of 50+ wildcards crafting commons/uncommons for necro before I realized how terrible of an idea that was. Think I'm going to reroll as inferno, and make much more informed purchasing decisions this time.


<Silver Donator>
Made a new account and managed to log in, they redid the tutorial you can now play games against the AI to test the decks out before you pick, also there's Stronghold now as a starting deck. Sanctuary and Academy are both locked though, can't pick them as starting decks. Think I'll go Inferno again it looked cool enough when I tried it before. Looking at the cards though they added some stuff from the previous expansions, there's a bunch I hadn't seen before. I think the small icon in bottom right corner is the set the cards are from right? Have some little crowns and some others so I guess it's the first 2 expansions.


Trakanon Raider
Yeah all the starting decks were upgraded with cards from base, void rising, void herald, and forgotten war sets. From first glance, it looks like the starter decks are all more powerful now as well. The free herald of the void pack code expired today, so can't use that on the new account, but I feel the new starter decks make up for it.


Buzzfeed Editor
You'll like inferno early, but generally from forums seems to be one of the weaker factions at any competitive level. Apparently due to creatures stat allotments being used up by high retaliation with low hp, and generally less powerful specials. (Sweep seems amazing early on but playing for a while now most people avoid/negate it.)


Avatar of War Slayer
well thats why it does have a good rush deck. those early sweeps. a couple dark assassins. ouch.
2/1/3 sweep, immune to retal is really strong for that mana cost.
2teleport, dispel, 3fire blasts good deck.

I keep wanting to put some fireballs, enchant weapons. zerk. card count starts adding up fast though.

I am not much of a fan of infernos higher cards yeah.
Pit lords etc terrible.